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arriety Wrote:


> perhaps the parents have got small children,

> probably reluctant to do anything on time

> particularly on a cold morning. They are in a rush

> to remember school bags, coats, hats, homework,

> breakfast - hopefully in the right order. And then

> to hurry them out of the house in time to drop

> them off at school at appointed school time so

> that they don't get a telling off from the

> teachers. And that is all before they rush to

> catch the train/bus etc to work so they can be on

> time there and not get victimised in the workplace

> for having extra curricular responsibilities to

> manage. Parents aren't special but they do have

> special logistics and timetables to manage that

> would perhaps be made easier if the communities

> they lived in were a little more forgiving of

> their particular stresses. Just a thought.

I have small children,have to do books, bags etc and walk in the cold but i manage to get there on time, well if the roads wernt blocked by the cars parking on the droped kerbs so no special rules for car users, walk to school its a local school, leave a bit earlier then walk back for your car!!

Sounds like Trinity touched a nerve with TJ ! Schools have Walking to School initiative. Let mini TJ's (for there are 2 let's not forget) put their hands up to say they have walked when teachers ask how they got to school (even if it is only the 200m from where TJ parks the car). Schools have to have a travel plan and hassled parents blocking surrounding roads won't tick any boxes. If the 'local' parents who have to drive to school leave 10 minutes earlier and implement the above suggestion everyone should be happy including residents who live around Goodrich and also need to get into work (see above posts about employers not taking account of having to get children to school)

Also TJ don't think Goodrich School has been unrepresented on this thread :))

That's great you do so well, but it doesn't logically follow that all people can be as successful as you in being so organised. The sad thing about this thread is the complete lack of ability to understand or accept others' needs or restrictions or trials. To me that is much more worrying than bad parking on a bad day.

arriety Wrote:


> That's great you do so well, but it doesn't

> logically follow that all people can be as

> successful as you in being so organised. The sad

> thing about this thread is the complete lack of

> ability to understand or accept others' needs or

> restrictions or trials. To me that is much more

> worrying than bad parking on a bad day.

??? It's bad parking every day not your bad parking on your bad day. Arriety, probably best not to make assumptions about our understanding of others lives. This is a thread about parking around a primary school so let's remember that there are 'parking restrictions'. We live in a community where we all need to get kids into school safely and general public need to be able to get past their local school.

arriety Wrote:


> That's great you do so well, but it doesn't

> logically follow that all people can be as

> successful as you in being so organised. The sad

> thing about this thread is the complete lack of

> ability to understand or accept others' needs or

> restrictions or trials. To me that is much more

> worrying than bad parking on a bad day.

The really sad thing about this thread is the apparent belief held by some that because people have "restrictions and trials" they are entitled to routinely and deliberately flout traffic law for their own convenience!

let's all do that, eh? I am sure a few people with "restrictions and trials" would find that a wonderful excuse for doing forty mph on Barry Road, for instance.


No nerves touched - and in general I tend to let people know in much clearer and more direct terms if a nerve is touched. I just love this forum and how people love to get involved in something that they have no experience of and regularly miss the original point. People with more time than me I guess.

The original point is don't, please, stop in the middle of the bloody road on a crossing and leisurely get out, let the kids out, have a chat with Doris from 'dahn the road' and then swing off flicking the bird at the frustrated drivers trying to get past. Please, park down the road, or yes, come earlier, or yes, use a school bus, or chuck the kids over the wall as you drive past, whatever, just dont stop in the road because you are a selfish cow.


marigolds Wrote:


> Sounds like Trinity touched a nerve with TJ !

> Schools have Walking to School initiative. Let

> mini TJ's (for there are 2 let's not forget) put

> their hands up to say they have walked when

> teachers ask how they got to school (even if it is

> only the 200m from where TJ parks the car).

