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My washing machine blew at the weekend and due to the incompetence of John Lewis Direct has still not been replaced. I am looking for a company that would come to my place, pick up the washing load and bring it back all cleaned and ironed. Anyone knows such a company? I am not lazy :-$, just working full-time with a six-month-old baby and a stinking cold...

Your help would be very much appreciated! Thank you!

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The exact same thing has happened to us and its a nightmare not being able to do my usual 2 washes a day for my 7 month old! I actually went back to basics and took a couple of essential loads over to the laundrette for a service wash. We used the one on Grove Vale which is open from 8am-830pm. Cost a tenner for 2 loads of light and dark, which were washed, tumbled and folded by the nice lady who runs it. Still can't wait for the new machine to arrive on Sat though!

Thank you all. I sent the hubby to the Forest Hill Road launderette this morning and we are sorted. I am sure I had heard of a company that charged for irooning by weight and not items but I can't find their details anywhere.

And Lee B, we do two loads a day as well. I am forever washing and ironing Grobags, little bodysuits, PJs, bed sheets etc...

Thank you all again.

Wow - you lot are so clean! I'm very impressed (but not at all envious). I reckon on an average of load a day for the 6 of us - including P.E. kits (Yuck), but I don't iron more than once a month (that's what my tumble dryer's for). Life's too short for me to be doing that much laundry. Lazy is my middle name!

Sadly I do two loads a day (one whites, one coloureds) for the four of us - but I am a bit obsessive about it and my husband and I have had many 'words' about my ocd-ness.

We have a 15 minute cycle though - which is fab for things that just need freshening, but aren't really dirty.

Ironing - only on demand! Sheets every fortnight.

Me, sad? Oh yes.

I am obesssive about what goes with what and I am never really happy until my laundry basket is empty. I actually wait until a child has finished its breakfast so I can whip off white vests and I have the machine all loaded up ready waiting for the last item...

My sister is even worse!

Ha ha me too. I'll give our 2.6 year old wardrobe options for the day based on which load is going into the machine next (pity I can't do the same with my husband). I even stripped said child to her birthday suit as she entered the house last night as I had a whites load waiting, that wasn't quite full.

I should probably see someone about this!

I work full time (and am also lazy) so try and do as little washing as possible, so am in love with our new washing machine (see Nappy Lady's thread for details) which has a 9kg capacity. Three loads a week (with space for more ni each load usually): one white, one coloured and one towels/bedding done alternate fortnights. Happy days. There are only 3 of us though....

I am even worse when it comes to ironing. Husband irons his own shirts (why should I do it if I am working longer hours than him??) and I do not iron any of my nearly 2 year olds stuff - just fold it well! :-$

Yes, it must be said that I have a 9kg machine too, but am also very fussy about cotton whites, synthetic whites, & coloureds,(which get washed in dark blacks, greys & navy's, reds, bold greens & blues, & pale blue's/ greys. Can't bear it if something the wrong colour/ fabric goes in the wrong wash - I just don't iron them afterwards (well maybe the odd pillowcase, or shirt, but very odd), but, a bit like Vickster I'm of the 'tumble-dry, shake & fold neatly' school of laundering. Did someone mention carbon footprints? Ooops must go, something very important to do (that isn't laundry!)

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