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Honestly; he was just trying to do a pun. It came out wrong.

Don't worry, if you ever want someone to be there for you, someone you trust and love it's probably not him (but when push comes to shove I reckon it is), but you know, I fucking love him like a brother anyway.

Put it this way...I vouch for him, whatever that's worth.

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I'm not trying to make an issue out of this, but when I have pointed out that you were quick to defend personal friends who crapped all over the forum you got quite indignant about it.

In situations like this I think it would be better (given your position) to keep quiet and encourage your friends to apologise on their own behalf and behave themselves in future.

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Sorry to disagree with you HAL, but I don't think just because someone's a moderator it should mean that they don't get to have an opinion.

It's human nature to defend someone you like whom you feel has been misunderstood, and god knows, there have been rampant examples of people leaping to their friends' defence over perceived slights recently, so I think Mockney is more than entitled to voice his feelings on the matter.

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mockney piers Wrote:


> Ian, CC is actually lovely. I can vouch for the

> fella. He just got a bit upset at the thouht that

> a genuine local institution was being cynically

> killed off.

If you are talking about the quiz night thread last week-end it appeared that the 'character' in question was exceedingly pi**ed and used a lot of abusive language and suggested other things that some found offensive.If you read the thread which was removed overnight you wouldn't describe it a someone being a 'bit upset' but extremely upset to say the least.

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RosieH Wrote:


> I don't think just because someone's a moderator it should

> mean that they don't get to have an opinion.

I'm merely making the point that as a general principle, those who stand in judgement should remain impartial.

Anyone can state an opinion, but we have gone beyond that: this judge is acting as counsel for the defence - as it happens, on a thread about some else who was subject to judgment and found guilty because, presumably, he didn't have friends in high places.

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Ladymuck Wrote:


> Mockney, I'm curious...please...how can you tell

> (other than by using the search facility - which

> would seem a bit odd in this instance) how many

> posts a user has made? Am I missing a trick?


> HAL9000 congratulations to you.

Just click on the name of the poster LM.

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Declan Wrote:


> Just click on the name of the poster LM.

I thank you Declan...and I don't wish to appear ungrateful...but that I am aware of. I was wondering if there was another facility or way of telling. It's just that I am mystified as to why someone would wish to click onto a user's name in this situation. Seems odd to me.

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