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Court Lane resurfacing from 9 March

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Hi Steveo,

I'm sorry you feel I'm being 'slippery'. I'm trying to answer your queries without becoming the councillor solely for Steveo.

Hi intexatthe moment,

With regards to secondary school admissions policy. I did take to long to answer and I hope I apologised at the time for that delay. It didn't feel like an urgent piece of casework compared to others. I had thought I'd answered your queries about this and corrected my original response. If you wish me to respond further then please PM me.

Road renewals. Residents in community council areas were asked via the community council take note newsletters, letters/emails sent to all community council attendees and also posters to various community groups across Southwark. Southwark website I'm assured also referenced it. I don't have back copies of Southwark Life to check if that reported this consultation and I'm not clear any public value of asking council officers to check. And yes this is a small subset of all residents but reaching all residents would have been dispraportionality expensive compared to the funds being allocated.

If anyone is keen to receive such documents for the Dulwich Community Council area, which includes East Dulwich, then email the committee secretary [email protected]

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James - as far as I can see Steveo has asked about the cost of producing Southwark Life and resurfacing roads.

It's true that he has persisted with his enquiries in an effort to get an answer.

Is that wrong ?

You seem to be implying that he is monopolising your services .

I'm trying to answer your queries without becoming the councillor solely for Steveo

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Hi intexasthe moment,

In various posts I have responded about the costs of Southwark Life and our requirements to produce such a magazine.

I've posted the documents stating how roads are assessed, the costs, what proportion is spent on roads and lighting.

It was then suggested I'd been 'slippery' and Steveo wanted more information. You added that you wanted more information which I thought I'd provided.

What is the issue you want persued?

Is it related to Cort Lane?

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James - bit of cross posting with your Can I help Thread ,I think.

My ongoing concern is with Southwark Secondary Schools and I have been querying with you the assertion that Caroline Pidgeon had negotiated a common entrance policy.

You think that common entrance application form = common entrance policy and I disagree.

You have responded to both me and Steveo - I think we should be allowed to keep posting if we are not happy with your reply or feel that it doesn't answer our concern without sarcastic remarks about " being the councillor solely for Steveo ".

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James Barber Wrote:


> Hi intexasthe moment,

> In various posts I have responded about the costs

> of Southwark Life and our requirements to produce

> such a magazine.

> I've posted the documents stating how roads are

> assessed, the costs, what proportion is spent on

> roads and lighting.

> It was then suggested I'd been 'slippery' and

> Steveo wanted more information. You added that you

> wanted more information which I thought I'd

> provided.

> What is the issue you want persued?

> Is it related to Cort Lane?


If any road in SE22 needs resurfacing its Goodrich Road. Between Crystal Palace road and Friern Road it is a disgrace as is the crossroads between Goodrich and Crystal Palace.

I agree with some others that the money spent on Court Lane is inappropriate. I'm sure it further increases their already significant house prices though. At whose expense?

Please focus on some of the less glamourous roads in the area.

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Like Rye Lane, as someone posted on another thread.

It is pretty disgusting that Court Road gets the money when other roads are terrible. I cycle everywhere and the potholes I have to dodge all the time make cycling more dangerous than it needs to be. Court road is fine. Rye Lane is a death trap.

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Every road in the borough should be resurfaced the whole borough is long overdue these works.

My concern would be the quality of the contractors work.

It appears the depth of tarmac on some roads was laid so thin it is amazing that it has lasted as long as it has only thanks to some very mild winters.

I do hope that the works are fully inspected by the council and we get what we are paying for.

Does the council have the equipment and the desire to check the quality of the work?

We all know how corrupt the council tender process is for issuing these contracts and there are only a few companies who are competent in this area it?s pretty much guaranteed work what a pity we don?t get a guarantee on the quality of the works.

My guess is we all pay double what we should we should, at least deserve a propper job, but it looks like we get a rotten deal.

Let?s see how long these surfaces last.

Just until the next election is my guess.

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Rye lay is shot to the formation level. The trenching by the utilities has compromised the integrity of the road and the evidence is clear to see to all with rutting, hard and soft spots, reflective cracking etcetera.

I standard 30mm plane and resurface with a stone mastic asphalt will not suffice or it will look the same by this time next year. It needs to be reconstructed with rigid construction so future trenching by the utilities can reinstated and tied in.

I would think you could spend most of Southwark?s annual maintenance budget on the stretch from Heaton Road to Elm Grove. Southwark would need to put it as a separate scheme in the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) for funds.

When is Thames Water due to replace the water main on Rye Lane?

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This was a thread about Court Lane in East Dulwich and has now turned into the usual 'Please Mr Councillor, deal with my problems on something unrelated. They are MUCH more important'. James Barber really has his work cut out for him - good luck, James.

To quote Sidhue from another thread:

Siduhe Wrote:


> The Councillors for Rye Lane are Mark Glover and

> Gordon Nardell - why not try emailing them -

> presumably they will be very engaged in getting

> things sorted, as it's their patch and they should

> be able to tell you what is planned for the Lane.

> (No offence to James by the way, I'm sure he's

> very engaged too - but the Lane is a Peckham ward

> issue, not ED).


> [email protected]/gordon.nardell@southw

> ark.gov.uk

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I'm afraid I agree with the theory that prettying up the pavements on certain roads is a waste of time and money. But my main query is why no pedestrian crossing was put by the entrance to Dulwich Park on Court Lane (bottom of Eynella Road) when it was done up a couple of months ago? With the huge number of children crossing here I'd have thought it was pretty much a requirement. Those extra cobbled ramps certainly don't do the job.

Incidentally, I don't think Mr Barber deserves some of the aggression he receives on this forum. Give the guy a break.

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Emski Wrote:


> I'm afraid I agree with the theory that prettying

> up the pavements on certain roads is a waste of

> time and money. But my main query is why no

> pedestrian crossing was put by the entrance to

> Dulwich Park on Court Lane (bottom of Eynella

> Road) when it was done up a couple of months ago?

> With the huge number of children crossing here I'd

> have thought it was pretty much a requirement.

> Those extra cobbled ramps certainly don't do the

> job.

> Incidentally, I don't think Mr Barber deserves

> some of the aggression he receives on this forum.

> Give the guy a break.

Don?t you think all pavements and roads should be brought up to modern standards and the quality of the works should be to a high standard?

There is no reason for us to live with broken roads and rotten pavements it?s part of our environment and for the benefit of all of us it should be clean solid and pleasant.

Personally I don?t fancy putting up with 3rd world surroundings.

The only important bit it that we should pay the correct amount and the pavements should renewed in materials which can last say 60-100 years after all the Victorian pavements lasted at least that long and the road surfaces should last at least 40 years.

I?ve nothing but respect for Mr Barber.

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