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Some simple questions

Is the EDF a well moderated and run site?

Are moderators always perfect?

Do we need Moderators?

Was MP a decent moderator?

Is continually having your position as moderator questioned likely to encourage you to continue be a moderator?

Is having your posts validity continually questioned (just because you are a moderator) likely to encourage you to contine to be a moderator?

Personally I don't find difficult to answer any of these questions and CC's crappy thread has nowt do do with it.

As you so want to know Declan, I saw it when it had about 4 posts on it and thought it was awful.

I think its a bit like Nick Griffin and the BNP on Question Time. You have to allow idiots enough rope to hang themselves which it seems the admin did in the case of this person of many names. As for MP being a mod i for one didn't know this and feel that mods should be tagged as mods (as other forums do) so when one is having an argument or discussion with them you know that the other person has a degree of influence with admin and is therefore in a more protected position than you.

Who else are mods?

Mick Mac Wrote:


> I found some of those questions quite tricky.


I find them all pretty straight forward. That one of the rapidly progressing forum bullies has pushed MP to the point of hanging up his spurs demonstrates to me how bad things have become. Those that seem to think that snide bitchery and ganging up on others is the way to win an arguement, that none of the moderators are allowed an opinion simply because of that dual responsibility, and that anyone who agrees with the same person more than once a day must be some sort of "inner circle" should take a good hard look at the way they conduct themselves (versus those that they are chasing off) and ask themselves whether or not, in fact, they make this forum a better, nicer, more inclusive place.

Very sorry to see you leave the team, mockers, though with the daily sniper fire every time you stick your head above the parapet, I can't say I blame you.

bignumber5 Wrote:


> Mick Mac Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I found some of those questions quite tricky.



> Really?


> I find them all pretty straight forward. That one

> of the rapidly progressing forum bullies has

> pushed MP to the point of hanging up his spurs

> demonstrates to me how bad things have become.

> Those that seem to think that snide bitchery and

> ganging up on others is the way to win an

> arguement, that none of the moderators are allowed

> an opinion simply because of that dual

> responsibility, and that anyone who agrees with

> the same person more than once a day must be some

> sort of "inner circle" should take a good hard

> look at the way they conduct themselves (versus

> those that they are chasing off) and ask

> themselves whether or not, in fact, they make this

> forum a better, nicer, more inclusive place.



> Very sorry to see you leave the team, mockers,

> though with the daily sniper fire every time you

> stick your head above the parapet, I can't say I

> blame you.

Mick, your sense of humour is wasted here!

'more protected'....give me a break.....from what? Admins evil ways?

For the record I am not a moderator and have no intention of being one - I've had plenty of run ins with moderators as posters and never felt that has made any difference whatsoever to debate (or even petty argument!).

Occasionally I don't agree with Admins decisions but in the grand scheme of things so what.

I agree with BN5, that the forum should be inclusive - no, must be inclusive. Marginalisation through taking snipes and 'rounding' on others only weakens the forum and divides it. I don't like it when I see personal abuse, 'gang' mentality and even those petty moans aimed at how people use smiley faces or punctuate things or whatever. It all serves to create division.

Just spent ages when I shoulda been working to read all four pages of this thread.

What a lot of nonsense.

I agree moderators should be IDd with their name as they are in other forums I am a member of.

They're like prefects - you might behave better around them.

This forum is a microcosm of society, which itself many believe is 'sick'. Anthropologists study societies gone sick and try to explain why things happened; this one is no different.

But unlike discussing things in person, we can't see one another's faces to read what's not being said - it's like we're all wearing veils... so we misunderstand one another.

I am sorry that some people were hurt and upset but there's people dying out there in earthquakes and starving, so get a grip on what is important and follow the universal one law that James May made up.

Don't be a prat.

Vince. If you want to know who the real moderators are it's the forumites who participate on the threads. Who have good humour; they cajole, prod, suggest and occasionally rebuke.

I've said many a time that this forum is 98% self moderating because it has such a good community.

