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Everything posted by legalalien

  1. Something that might be of interest to those concerned about air quality issues - Southwark is consulting on its Air Quality Action Plan - consultation closes on 3 July. https://consultations.southwark.gov.uk/environment-leisure/air-quality-action-plan/ Covers a wide range of council activities and includes plans for air quality monitoring, public awareness, improving air quality around schools and hospitals etc. From a quick scan some interesting things that stood out were - a proposed feasibility study into the introduction of a Workplace Parking Levy (about which more at https://tfl.gov.uk/info-for/boroughs-and-communities/workplace-parking-levies - looks like something that could be used to target parking at local schools) - temporary car free days and pedestrianisation schemes (seems to stem from a GLA strategy and involve a lot of ?reimagining? (plus some substantial payments to marketing companies I?m guessing https://www.tceg.com/work/world-car-free-day-public-event - someone put in an FOI about precisely that (see https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/mgla130721-8182_-_foi_response_redacted.pdf). I?d rather see ?800000 on public transport rather than a one day inspirational event in central London tbh. - they?re trialling virtual loading bays in Walworth already, could be something interesting for LL? I had never heard of these, some info at https://park4sump.eu/sites/default/files/GoodPracticesExamplesCaseStudies/General_PM_and_Policy/Park4SUMP_Good_Practice_London_virtual_loading_bay.pdf - the creation of school super zones https://www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/superzones-_final.pdf There?s one in Walworth apparently. Given they?re supposed to prioritise the 30% most-deprived areas I can?t see this coming to Dulwich (although never underestimate the power of social capital, as ex-Cllr Burgess would say). They?re also going to implement the recommendations from the Southwark Schools Air Quality Audits. Not quite sure what these recommendations are or what the results of the audit look like. Some background here https://educationbusinessuk.net/news/27012020/london-schools-extend-air-quality-audit-programme, not all schools audited, Southwark funded some and others given the opportunity to opt in if they funded it themselves. Anyway, bit of an indication of the direction of travel and if people have specific ideas I guess it?s a chance to submit your view.
  2. Well to be fair, it is Southwark Labour policy, and they have just been voted back in.
  3. The roll out of CPZs begins, starting with Old Kent Road, with the council making it crystal clear that whether or not residents want them is irrelevant in light of the Council?s commitment to rolling out a borough wide CPZ, although there may be some discussion to be had on timings of restrictions. https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s107370/Report.pdf Interestingly the report is very clear that the cabinet minister was briefed in advance of the consultation and that ward councillors were also told in advance. I might be reading too much into those statements (which I haven?t seen in previous papers of this type), but it does read as though council officials anticipate a backlash and are putting in defences/ making it more difficult for councillors to make a u-turn for political reasons if things get ugly...
  4. Drop Wine?s licensing application due to be considered by council next week - wine bar/ wine delivery service to be cased in Melbourne grove north https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?MId=7443
  5. Update on process for payment and progress on payments in this document on the agenda for next Cabinet meeting: https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s107260/Report%20Council%20Tax%20rebate.pdf
  6. An update https://www.southwarknews.co.uk/news/two-weeks-of-silence-over-17-schools-and-now-council-will-ask-for-interview/
  7. I think the roll is dropping (vaguely recall something about 16 reception applicants for September), which makes viability more difficult as grant funding drops accordingly. Not sure whether the nuns teach or how much they are paid - it looks as though there is no "rental " charge for the building. Dashboard at https://schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk/School?urn=100851&tab=Income&unit=AbsoluteMoney&format=Charts#dashboard (not sure if this will link to the school itself but you can always search for it). Quite interesting to compare schools and see their current financial position etc.
  8. oddly enough, healthcare / obesity/ controlling benefits spending on junk food was what I was thinking about when reading the Australia thing - as a natural next step from gambling/ alcohol / smoking... I'm sure someone has thought of it already and trying to work out how it can be made politically palatable!
  9. I like Madelina (used to be called Piece of Cake) on East Dulwich Grove https://www.madelina.co.uk/. Quiet, friendly staff, nice crockery, the coffee is hot and I can vouch for the eggs benedict. Possibly not the cheapest but the portions are a decent size. The cafe at the Dulwich Picture Gallery is a nice spot on a sunny day but does get very busy. https://www.dulwichpicturegallery.org.uk/planning-your-visit/dulwich-picture-gallery-caf?/ I much prefer going out for breakfast than for lunch!
