Foxes? Safe? Are they safe, you say? I'll tell you how bloody safe they are... They come round here, driving bendy buses (badly), they're rude, arrogant, ride their bikes on the pavements, carry knives and attack wheelie bins, wear hoodies, pick the flowers on Peckham Rye, play their music 'til all hours, dress up as clowns, take seruptitious photos of our kids in the park without so much as a 'do you mind', won't accept cheques, park in the disabled spaces in Sainsburys, knock on your windows at night, try to scam you on Lordship Lane, have swine flu, and park their articulated lorries on yellow lines outside John Allans (after crashing into the roundabout). I wouldn't be suprised if they're all asylum seekers who jump the queue for council housing, hold racist views, and only marry their own kind too. And they all work for Foxtons. Bastards, the lot of them!