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Hi Midivydale, you will be able to access your allocated school on-line after 5pm tonight. This is true for all London boroughs. You will need to contact Southwark Admissions to find out waiting list positions. You will automatically be placed on the waiting list for schools above the offered one on your application.

Good luck everybody!


Some information for parents that has been circulated to councillors:

Primary Transfer 2016

An Admissions Officer is on hand to offer advice to parents and carers

Post-Offer Advice Session

Peckham Library 122 Peckham Hill Street

London SE15 5JR

Commencing: Tuesday 19th April to Thursday 21st April 2016

Time: 10am ? 12:00pm and 1:00pm ? 3:00pm

● 20 minute slots will be available on a first come first served basis.

● Please note this is a parent only event; There are no childcare facilities.

● Parents are asked to sign in on arrival before the discussion begins.

Alternatively you can contact

Southwark School Admissions Team

Tel: 0207 525 5337 Email: [email protected]

Hi all,

below is the letter sent about primary applications to Councillors by my ward colleague, Cllr Victoria Mills. This year there has been the highest number of applicants receiving their 1st choice school since the current system began (2009)


Dear Colleague

I am pleased to confirm that we have received a total of 3,380 on time primary applications for the September 2016 intake and despite the growing demand for reception places across London, the LA has yet again been able to offer a primary school place to every on time Southwark applicant. 3,310 (98%) of Southwark families have received a primary school place of their preference - the remaining 70 families that did not receive a school of their preference have been allocated an alternative school place at the nearest school to the family home with capacity. Letters confirming these offers have been posted out to families today. All online applicants that have received a preference, will be able to view their offers online from 5pm this evening.

Starting primary school is an exciting time for families however we recognise that those who did not receive a school of their preference and have been allocated an alternative school, often have additional queries and/or support needs. A personalised email from the admissions team with details of the alternative school allocated has been sent today to each of these families and also, informing them that our phone lines will be open up until 8pm this evening should they wish to contact us to raise any queries or discuss their options directly with an admissions officer.

Southwark has been proactive in planning for the growing demand for Reception places in the borough. Additional capacity has been established across Southwark through a mix of temporary and permanent expansion Reception year places to cater for families in need of a place for their child and to allow families to exercise parental choice. In addition, this year Galleywall Primary School ? A City of London Academy (free school) will be opening in the north east of the borough for September 2016 to serve Bermondsey and the surrounding areas. The school will be offering 60 reception places and has received more applications than places available. For this first year only, parents/carers were able to make direct applications to the school as well as being able to make six preferences on their child?s application as part of the Pan London co-ordinated process and will receive dual offers. Throughout next week, officers will be calling these families, currently with an offer from Galleywall Primary School and the local authority to confirm which offer they will be accepting. This process will free up places for allocation to other children as a single offer is accepted by each family.

It is useful to note that the 18 April date is not the end of the admissions process. Parents across London have until 3 May to refuse offers and we know from previous experience that this will create movement over the forthcoming weeks. Officers will continue to work with families up until the end of August to ensure that everyone receives an offer with which they are happy. We are continually reviewing the situation with an endeavour to ensure that as many families as possible are provided with a preference.

Primary school admission - 2016 headlines

All data below relates to Southwark residents only and will be used to produce London-wide statistics that form the basis of the Pan London press release which is co-ordinated by London Councils and will be sent out at 4pm today.

? All Southwark primary school applicants have been offered a school place for September 2016

? 3,310 (98%) applicants have received a place at a primary school of their first to sixth preference

? 3,255 (96.2%) applicants have received a place at a primary school of their first to third preference

? 2,875 (85.1%) families received a first preference school

? 70 (2.1%) families without a preference and offered an alternative school

? 3,371 (99.7%) of Southwark applicants applied online this year

Attached is a summary of primary admission preference satisfaction statistics for Southwark providing total number of applications and preferences offered from 2009 right up to the current admissions round.

I hope that colleagues will welcome the huge progress that has been made since 2009 in ensuring that families not only get one of their preferred schools but increasingly their 1st preference school ? a testament to the commitment and investment of this council.

Best wishes,


Cllr Victoria Mills

Cabinet Member for Children and Schools

Labour Councillor for Peckham Rye Ward

Thanks Renata, as always very helpful.

I have tried to phone what I believed to be the admissions number but was informed by voicemail that they closed at 5.00pm. I have a few questions relating to waiting lists that I would like to speak to someone about.

What are your qs, Mividale?

It may be that people here can answer some.

To answer some FAQs:

You will automatically be put on the waiting list for all schools higher in your preference list than the school you were allocated.

Waiting lists are maintained in the same priority as the admissions criteria - you can go up or down a list, for example if someone who lives closer joins the list as a late applicant.

There is no disadvantage in accepting the place you have been offered: it is important to accept unless you intend to Home Ed or go private. You may not be offered a place you prefer, and accepting the place does not disadvantage you on the waiting lists.

You can go on waiting lists for schools you didn't originally apply for.

There will be a flurry of new offers on waiting lists a couple of weeks after the acceptance deadline - as places become available from people who have moved since January , or accepted private places, or whatever.

Waiting lists will continue to move throughout the summer.

Thanks Carbonara!

Also to say, you will need to contact neighbouring boroughs about waiting list positions at schools you applied to there. You automatically hold the place you were offered unless you get offered somewhere else via the admissions system and then accept that, or can prove you won't need the place. If you have twins/triplets and one is offered a place, the other(s) automatically get a place even if it means the class size going above 30. The class size would need to go down to 29 or less for the next child on the waiting list to get a place. Attendance at the nursery attached to a primary gives no priority for a reception place and is not grounds for appeal.

If your questions haven't been answered, please email me Midivydale, I'm happy to help you if I can.


Remember there is also the possibility to Home Educate if you aren't happy with your school choice.

School places... Did you get the school you wanted? Or even a place at all?

Did you know that school is not compulsory?

Or that education doesn't have to start until the term after their fifth birthday?

There are options other than school such as HOME EDUCATION and boy it's nothing like you'd imagine:

?you don't have to be a teacher or well educated

? there's no forced curriculums, lessons or tests

? you can allow your child to have a say in their education

?there's loads of groups around the country and plenty of home edders ready to befriend you, so no reason to feel isolated

? it's amazing fun (and sometimes hard work).

Please get in touch if you'd like to know more as I Home Educate since I wasn't happy with the school my son went to .

I understand it's not for everyone but I thought people should know there is an alternative if they aren't happy with their school place .

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