  10. My first reaction was that this was the fattest budgie I had ever seen! But it seems that English budgies are monsters compared to their Australian cousins, despite being descended from Australians imported in the late 1800s https://www.budgiecentral.com/do-english-budgies-make-good-pets/ Interesting if slightly horrifying history of the early budgie trade here - with some great pics of the birds in the wild https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/wildlife/2020/07/budgerigars-australias-colourful-clever-and-much-loved-avian-gift-to-the-world/ I hope your budgie is doing well.
  11. This is worth a read. Complete phase out of cash is a serious issue for victims of domestic abuse. https://www.refuge.org.uk/refuge-call-make-cash-priority-queens-speech/ Moving to cash free is also a great opportunity to allow the government to control how eg welfare payments are spent. See this trial in Australia (very targeted but could easily be the thin end of the wedge). https://www.dss.gov.au/families-and-children/programmes-services/welfare-conditionality/cashless-debit-card-overview I?m not sure that entirely cash free is the way to go...
  12. Not sure if this list is up to date https://localoffer.southwark.gov.uk/education/specialist-schools/southwark-resource-base-and-specialist-schools/specialist-schools/ I think I read somewhere that there is to be specialist provision for autism at Charter ED, which seems consistent with this https://www.tcset.org.uk/inclusive-education
  13. I'm not so convinced about the pandemic/ Brexit rationale that the council are pointing to as the primary cause of the oversupply. A big chunk of it is in the north of the borough in the areas where the council have sold off/ decanted estates, replaced them with high value private investment properties, and effectively forced less well off local families out of the area, to be replaced by student accommodation, empty investment properties, Air B&B etc - meaning less need for local schools and schools closing as a result. Then in other parts of the borough (slightly more well off areas?), building new, shiny academy schools which are more attractive to parents (and cheaper to run in terms of things like building maintenance, heating costs etc) putting existing schools in old Victorian buildings with possibly slightly less-well-heeled parents at a disadvantage, causing their rolls to drop, resulting in less government funding triggering less funding for them to provide bells and whistles - less attractive to parents... big debt etc. - a spiral downwards. I guess that's market forces at work, and we do have a conservative government after all. I wonder whether we're moving from children in ED having to travel to school slightly further afield due to a bulge in the primary population, to children from slightly further afield travelling to ED and children from ED travelling to DV's state and independent schools (let's hope their parents aren't driving them there :) ). Not sure whether that's a good or a bad thing overall tbh.
  14. For those interested in such things: New list of cabinet portfolios and cabinet members here: https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/b50014517/Supplemental%20agenda%20no.%202%20Tabled%20items%20Saturday%2021-May-2022%2011.00%20Council%20Assembly.pdf?T=9 Constitution of overview and scrutiny committee and various commissions that sit under it here https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/g7383/Printed%20minutes%20Saturday%2021-May-2022%2011.30%20Overview%20Scrutiny%20Committee.pdf?T=1 Dulwich wise, Cllr Newens now chairing the Environment and Community Engagement Commission. Of possible interest to local businesses, Cllr Ochere has moved from cabinet and is chairing the Education and Local Economy Commission (he was quite an effective chair of one of the previous commissions and given the primary school oversupply / financial issues this will be an important one. Cllr Hamvas, who I think opposed the Ivydale single site proposal by Southwark is also on that commission so should be interesting.) New Goose Green councillor Portia Mwangangye is the deputy cabinet minister for young people. Up to date list of councillors (with new pics) at https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx?FN=WARD&VW=LIST&PIC=0 The new mayor is Sunil Chopra.
  15. Will be quite an interesting process actually. Is currently a registered charity and looks like its charitable objects relate to activities carried out by the nuns in the U.K. https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/230756/what-who-how-where They?ll want to use / dispose of the assets in an appropriate way before the charity is wound up (assuming they are winding up). Hard to know exactly what they could use the trust assets for without seeing the underlying trust deed/ scheme. alice Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Faith schools? Look at NI. > Wouldn?t it be great if the nuns decided to give > the land to Southwark council for the building of > the many many many homes that are needed.
  16. The various consultation documents are on the website http://www.stfrancescacabrini.co.uk/covid-19. There?s a statement that neither Southwark Council or the Southwark RC Archdiocese owns the land, there are trustees who presumably hold it in trust for the missionary order of nuns.
