Friends - The Barry Barry Run was an outstanding day for all (thanks for organising it, people), and a 'Tour de Dulwich' could be another fine mess for spectators, but the strenuous nature of it daunted me and I wondered whether there'd be any takers for a more sedate pursuit like a bit of Petanque on some suitable ground in the park? I don't profess to be any good, but have poked it up a couple of frogs in the past and would love to get some practice in before returning to the crucible in Nimes. While not totally up to speed on the legislation, I don't think the local bobby would quibble with a tall glass of Pastis, nor a troupe of befrocked ladies and crevatted gentleman throwing weighty metal objects around in a public place... If anyone likes the idea of this, or if there is already a suitable local league in Dulwich, please let me know.