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Sorry I didn't read from the start and the last one I read from Clare said 'Good luck for tomorrow'

Apologies, I have misread threads twice this week - am losing marbles I think.

Good luck for next week - the waiting is awful. I didn't feel pregnant at all with my first and had had an ectopic pregnancy 6 months earlier so I was absolutely convinced something would go wrong but it was completely fine. I took books amd magazines for the waiting room but there was no way I could read them, I was pacing up and down feeling sick with nerves.

PS if you don't want to know the sex, make sure you tell them immediately. I was convinced that they wouldn't even be able to tell this at the 12 week scan so I didn't bother mentioning that we absolutely didn't want to find out the sex. I then spent the rest of the scan really upset after the doctors first comment was "there are the male genitals"

prd, that's rubbish - I can't believe they just told you. I thought they were really strict about not mentioning the sex unless asked. And I also thought (but am not so sure on this one) that they couldn't be sure at the first scan anyway, so even if they thought they knew they wouldn't say...

Don't know what the policy is, if indeed there is one, but this very nice Spanish research fellow just blurted it out the second he'd got the the scanner on my stomach.

Just to round off the joke, the scan picture looks like the baby is lying there with his little willy pointing skywards. Unlikely to be a willy at all of course, but once the doctor had divulged, we couldn't get it out of our heads that was what we could see on the picture.

They do a great job at Kings but often bedside manner/tact etc is out of the window. This was the same scan where the same Spanish research fellow said "I just need to ask the dootor in charge to come and check the measurements as the baby's legs look extremely short". Doctor checks it all and all in normal range but the 10 minutes that took felt like 10 hours - cue more tears from me.

A simple, "The measurements need to be double checked" would have sufficed and then they could have panicked me as and when it was really necessary.

Sorry Sally, you probably don't want to hear all of this but you should be prepared! I should also point out that they do much of the scan in silence, taking measurements and sometimes conferring with another doctor. It's quite unnerving to have two people looking at your insides and whispering in hushed tones, but this doesn't mean there is anything to worry about x

No...i do appreciate knowing all of the 'ins and outs'. I actually do feel far more prepared for the scan after reading the forum and everyone else's experiences. I don't want to know the sex of the baby so I will alert them to that immediately - sorry you had your surprise ruined prdarling. When i told my partner he said he'd heard a similar story at work and it was top of his list of things to say when we get in there.

Despite still having niggling worries about the scan my new concern is that I have now turned into a horrible psycho nutter and have been a nightmare to be around for the last couple of days! My fella is probably packing his bags right now!

Hi...after all your kind words I wanted to let you know that I had my scan today and all is well with our little one.

It was a little dramatic and there were panicked tears from me because for a long while there was no baby on the screen and the two ladies I had carrying out proceedings were repeatedly asking me the same questions, in what I thought, in my sensitive state, were slightly concerned voices. They kept asking if I was sure I'd had no bleeding and was sure about my due date. It just felt like the couldn't find my baby so I burst into tears and asked if all was okay? I also think I said 'is there a baby?!' to which they said yes and were suddenly very apologetic for upsetting me. They were extremely lovely really, I was just anxious to see the baby obviously and they were struggling to find him/her. But our baby is there and is doing well! Phew.

Thanks again for all your kind words and good luck to all the mums to be on the EDF. Hope to meet some of you at some point with babies due around the same time.

Glad all went well Sally81, did notice with my first scan they spent a long time looking around bubs before looking at bubs - am guessing it's similar to when I examine an ankle injury... I start at the knee (as there can sometimes be an injury there despite the pain being at the ankle) and systematically go down - by having a systemic approach means nothings missed (but it does feel like a long time when you're waiting to see your lil one) have been amazed to find how much they do have to look out for/check at each scan.

My hubbie complete headed off any fears by asking the research fellows before the scan even started if we'd get a refund on the photo vouchers if there wasn't a baby, and then within secs of the scan starting "Is there a baby in there then?!"

.... it's lucky I love him!

Thanks all...yep have done nothing much but stare at the pics! We didn't get amazing ones cos baby wasn't playing ball, but even so...

Ha,ha....Buggie good ploy by your hubby. Once we knew things were okay mine was just intent on checking there was only one!

Right, off to work to bore colleagues with the scan pics now.


sorry to jump in on your thread but when do you find out when your scan is going to be? I went to the doctors as soon as I found out I was pregnant but havent heard anything yet about when I have to go to hosp for scan. Im now in my 9th week. Should I have heard from hosp with scan date by now? The first time round I didnt get to see a midwife for booking in etc until I was 15 weeks(very nearly 16) and she had the nerve to say I had left it late to see her but id gone as soon as I got an appointment, I guess there must have been a hold up at my doctors or something. Dont want the same happening this time so just wondering how soon I would know. leanne
Leanne, def chase this!! I was sent a date for biking in ( around 10 weeks) and scan date (12 weeks 3 days) very soon after seeing my gp. The scan date is important for the Mughal scan as there is a fairly small window. I ended up changing from kings to Tommys, my booking appt never arrived... I called and ended up speaking with the head of midwifery there who gave me a next day appointment ! Maybe chase with kings rather than your Dr. Good luck x

hi thanks clare, just got straight on to it and kings say they never recieved anything from my doctors, rand my doctors and they say they faxed the info in the 18th june!

I am going to put it down to doctors being rubish as before I got pregnant Id been waiting about 3 months for a gyne app to help with my endometriosis which hadnt arrived by the time I went to gp to say I was pregnant. Mentioned it to him when I went in and he just said "oh looks like you got lost in system!" looks like its happened again.

got to ring back this afternoon to speak to midwife after doctors fax info again, thanks so much I though I was being really impatient-glad I asked now. x

Well after a very frustrating afternoon I'm now signed up to a different doctors and booked into see the midwife on wed.

This has been the last straw in a long line of thing to piss me off about my doctors and I've had enough. They didn't bother faxing my details across before closing for the afternoon (at 11.30) even though I'd stressed to them on the phone the midwives needed it asap. I went and singed on at dulwich medical centre and I'm seeing them next wed so fingers crossed I will now be in the system.

I have been following this thread with interest, and wanted to come on and give a big thumbs up to the Harris Birthright Centre after my 12 week scan yesterday for baby number 2. I, along with a lot of others, had a very long wait to be seen at every scan throught my last pregnancy. Yesterday we were seen on the dot of our appointment time and were out of the door about an hour later. I didn't even get to finish Grazia! Seriously impressed, and feel very lucky that we have these fantastic facilities right on our doorstep, including the early pregnancy unit which I had to visit at 9 weeks due to bleeding.

I suspect I might have just been very lucky, but managed to book an early morning slot for the 20 weeks scan so am keeping my fingers crossed that it is the same next time.

I'd like to echo Vicksters thumbs up for the Harris Birthright Centre. We had out 12 week scan last week and after our past experiences with the NHS were pleasantly surprised and impressed how good the staff and facilities are. I suspect it may vary on who you get but we had a great doctor who made lots of jokes and told us what he was looking at and why (there were also 2 or 3 trainees with him who were all very good too). Our wee one did give him a bit of bother with the Nucal scan as they were sitting in a position where he couldn't get a decent picture but he spent ages on it until he got a picture he was happy with even though he was running over time which we appreciated (although those waiting for us to finished may have not).

It is pretty amazing how much they have developed even at 12 weeks, the wee one was pretty active during the scan, kicking around and waving their arms about, very cool :)

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