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Nice work HeidiHi!

Not only do you call for the guy to lose his job (with all the dreadful consequences that that can entail) for the 'crime' of being rude (even though localmama has clearly stated that this was not her intention), but you also use the phrase 'everyone with half a brain' in relation to a mental health charity. You are certainly the target audience for the Daily Mail and Vanessa show!

Gimme, I can see you are great fun to be around, are you usually so anal about every single details?

As I said, lots of people have had problems with the man, and yes,if he thinks it is acceptable to spy on people in the changing room, I would expect him to lose his job ( don't forget it is not paid, it is voluntary work, so it is not like he is losing money) just as I would expect anyone in a job that involves dealing with customers who thinks it is acceptable to spy, insult people in front of customers and spray people with air freshener to lose their jobs. There is NO excuse for his behaviour, he was rude and agressive and I would not have been happy with an apology, I would want him to be out of his job for overstepping the line because he obviously thinks what he did is ok.

And it is your problem if you don't like it. You can make excuses for him and think it is acceptable to spy, be rude and spray air freshener just because he might have mental issues, but I am not making excuses for him. He was wrong, end of.

HeidiHi: You talk about what happened as if you were there. Were you? Having an opinion based on heresay is one thing but suggesting someone should be kicked out of their job when you've only heard one side of the story requires a lot more caution, as should sweeping generalisations like "lots of people have had problems with the man".
well said HeidiHi and localmama don't worry about horrid things people say as you didn't do anything wrong, like heidihi said you were quickly,discretely and quietly feeding your baby behind a curtain and then spied on and then humiliated -totally unacceptable. And I too am tired of all the 'shouldn't she have given the baby a sippy cup' 'shouldn't she have asked' 'should she have been behind the curtain feeding' yada yada, bottom line is, that if you were behind the curtain trying on clothes and your baby was sucking milk from a bottle none of this would have happened - fact.

I believe that most people were sympathetic to begin with. I think you will find that the tone changed after the Daily Mail piece because many people (myself included) felt that it was a step too far .... especially to have this man's picture posted. You do NOT know his story, and as I've mentioned before, nobody thought what he did was right but to publicly drag him through the mud "for being rude and spraying air freshener" is outrageous. Has it ever occurred to you that he may have been hired BECAUSE he has a personality disorder and this sort of work training allows him to develop appropriate social skills? It is a MENTAL HEALTH CHARITY and yes, the proceeds from the shop are essential for the work they do but by god is it not obvious that it's different from what you expect from M and S?

I don't believe for a second that localmama orchestrated this mess, I absolutely believe that you are as much a victim of this nonsense and am sorry to you for it getting so ugly. And Heidi, why are you demanding he be drawn hung and quartered when localmama has simply asked for an apology and review of Mind's policies?

And I will not apologize for trying to understand this story within a larger context and showing a little humanity towards both sides........ that does not make me "as bad as him". What an ugly load of nonsense. I am gobsmacked .....

....."it's your problem if you don't like it". Charming.

Ermmm, FatherJack was there and said he heard the man say her breast milk stank, and other people on here said they found the staff not friendly, as have some of my friends, so my impression of the staff is based on people who have had first hand experience of him, sorry, is that not allowed? But it is allowed for you to have an opinion and base everything on possible what ifs? well that is ok then!

He thought it was acceptable to spy on a female in the changing room, you can dress it up until the cows come home about any problems etc he might have, but fact is he is in a position of trust, and he abused that trust by spying on localmama in the changing room, That is simply not acceptable. I used to work as a changing room attendant in my teens whilst at college, I would never EVER spy on ANYONE in the changing rooms, even if they were in there all day! I would have most certainly lost my job if I did that, never mind shouting at my customers and then spraying them with air freshener. There are lots of people in this world with varying disabilities, illnesses, issues and so on, it does not mean they can be put into any job and we have to overlook any wrongdoings because of it. In his case it is better if he works behind the scene and not in a customer facing job.

Sorry if I feel uncomfortable about not wanting to go in a place where someone thinks it is acceptable to spy and embarrass someone in public in which case it would be better if he is not working there which means he should not have a job there. As I said, I know someone who is regional manager of MIND and she thought it was absolutely appalling how he behaved, but of course Gimme you can be as PC as you want and make excuses because your opinion is obviously so much more valid than mine, after all you think I read the Daily Mail and listen to Vanessa, how snotty and judgemental is that? so you are no better than me.

I am bowing out of this discussion now, I just wanted to show Localmama that she has my support and I will still continue to support charities as I do, but I most certainly will think twice about using the changing room in MIND should I ever go there again.

Considering how little regard you have for the issues surrounding mental illness (made obvious by many previous statements), I have to wonder why you would ever go in there again? Supporting the charity generally means supporting the cause. You can't claim to support the mentally ill and then turn around and complain that they don't act "right".

Helena, you carry on judging me as you obviously know nothing about me so to be honest, I don't really care what you think. I know what I mean and what I care about as do people who know me and that is all that matters. I am not going to sit here and tell you what I think about mental illnesses as your approval is not something I need to gain. Do you even know if he has a mental illness? do you? and if he does, you think it is perfectly acceptable for him to be in the environment he is in with a risk of it happening again?

Could you all stick to the matter at hand instead of starting on anybody who does not agree with your views? this was started in support of Localmama but instead what started off as support to her has turned into an attack on her and others who don't agree with your views, nice one. As I said, I am sure you are VERY PC in your real life.

The whole problem HeidiHi is that you don't care what other people think. Persecuting people who have no right to defend themselves based hearsay is pretty nasty. People take umbrage at your crass comments about people having half a brain in context of mental health and you call it PC. Defend someone who has had no right to reply and you call it 'excuses'.

The vast majority of us think that women have the right to breastfeed in public but there are a lot of us who think that trial by internet and persecution based on hearsay is wrong.

plenty of pots and kettles here I see. why claim someones "picking" on you personally and then hit back in the same manner? two wrongs do not make a right right?

at the end of the day something not particularly nice happened to an ED mother and as always it's been blown completely out of proportion by those jumping on the bandwagon following heresay and gossip.

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