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I think brum was whingieng about people whingeing (sp?) about smilies. He feels it undermines users and is divisive.

See I can step in and implore calm, peace and understanding without mod powers and a symbol by my name cowing people into submission. I don't think explicity marking out mods as seperate is good for the place as a whole.

Liking the imperial march, I'd have gone with Galactic Funk Droid's Disco though.

*edited to say big cross post on everyone and I'm glad that i was right about the whole self moderating thing. Ooh and thanks for your kind words ladymuck*

Crystal Clear has been using the forum more or less since it started. He also occasionally posts as Fear n' Boozing. I can also vouch for him being an extremly nice bloke too. I can't comment on the thread he started because I didn't see it before it was deleted. Still, having read this thread all the way through I'd like the time it took out of my life back please.

daizie Wrote:


> Who are what is Crystal Clear? Never heard of him

> .

He's another user...he was extremely upset over something and allowed his emotions to spill out into his posts in such a way that Admin had little choice but to remove the thread. To be honest, I've been guilty of similar conduct many a time (but without the swearing)!

Jah Lush Wrote:


> Still, having read this thread all

> the way through I'd like the time it took out of

> my life back please.

You and me both Jah.

Although it is worth mentioning that Mockney has been contributing in a selfless and positive way to the forum since its inception and has done much more than any of us to make it the pleasant environment which attracted people here in the first place.

'Huff 'N' Tumble, I said "rosa_klebb, hang around but keep your nose clean". It was a simple and friendly request but you've come back straight away as a different persona so sorry, but with mockney gone now we do not have the resources to monitor you so you are banned for life. There will be no other warnings and if you do come back action will be taken against you'

Like what? Mug!

Mark Wrote:


> HAL9000, do you not realise that your online

> persona comes across as arrogant and

> confrontational towards mockney?

I would have challenged anyone who defended CrystalClear's weekend posts. It was just unfortunate that mockney stepped into the line of fire because I have challenged him over this very point in the past.

Since he has always declined to address this issue, it may seem as if I was "gunning" for him but that is simply not the case. I had no hidden agenda or malice aforethought.

> I for one did not understand your use of metaphors,

> including your quip ... that came across to me as

> a schoolground bully pretending to use ignorance as

> an excuse for the insults he had hurt people with.

My original comment was in defence of the hapless people within the local community who were insulted and defamed by CrystalClear's drunken rant. I am surprised that you (and bignumber5) describe me as a bully ? I?m not a bully.

I suggest your judgement may be clouded by friendship and that you are seeing what you want to see rather than evaluating the facts objectively.

As for you not understanding - misunderstandings are common on text-only forums. Other posters asked for clarification and I was happy to provide it. If you are unclear about anything I post - ask me. I don't bite.

> If we lose another moderator, ...

> the forum will close.

> Please don't make another one leave.

Please don't try to heap this on my shoulders. I've met mockney several times, have always treated him as a forum friend and considered him to be emotionally robust and stable. He gave no indication that he was harbouring ill feelings towards me or that he resented my presence here or that he was being two-faced in our interactions. I'm not a mind reader.

I would welcome the opportunity to buy mockney a drink and resolve any issues between us in a civilised manner.

The bottom line is this: if anyone chooses to post an opinion then that opinion is open to challenge. All I did was challenge another poster's opinion - the fact that he was a moderator with a history of defending the indefensible was an unfortunate coincidence.

bignumber5 Wrote:


That one

> of the rapidly progressing forum bullies has

> pushed MP to the point of hanging up his spurs

> demonstrates to me how bad things have become.

I am sorry to bring this back up...but having just read HAL9000's post above, I realise that I had somehow missed this post.

Bignumber5, please excuse my boldness, but are you referring to HAL9000 here? If you are not, then I apologise and please read no further. However, if you are I have to say that you are greatly mistaken. A quick search on HAL9000's previous posts will show not only that the majority of his posts are thoughtful, helpful, witty, intelligent, informative, stimulating etc. etc., but that, quite contrary to being a forum bully, he often runs to the assistance of those who are less able to defend themselves. Sure, he has had his run-ins...haven't many of us...yourself and myself included.

None of us are perfect, as you once so eloquently put it.

Mark, is this fair to lay this at the door of one person? Mockney chose to leave and HAL certainly did not bully him from what I read. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place regarding this. I enjoy the forum a lot but telling one person you will close it because of what they have written, though not enough to merit them being 'banned', frankly has a nasty whiff to it. It a bit like it's my ball and I'm taking it home. Well it may well be your ball but that doesn't give you any special rights to belittle people who have not deserved it on any forum. This of course is only my opinion. If I have said anything out of order please advise what you think that is.

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