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Just found my way to Tessa's website. It seems she's trying to demonstrate how often she heads south of the river as she's got a map with flags on citing visits. Very odd. Maybe she could strap a webcam to her head or wear a tracking device so we can see where she wanders ...
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The woman gets a lot of stick on this forum about not showing her face in the area, but I remember a particularly glorious day when she stood at the bottom of Bawdale Road with a banner as part of the (very tiny) East Dulwich Rubbish! campaign. She was helping to complain about the fly-tipping that used to exist at the bottom of the road ...
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I've been involved in two community projects and she's supported both - in one case giving virtually an entire Saturday afternoon of her time. It may be vote-grabbing but isn't that actually how you should go about winning votes?
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Interesting how sightings of Ms Jowell is around election time.

I went to see her about a politically sensitive matter - the shutting of a government funded organisation. This would (and did) result in the loss of the jobs of local people - but was as a result of a Cabinet decision.

A local MP would have put her constituents jobs first - she put the Government first and ran like a rabbit.

I have no political axe to grind, but I am not impressed by Ms Jowells priorties.

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In my family HH is known as "do you know who I am Harman" after her performance at a local hospital trying to visit out of visiting hours and pressing staff to let her to the bedside because of her "status".

We've all heard about Two Jags Prescott, Labour?s former Deputy Leader. Now Harriet Harman is not only Deputy Leader and Chairman of the Labour Party, she is Leader of the House of Commons and is still supposed to be MP for Camberwell and Peckham (which now extends to the Lewisham boundary and takes in elements of East Dulwich). Despite the fact that she has been the local MP for 25 years, ask almost anyone on the street and they?d be hard pressed to say who she was. It?s time for her to go to the Lords and let us elect someone who will focus on looking after Camberwell and Peckham. Heaven knows we still have big problems, of genuine concern to the people that live here. Crime, education, jobs, the health service, especially the impending closure of the Maudsley Emergency Clinic, all these things could do with some attention from a hardworking local MP

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Anyone thought about sending this to her sight so she knows what people are saying????

I would, but I couldn't care less ;-)

She doesn't really need to be around the area to be it's MP though, she just needs to listen to people and take things up in Parliment.

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I disagree Keef. I really think MPs should where possible, live in their consituencies. I know this isn't possible with most as they have to spend so much time in London, taking part in Parliamentary debates, scrutinising legislation and raising constiuency issues with Government.... Anyway, I see no reason why London MPs can't, in Tessa's case Westminster a stones throw away.

It's just, well, bad form.

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But maybe she just doesn't want to live in ED..... I don't honestly see how it makes a difference, as long as she's doing a good job for the people that do live there....

Now I'm not saying she does or doesn't do a good job, I personally haven't had dealings. I'm just making the point that I don't think it matters if she's around or not.

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She doesn't have to live in ED, just somewhere in her constituency. Nor do I mean she should live around her so she can be 'seen' in the are. I think she, or any MP, does need to be around if they are going to do a good job representing the people that voted for them.
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Of course it would, there are loads of posts / threads on here about transport / recommended GPs and Dentists... I've lost count of how many recommendations I've given the CPT!!!! ;-) Not too sure I want her as a drinking buddy though..... Unless I can moan about the smoking abn all night!
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Well whether she lives here or not, I can't see her using the public transport, of any local GP's!!!!

And I guess she'd be more a Green & Blue / Crown & Greyhound kind of girl as opposed to the CPT! ;-)

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I have never been able to comprehend how, given that our MP was Minister in Charge of the Olympics, we are getting ZERO benefit from the Olympic activity.

All of the transport infrastructure is going elsewhere and I would give the East London Line phase 2 a cat-in-hells change of being delivered post 2012.

There was a punlic consultation about a tram link from Camden to Peckham - but that has gone quiet.

Whats the point in having an MP with power if she does bog all of fundamental benefit to the area? She may support this campaign or that that movement and wear a Dulwich Hamlet top when the cameras around, but we want to see better transport links, better schools and less crime.

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Fear 'n boozin Wrote:


> wm.she wont have a car now she's not a Minister.


> Did anybody know Southwark has a mayor? Vickie

> Nash be her name. Never knew.

That's because you're a fool! ;-)

Note: for anyone who thinks that's harsh, you don't know what wm. stands for..... I was provoked!

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