  17. Indeed, there was an article about it in Southwark News yesterday https://www.southwarknews.co.uk/news/honor-oaks-st-francesca-cabrini-primary-school-could-close-after-nuns-announce-plans-to-move-to-africa/ Alarmingly it suggests that parents were told that as many as 17 Southwark schools could face closure. There?s some background on the oversupply of primary school places in this earlier thread. /forum/read.php?5,2231610,2251037#msg-2251037. The worst problems of oversupply / risk of closure seem to be in other parts of the borough, but certainly worth keeping an eye on the schools that they are looking to downsize. sweetgirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > FYI, It seems St Francesca Cabrini is at risk of > closing down??
  18. of course you're right, we can but dream :) KidKruger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don?t really expect my fave cuisines to somehow > all magically and coincidentally occur on my high > st, I?m used to (and don?t mind) heading to > Lewisham to pick-up Sri Lankan or Camberwell for > alt. Chinese. > We?re lucky to have these options even in the same > or adjacent boroughs, let alone on a single street > of our choosing !!
  19. Maybe we could create a new business model where we all petition for a new restaurant! I'm not so keen on "stand alone" Korean so would need to be slightly more pan Asian to get my vote. Sichuan - yes, although am still recovering from a malaysian chinese university friend taking me to an authentic Sichuan restaurant and insisting I order the hot and sour soup. Love Sri Lankan, and Moroccan would be good. Don't know much about other north African food.
  20. If I read this correctly it's that 25% of trips are less than a mile and around 14% of that 25% are cars / vans, so around 3.5% of trips are by cars travelling less than a mile (not a question of comparing 14% with 25%?). I actually find it surprising that only 25% of "trips" are less than a mile. I wonder what the definition of "trip" is and whether some "very short" trips haven't been counted as trips. Hard to know Rockets Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mark Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I'm afraid it is: > > > > In 2020, 25% of trips were under 1 mile, and > 71% > > under 5 miles. > > Source: National Travel Survey 2020 > > > https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/national- > > > > travel-survey-2020/national-travel-survey-2020#:~: > > > > text=Journey%20lengths,-Chart%203%3A%20Mode&text=I > > > > n%202020%2C%2025%25%20of%20trips,and%2068%25%20und > > > er%205%20miles. > > But a trip is not a car journey. Look at the chart > on the link you sent - it shows 81% of trips under > a mile were walked. About 14% are cars/vans and I > would love to know how they categorise the use of > vans - how do they categorise a delivery van doing > multiple stops for example? > > 14% is still too high but nowhere near the 25% he > claimed and he claimed this for cars - it's very > misleading and he should know better in his role.
  21. Has anyone been to Walters? Is it any good?
  22. rahrahrah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Don't know whether this has already been flagged > somewhere on this thread. But this looks like a > good local campaign, aimed at reducing the number > of people driving to schools: > https://sustainableschoolr.wixsite.com/sustainable > schoolrun That does look like the start of a good campaign, will have a further read. Not sure that allowing councils to be able to introduce CPZs more easily should really be a focus (unless it?s restricted to areas around schools there is potential for misuse of powers), I?d rather see more no stopping zones and school streets. If schools (state or private) want to have no catchment policies (which tbh I?m not in favour of) then they should have to contribute to the cost of an appropriate school transport solution. The primaries are certainly more of an issue than the secondaries, as the site suggests.
  23. Good to know that I?m not alone in identifying the potential for a ?redistribution? conclusion. Given I?m in favour of road user pricing, ideally based on in-car technology, I?ll keep my fingers crossed that we can track actual car movements/journeys sooner rather than later, as the info gathered would be really useful for these discussions. (Lengthy discussions on privacy and the surveillance state to be had, no doubt)
  24. That sounds as though there has been a significant transfer of traffic from local roads to the SRN, which is what those in favour want to happen and which those against, and on main roads aren?t in favour of in circumstances where the outcome is to overwhelm the SRN roads? Intuitively it feels as though there should be a combined figure covering local roads and TfL roads. But I?m not quite sure how that would work. Unless you can take a snapshot of ALL the traffic in the area at various set points in time and then compare with previous set points in time, surely any reductions / increases that you measure only show for certain that traffic at particular points has increased / decreased but can?t tell you what the overall reduction is, as traffic may have diverted from/ to non- measured routes? I?m not explaining very well, but for eg you can say a reduction of 21000 vehicles on certain routes (and even then could be some double counting I suspect as presumably one vehicle could disappear from say three counts depending on its route- or is that adjusted for?), but there?s no way of knowing whether the 21000 cars have popped up on other roads that aren?t being measured?
  25. I love Vietnamese. I also really like the Korean/ Japanese place in Kennington - https://www.kumarestaurant.co.uk/. If they could open a second restaurant in LL (or someone would open something similar), I'd be a frequent customer!
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