> Schools have to have a travel plan and hassled

> parents blocking surrounding roads won't tick any

> boxes. If the 'local' parents who have to drive

> to school leave 10 minutes earlier and implement

> the above suggestion everyone should be happy

> including residents who live around Goodrich and

> also need to get into work (see above posts about

> employers not taking account of having to get

> children to school)


> Also TJ don't think Goodrich School has been

> unrepresented on this thread :))

TJ Wrote:


I just love this forum and how people love to get involved in something that they have no experience of and regularly miss the original point. People with more time than me I guess.

> Ok - from the start, you're not familiar with this school or this problem, so what are you doing on this thread?

Yes, the school is from 4yrs+ and some parents have 2 children. amazing huh?

Opening another entrance. You will no doubt be aware that this is a very old school, and if an opportunity for a whole new entrance was needed, someone else in the last 130 years might have thought of it?

Do excuse my complete lack of patience..

TJ Wrote:


> A school entirely populated by 4 year olds?

> The original point is don't, please, stop in the

> middle of the bloody road on a crossing and

> leisurely get out, let the kids out, have a chat

> with Doris from 'dahn the road' and then swing off

> flicking the bird at the frustrated drivers trying

> to get past. Please, park down the road, or yes,

> come earlier, or yes, use a school bus, or chuck

> the kids over the wall as you drive past,

> whatever, just dont stop in the road because you

> are a selfish cow.


> x


> marigolds Wrote:

Yes you do let people know in direct and clear ways as we can see from your postings (and your PM to me). My flippant posting was made after reading the stroppy comments that you made to Trinity. Who are you to pass judgement on who may or may not post on an issue ?

Calm down and maybe take a different route thus avoiding Doris from 'dahn the road' !!

after all the angst on the forum about primary school places and being allocated schools miles away as the local ones had such small catchment areas, how come so many people need to drive their children in??

Or are there families renting to get a place then going back to their regular home miles away thus needing to drive in??

Sorry to take the thread back of track again but I have to respond to Domitianus, who is not aware of any children being knocked down in car parks? A three year old was killed in a housing development car park off Lordship Lane a year or so ago so whilst I'm obviously very relieved your mother safely guided you through the perils of car parks, please bear in mind that not everyone is so lucky.

I'm not sure why you think you have a greater need to be close to the supermarket than someone whose legs are only 12 inches long. But maybe you're just lazy.

As someone who is yet to become a parent, I am amused at how much debate there can be over what I imagined were the wholly uncontroversial propositions that you shouldn't drive your kids to school unless it's really necessary and that if you do then you should drop them off somewhere safe.

Does having a child render you incapable of a disinterested and logical analysis of such complex issues? (exits tongue in cheek pursued by a bugaboo)

Gubodge Wrote:


> Sorry to take the thread back of track again but I

> have to respond to Domitianus, who is not aware of

> any children being knocked down in car parks? A

> three year old was killed in a housing development

> car park off Lordship Lane a year or so ago so

> whilst I'm obviously very relieved your mother

> safely guided you through the perils of car parks,

> please bear in mind that not everyone is so lucky.



> I'm not sure why you think you have a greater need

> to be close to the supermarket than someone whose

> legs are only 12 inches long. But maybe you're

> just lazy.

Whoa, someone's dredged up an anecdote to support their opinion. Steady on.

Come to think of it, in my entire life I cannot recall seeing or hearing of a child being knocked down in a car park. I am sure it does happen from time to time - it is almost inevitable that a child and a reversing car will one day share the same space at the same time - but to suggest it is some sort of looming threat that requires active measures to prevent is absurd!

Sorry to take the thread back of track again but I have to respond to Domitianus, who is not aware of any children being knocked down in car parks? A three year old was killed in a housing development car park off Lordship Lane a year or so ago so whilst I'm obviously very relieved your mother safely guided you through the perils of car parks, please bear in mind that not everyone is so lucky.

So did you actually read Domitanus's posting, Gubodge?

Sorry - your humor didn't come across in your post.

I stand corrected.

marigolds Wrote:


> TJ Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> I just love this forum and how people love to get

> involved in something that they have no experience

> of and regularly miss the original point. People

> with more time than me I guess.