The real moderators are the users who are always positive contributors; the seans, the *Bob*s, the Keefs, the brendans, the bellendenbelles and the peckhamGateCrashers and anyone clad in proverbial tweed.

They are those who were once newcomers and railed against the authorities like leagleEagleish or quids and realised that they actually liked the place and the people.

They are the ones who report innapropriate posts or threads in the wrong room, kalamityKel and cate are absolute troopers in that respect.

And there are new moderators all the time, those who have stumbled upon this place and invested emotionally over a period of time. The ladymucks and the daizies and the Mick macs and the declans.

Who presses the move-thread button twenty times a day is irrelevant and their voice carries no more weight than anyone who obviously cares about the place. The above names are just a few, there are so many more and the place wouldn't be the same without them. Well done all of you I say.

I'll continue to pipe up if someone is bullying or shouting or being uncivil and my voice will carry the same weight, no more no less, than if you choose to do the same.

I agree moderators should be IDd with their name as they are in other forums I am a member of

Why? How spectacularly patronising to assume that someone can't move a thread about a local event from ED section to what's on section and still have opinions that have nothing to do with that. We've seen here the effects of a moderators identity being widely known - his points have been constantly undermined until he feels the need to throw in the towel just so that he can have the same entitlement to posting freedom that everyone else enjoys.

Brum, stop whinging about the smilies and action stetements and this and that and menial other. There are sources of gang mentality and bullying that are far more nasty and insidious, although apparently without insight.

(PS: apologies for misunderstanding you, mick mac - i'm not always the quickest to catch on to tone)

*in tears*

Yes really.

First and foremost: Mockney, please don't give up being a moderator. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye on-line...but I just see that as part of life - in this case, on-line life. How boring a place would it be if we all got on all of the time. The very thought turns my stomach! You are a good moderator and fair. Dealing with incidents such as has occurred here surely has to be part of that role? I appreciate that everyone has their flashpoint - yes, even moderators - but I beg you, yes beg you to reconsider.

Whilst I can fully understand your upset, I would just like to vouch for HAL9000 in very much the same way as you have for Crystal Clear. Yes some of his posts hit hard - that is part of his style. However, the majority of his posts are thoughtful, helpful, informative, intelligent, and yes even witty. I would ask you not to take offence at this Mockney, in the same way as I did not take offence when you stuck up for your friend Crystal Clear. HAL9000 made a point - one which he felt he was entitled to make, and looking at his point objectively and without digging up the past or allowing the emotions to interfere, as far as I can see, his point was that of "conflicts of interests". Yes, it has escalated from there and that is regrettable. At risk of being pelted with the equivalent of verbal rotten eggs, please believe me when I tell you that HAL9000 is basically a good person and that, on this occasion, he has been misunderstood.

As I appear to be on some sort of soapbox, I would just like to cut-and-paste something which I posted on another thread a little while back. The post was in response to another one of those situations where Admin were under fire...unfairly so, I thought. Some of the content applies here...so here goes:

*approaches nervously and tentatively*

I think the only mistake that Admin appear to have made here is to basically spoil the lot of us over the years! Most of us, in all probability, now take this Forum for granted - myself included.

When we attempt to log onto it, we expect it to be there, functioning without fault with all of its trimmings. If it slows down we complain, if a thread develops a malfunction we express further displeasure, and if a post disappears we throw the toys out of the pram (well I do!) and so on. Now that Admin have more or less decided to do away with signatures we communicate our dissatisfaction once more - most vociferously. It's only natural, we are merely human after all. However, we should in all fairness stop and remind ourselves that this Forum is not a right...we are not entitled to access it as of right, by law, or under some contractual arrangement...

...at the end of the day we should all remember that Admin could shut this forum down if he felt so inclined. And, to be honest, I wouldn't blame him given the hard time he is currently experiencing...


And while I am at it, annaj...I never thought I would ever hear myself say this...but please could you return to the forum. The place is not the same without you. What happened is all water under the bridge now.

*offers laurel branch to annaj*

*still in tears bye the way*

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