I am posting this as I am so peeved by a recent experience. A few weeks ago I was in a rush to catch an early morning train from ED to London Bridge. The ticket machine repeatedly spat out my change so I could not buy a ticket. As ever, there was a large que at the ticket office, so I ran and caught the train. Upon arrival at LB, I went to the 'fare owing' desk and explained my situation. The man was most unsympathetic, rude and insisted I should have had a valid ticket. He issued a penalty fare notice, which I declined to pay the total amount for, instead giving the fare (?2.40) and stated I would appeal. He gave me a ?20 fine, minus the ?2.40 I had paid. The following day I sent a letter of appeal, as per the instructions on the ticket. I heard nothing more for a further 4 weeks, and then I received a Final Demand letter for ?37.60, which said that as I had not responded I was no longer entitled to appeal and must pay the fine or face court proceedings. An additional ?20 administration charge had been added. I telephoned South Eastern Railways and the debt collecting agency, offered to resend a copy of my appeal letter, and stated I had not even received an initial demand letter. Both stated that as they had not received my letter within the allocated time, I had to pay. They acknowledged the current Royal Mail difficulties, however stated if I did not pay now, they intended to proceed to court summons. After attempting to negotiate, I eventually 'gave in' and am now ?37.60 out of pocket - so other ED train users beware!!!