> > Ok - from the start, you're not familiar with

> this school or this problem, so what are you doing

> on this thread?

> Yes, the school is from 4yrs+ and some parents

> have 2 children. amazing huh?

> Opening another entrance. You will no doubt be

> aware that this is a very old school, and if an

> opportunity for a whole new entrance was needed,

> someone else in the last 130 years might have

> thought of it?


> Do excuse my complete lack of patience..

> TJ Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > A school entirely populated by 4 year olds?

> > The original point is don't, please, stop in

> the

> > middle of the bloody road on a crossing and

> > leisurely get out, let the kids out, have a

> chat

> > with Doris from 'dahn the road' and then swing

> off

> > flicking the bird at the frustrated drivers

> trying

> > to get past. Please, park down the road, or

> yes,

> > come earlier, or yes, use a school bus, or

> chuck

> > the kids over the wall as you drive past,

> > whatever, just dont stop in the road because

> you

> > are a selfish cow.

> >

> > x

> >

> > marigolds Wrote:


> Yes you do let people know in direct and clear

> ways as we can see from your postings (and your PM

> to me). My flippant posting was made after

> reading the stroppy comments that you made to

> Trinity. Who are you to pass judgement on who

> may or may not post on an issue ?


> Calm down and maybe take a different route thus

> avoiding Doris from 'dahn the road' !!

The idiots were at it again this afternoon. Following a large Merc 4x4 to the school this afternoon and it stopped in the middle of Goodrich near the narrower crossing bit and a woman walks towards it, opens two doors and starts loading her kids and bags into the car. I could not believe what I was seeing - the driver stopped in the middle of the road blocking the street. I hit the horn to register my disapproval and the woman gave me a look as if to say how dare you suggest I might not stop and block the road in a dangerous place to put my darling kids into my 4x4.

After quite a while the final little darling managed to load herself into the car and stuck her tongue out at me as she shut the door! And I blame the parents....

I've observed it's often the same parents doing the drop off at Goodrich in the wrong place and parking dangerously so I don't think this isn't about one off days on which there's too much to do to walk.

It would be perfectly possible for drivers to park half a street away from the school and walk the remaining 100m to reduce the traffic congestion near the school. I fear that effort may not sit well with a life lived in a sedentary position. I'm not against people having an easy life (well maybe I am but that's a different thread) but will it take a child being run over before people stop behaving like this?

There is no excuse for endangering others. Not stress, not schedules, not unruly toddlers.

Time for the school to take more action - they have a duty of care to their children and need to invoke some responsible parenting in their numb-skull clientele. The selfish attitude of some of the parents of kids who go to that school is beyond belief and someone needs to take a stand before someone gets hurt. Other parents at the school who do not cause these dangerous situations need to challenge those who do.

These people really should be prosecuted. It's outrageous that some people think having kids and a certain amount of money gives them carte blanche to do what they want and pay no regard to others.

Ant Wrote:


> This morning I saw someone stop right in the

> middle of the road and turf their kids out, again

> just before the narrow crossing.

pepsi Wrote:


> These people really should be prosecuted. It's

> outrageous that some people think having kids and

> a certain amount of money gives them carte blanche

> to do what they want and pay no regard to others.

How d'you know they have money - are the offending parents dripping in furs and bling?!

Not many poor people drive 4 x 4s!

Smiler Wrote:


> pepsi Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > These people really should be prosecuted. It's

> > outrageous that some people think having kids

> and

> > a certain amount of money gives them carte

> blanche

> > to do what they want and pay no regard to

> others.


> How d'you know they have money - are the offending

> parents dripping in furs and bling?!

I wasn't really replying to your post, I was referring to the post on p. 3. And I'll discuss whatever I please on here thanks, it's an open forum.

Ant Wrote:


> And the people I saw this morning weren't in a

> 4X4. Please let's lose track of the real point

> being discussed here: people's behaviour. It's not

> what car they drive, but how they drive it.

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