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What to do about all the dog pooh in Dulwich?


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I also think the problem has recently got a lot worse in ED.

There is constantly poo in Ulverscroft Road, and people even let their dogs go (and then leave it there) in the middle of the pavement in Lordship Lane.

As well as being extremely unpleasant if you tread in it, it is a dangerous health hazard to children, who can go blind I believe due to something which may be in it, whose name I can't remember.

I'd be surprised if much of it is due to foxes, though obviously some must be.

Thanks for raising the subject, I will also contact the council about it, has anyone raised it on J Barber's thread, I haven't looked at that lately?

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I am glad this thread has encouraged a debate about what this issue and confirms that I haven't been going mad. Again, if you see dog deposits, ring the council on the link at the start of this thread. Council have told me they will look to leaflet the area. And to whoever thinks it's foxes, I think most people know the difference between the two.
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I think it's particularly hard to be as aware of dog poo when you are pushing a pram/walking with small children as opposed to walking along the street on your own, it's impossible to keep your eyes trained to the pavement to avoid stepping in it as you are making sure children are safe etc. and of course small children are not very aware of what they are walking in. It is particularly disgusting and distressing when children step in dog turd on their way to school. I just feel you shouldn't own a dog unless you are prepared to pick up their s**t, a bit like having a baby and not changing their nappies...

The answer? I don't know, reporting them more, taking photos of the offenders? trouble is, the the worst offenders don't actually care if people tread in their dog's s**t - I agree with domitianus roll them in it and see how they like it.

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It strikes me that the area around Goose Green is particularly bad. Hinkley And Keston Roads are constantly befouled, despite vivid Bag it and Bin it markings and notices on lampposts. And it clear from (alas) close examination that there are several serial offenders. Stray dogs are rare, so it is evident that some owners - a small but noxious minority - simply do not give a stuff. The council are very good and clean up the mess quickly when informed, but this atrocious behaviour still continues almost daily.
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Today I saw a young male (swaggering tough guy with hoodie and dog type to match) walking his dog offlead and turning away as it deposited. I was in my car and unable to stop but he saw me stare at him very hard and point to his dog. He looked very slightly embarassed but ignored me. There is also a serial offender that lives near me. Again, teenage boy that exercises his dog offlead on the pavement whilst riding a bike. I've remonstrated with him but I fear it's still going on. It makes me so cross because all the people I know who own dogs, and they are many in ED, all pick up without fail. It's anti social, laziness that is at the core I think- I guess exercising your dog offlead on the pavement while riding a bike, also on the pavement, sums up the type of indivdual that is spoiling it for the rest of us.
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Saw one on a walk up Adys Road yesterday afternoon. On way back there was a 'fresh' one near junction of Ondine Road. I just don't get how owners don't pick it up. Southwark Council offers free dog poo bags, available from the libraries in case anyone didn't know. Another reason for there to be no excuse.
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it's the " am I bovvered" type. They're the same people that litter indiscriminately: chewing gum, discarded chicken and lamb bones and broken bottles/ glasses after a night's boozing. The type that careers around in their car one hand on the wheel the other on their mobile; the ones that feel they have special exemption from speed limits and so drive up your backside. People that just don't care how what they do impacts on everyone else. It's not unique to dog owners its the type of everyday, lazy and self centered behaviour that crops up everywhere.

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First mate, I guess I do get it, but as these people use the streets themselves, to walk their dogs, and for other reasons and I presume their loved ones and friend salso use the streets they just might work out that it would be more pleasant for every dog owner to do their bit. Perhaps that is being unnaturally hopeful. Perhaps they would just blame their upbringing! Really wanted to put that little reminder out there that there are the free poo bags available!!! And regarding using mobiles while driving and turning, I take great delight in shouting at those engaging in that sort of behaviour - I even tap on their windows if they are stopped in traffic. Love to see the look on their faces. Maybe it will sink in. I have a friend whose car was hit by a person who was driving while on their phone.
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ClareC, The green bags that Southwark give out are very strong and they don't have any smell. I also find them useful to give my dog a drink of water in Dulwich Park. I use the drinking fountain and put water in a clean bag, put it on the ground and fold it back. My dog happily drinks out of it.
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reetpetite Wrote:


> I really wish for these dreadful people to fall

> flat on their faces in their dogs poo but I know

> that wont happen.

Don't be so sure! A cunningly arranged nest of trip wires, a hidden vantage point......

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When I get hear about particualr dog poo problems I ask council officers to aplly the yellow anti dog poo stencial on the pavements where this is happening. It often seems to help.

As pointed out by others do report dog poo problems and council officers will remove it pretty quickly 020 7525 2000

Can any dog owners comment on whether the particularly cold weather is having an effect on the dogs?

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Just out of interest how much does one of these call outs cost? I know they have to happened but they must cost quite a bit. The yellow stencils sound like a good idea. Thanks

> As pointed out by others do report dog poo

> problems and council officers will remove it

> pretty quickly 020 7525 2000

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James, What about extending this to cover some of the other major litter issues? I find broken glass to be very hazardous and have cut my foot before, resulting in a severe infection that needed treatment. I also get extremely annoyed by chewing gum on my shoes and finally disgusting human food detritus that attracts foxes and rats and that is casually dropped on the pavement.

What is your point about cold weather? I think you know that the real issue here is irresponsible, antisocial humans- deal with them.

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When starting this thread, I had no idea that so many people were experiencing so much dog turd tribulations. It may not be the most important issue in the world but it's important to address. Anyway, Mr Barber, I can tell you those yellow sign thingies do not do anything. My street has several of them....the dog pooh is daily. And sophiesofa, it's free. I didn't go through the phone line...takes forever to get through. Just use the email. They got in touch with me within an hour and the dog pooh had gone by the time I'd gotten home.


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