green army Posted March 9, 2010 Share Posted March 9, 2010 i am writing to see if anyone is also concerned about the speed of the traffic in ryedale Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ryedalema Posted March 10, 2010 Share Posted March 10, 2010 Indeed - we've nearly been side swiped a number of times as I've opened the door of our car to put our newbie into her car seat. That plus the number of vehicles that do a u-turn in the t junction with Cornflower terrace and scrape/bang into the cars parked along Ryedale as they misjudge the size of their vehicle. Our car has about a half dozen foreign paints along its wing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KalamityKel Posted March 10, 2010 Share Posted March 10, 2010 Concerned generally about the speed everywhere in ED. Ryedale isn't a singled out road. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edanna Posted March 10, 2010 Share Posted March 10, 2010 Have you written to the council? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
green army Posted March 10, 2010 Author Share Posted March 10, 2010 The council and police also tessa jowell have all been told to no avail Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 10, 2010 Share Posted March 10, 2010 Bring up the topic at your local Community Council and/or Police Ward Panel.I agree with someone above that such problems are in many streets all over the world!I use that road to cut the corner when heading up to the top of Lordship Lane, and when coming back I use it so I can park outside the Co-op and nip in to get milk.At a local Police Ward Panel someone came along and raised this about a year ago saying they were sick of big lorries and others going down it. I suggested their satnavs may be telling them to use the road so they are not to know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Burbage Posted March 11, 2010 Share Posted March 11, 2010 green army Wrote:-------------------------------------------------------> The council and police also tessa jowell have all> been told to no availIf, as I think, Ryedale is in a 20mph zone, then you'll have no luck. That's because 20mph zones are self-enforcing. Currently, the self-enforcement comes in the form of humps and cushions, though Southwark is leading attempts to relax the regulations and allow them to be self-enforcing by willpower alone (item 2, here).Of course, what Southwark puts on it's website isn't the whole story, and a slightly fuller guide to their thinking is on the Local Government Association' site (here)From that, you might imagine that the Police might play a role of some sort. But comments from the Met in Tessa Jowell's patch (here) make it very clear what Plod's response might be to any consultation.In other words, the current situation is as good, and probably better, than we'll ever get. But that's politics for you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
green army Posted March 11, 2010 Author Share Posted March 11, 2010 If the police are not interested who is then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edf Posted March 11, 2010 Share Posted March 11, 2010 Green Army,It clear that no-one in power is interested or willing to enforce the current traffic laws. There was 2,964 deaths on the roads in 2007 which is generally a downward trend but this was happen due to any other deliberate cause, for example terrorism, that there would be huge amount money spent and will power used to resolving the issue.To resolve the issue, here are is a simple, cheap and extremely effective ways to so. Currently all the money raised from traffic enforcement is given to the central gouvernment, if instead it was given (or even partially given) to the authority which issued the fine. They would be able to fund the enforcement or yellow boxes, average speed cameras, and police to patrol areas and identify poor drivers. This would lead to more care on the road and removal of the people incapable of controlling their speed. I would also take it a little further and allow the public to submit CCTV examples for bad driving, which would have to meet high standards to recieve some of the fine. This would encourage the people to install there own equipement in their homes or cars to catch poor driving and preventing the drivers of braking hard just before cameras and then accelerating away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
green army Posted March 15, 2010 Author Share Posted March 15, 2010 Just wondering if anybody else has any views on the speed of traffic in ryedale. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twinmummy Posted March 15, 2010 Share Posted March 15, 2010 Me, I do! We are in the process of having some building work done on our house in Ryedale (so haven't quite moved in yet, but I've been spending a lot of time there). I have noticed lots of very speedy vehicles lately. I have two toddlers, so am obviously concerned about this as it's not easy holding 2 lots of little hands when piling out of the car etc. Would be happy to attend any meeting / second any traffic calming proposals you make, so let me know.Sarah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 15, 2010 Share Posted March 15, 2010 Yeah more road bumps, that would work...Wait for your foundations to be affected as the traffic thunders over them, then think again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbo1964 Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 My house is in Ryedale but was originally in Balchier. Maybe divide the road off at Cornflower and make it a no through road? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VikkiM Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 There is a Nunhead and Peckham Rye Community Counil tonight from 7.00pm at St Mary Magdalene Primary School, 48 Brayards Road, London, SE15 3RA. It might be a little dominated by the Cleaner Greener Safer bids but it would be worth coming along. The Traffic sub-group is reporting back to the meeting and I know that Renata Hamvas (also Peckham Rye Labour candidate) raised concerns about Forest Hill Road at the meeting so there may be some development - one issue of concern with Ryedale that I've also heard is traffic as it enters Forest Hill Road.It may be that the traffic sub-group can take up this issue or alternatively you could raise it during public question time. You will get a response at the next meeting though, from experience, this rarely solves the actual problem...I've also asked the councillors that they invite the Executive Member for Environment (which covers traffic management) and/or a senior traffic officer to a future meeting. That won't be until after the elections but it does seem that there is a variety of traffic/speeding/rat-run concerns in our area that we'd all like to have the chance to press. In addition, soon after the elections, I think the Community Councils will be asked to draw up a bit more of a vision for what they want for our area and to set some priorities. The idea being, hopefully, that they become a bit more than a just a forum to discuss stuff and start having a bit more direction from month to month. If traffic calming is a big priority for our area this would be a good chance to get it on the agenda.I was interested by the links posted by Burbage but on the other hand if there is a problem with speeding in a 20mph zone, and if residents want traffic calming measures and don't think they are a waste of money, then there is a strong case for them to remain or be installed. However, as PeckhamRose mentioned lots of people aren't fans of speed bumps and the noise and vibrations they can cause.I'll ask the Peckham Rye Councillors to raise this with the council as well. However, just to get this straight in my head, I thought that there were speed bumps on Ryedale - at least at the top end - but the general consensus is that they don't work? I know that there is plenty of evidence that small speed 'cushions' offer comparatively minor reductions in traffic speeds, whereas full width humps are now considered much more effective. As a result, lots of 'cushions' are being replaced with full width humps elsewhere.I think that those who shout the loudest often get the resources so I'd reiterate some on the comments above about attending meetings and keeping nagging police/council/councillors etc.Victoria.Peckham Rye Labour Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 I'd like to shout the loudest about not putting speed humps on yet more roads.The bigger cars just slam over them and this can cause damage to houses' foundations. Closing off Ryedale, yeah, let's close off yet another road. More traffic will need then go into Dunstans, itself already over -loaded and in an appalling condition (and very narrow at that junction next to the DIY store) as it is.I use Ryedale coming home often, so I can turn left out of it into Forest Hill Road and park along the road to go to Co-op or Post office.Still, instead I could continue down and turn right into Dunstans, wait my turn to join that traffic at the traffic lights, turn right, then wait for oncoming traffic to let me squeeze in across it to park and go to the shops. Could do that for you if it would make you 'appy. Or just go down RyeDale and left to the shops.It's their satnavs I tell you! The satnavs are telling them to take that turning! All your roadbumps speedbumps traffic calming and so on won't stop the traffic and closing off the road will irritate a lot of you Ryedalefolk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oakeskev1 Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 There's no way you could top 30mph on Ryedale without endangering yourself let alone others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 Yeah? Says who! ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAllSeeingEye Posted March 16, 2010 Share Posted March 16, 2010 Says me in my car Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Barber Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 In East Dulwich we funded the East Dulwich Police via Cleaner, Greener, Safer funds to provide state of the art speed guns/camera and active speed sign. They now have the tools to enforce speed limits.The Peckham Rye Police team don't have such tools so they can;t enforce speed limits.I wonder if the Labour Peckham Rye councillors will have decided to provide such tools or other crime fighting/prevention kit? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAllSeeingEye Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 There are more pressing crimes that need dealing with in my view, like the current spate of attacks/muggings of people in other speeding on Ryedale, its no worse than any other road in ED Im sure. The roads were built before the invention of the motor car and are therefore not ideal. Couple this with some idiots out there on the roads in general and of course there are going to be incidents of too much speed inappropriately, as well as all manner of other things.Its just something we'll have to live with Im afraid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAllSeeingEye Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Although of course I sympathise, there isnt a lot we can do apart from appeal to peoples better nature and common sense. Drive carefully. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeckhamRose Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Exactly, you councillors and other politicians are turning everything / seeing everything as a crime. It is not a crime for a driver/ biker to drive sensibly over a particular speed limit when one is able to drive sensibly, see the road in advance and plan ahead as recommended by the Institute of Advanced Motoring. But no, politicians say 'let's make it a 20mph zone' so now we're crims. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SeanMacGabhann Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Ideas for reducing road deaths that don't involve pissing PeckhamRose off...GO!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horsebox Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Good luck with that!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VikkiM Posted March 17, 2010 Share Posted March 17, 2010 Just a brief update from Community Council last night. The existing Community Council has recommended that the new (post election) Community Council invite the Executive Member for Environment to an early meeting. Will post details on here when it's arranged. Would be a good chance to raise traffic concerns for those interested. Also there was a general consensus at the meeting that traffic and transport issues that had been passed on the the traffic 'sub-group' had received attention and progress had been made. The Community Council recommended that the sub-group be started up again after the election. Nunhead and Peckham Rye Community Council is the only Community Council to have sub-groups which are made up of councillors, residents and officers and which are able to work on issues on more detail in a way Community Council meetings don't always allow. I'd encourage interested people to get involved. I think PeckhamRose's presence would lead to some lively debate!Victoria.Peckham Rye Labour Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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