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Everything posted by legalalien
FWIW I?m all in favour of Parklets and cycle hangars as long as they are strategically positioned to benefit those who need them and not those with side gates and large back yards - and as long as they don?t remove much needed parking near small businesses. Mind you, I do read the Daily Mail from time to time - I try to rotate my news source each day so as not to become too comfortable in my views. I?d recommend it.
Council Meeting Live from 4pm today
legalalien replied to Rockets's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Serra I think she said schools AND the Dulwich Estate.. am still watching the call to see what happens on the clean air agenda item so can?t check... -
Council Meeting Live from 4pm today
legalalien replied to Rockets's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
It will be up to everyone to keep expressing views and make sure something happens. But it didn?t sound like a blanket ?no change, let?s wait the full period and see? as advocated by the clean air etc lady ... the door seems to be open to some immediate tweaks to address the major problems (at least that?s what I heard, although that could be confirmation bias at work) -
Council Meeting Live from 4pm today
legalalien replied to Rockets's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Abe_froeman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Quite a positive message from the council leader > about addressing concerns to find the best way > forward. Yes I thought so too. And thanks Dougie! -
Council Meeting Live from 4pm today
legalalien replied to Rockets's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Off topic slightly, but I?d hate to have my work video calls streamed and stored on YouTube. -
Realistic cost of living in London with family of 4
legalalien replied to AnnieC's topic in The Family Room Discussion
Depending on where you have to get to near Old Street, basing yourself in Herne Hill and getting the Thameslink to Farringdon (then walking) could also be a thing - that's a 16 min trip on the train. -
I believe there have been some socially distanced consultations /discussions about the council's Climate Emergency planning (this report is also on today's agenda). http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s91295/Report%20Second%20Environment%20Scrutiny%20Commission%20report%20on%20the%20Climate%20Emergency%20Strategy.pdf Not sure who with. Interesting that in the climate emergency context there's a clear focus on the need to map deprivation date and overlay this with emssions data to ensure that the more deprived are not hardest hit by any solutions.
Just did the street space thing but wasn?t asked about whether interested in other stuff. For anyone looking at a degree / masters in local government, the democratic deficit caused by COVID could be a thing?
AylwardS Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Legalalien I?m not sure if this is what you want > but I commented on the Dulwich Healthy Streets > previously on here and I?ve since had emails about > something else I may be interested in. > > > https://dulwichvillagestreetspace.commonplace.is/a > bout > > As I recall when I added my comment I was asked if > I?d like to know of other things happening in the > area. Thanks. Earlier today I managed to log in to some sort of Southwark account. Seems I was signed up to my Southwark, anything dulwich related and a couple of other things but I have never received any comms. I updated my preferences to cover everything so let?s see (I haven?t received anything at all since I signed up years and years ago and I do check my spam folder regularly, so let?s see. I?ll try your approach as well....
That fact-checker thing at point 8 looks absolutely shocking.
You can?t really tell whether it is a Tory strategy or a function of the fact that ?safe? Labour stronghold councillors feel less need to be accountable to popular opinion though? Either way, if the result is more independent councillors I am a fan.
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/10312320/driver-fined-pulling-bus-lane-ambulance/amp/ https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.express.co.uk/news/uk/594449/Lynne-Plaxman-Fine-Council-Bus-Lane-Parking-Number-Plate-Recognition-Ambulance-Hull/amp It does clearly happen. I always thought the point was that it is best to try and leave the bus lane clear so that the ambulance can use it?
Not sure this is useful as it doesn?t cover London, but in case... https://www.ttf.uk.net/
Pages 20 and 36
http://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s89830/Scutiny%20report%20air%20quality%20FINAL.pdf - from July. I believe these are the recommendations that the councillor is responding to...
I was hoping not to post this but I can't for the life of me figure out how to sign up to some kind of Southwark news feed that will get this stuff to me. I've been to the home page, the democracy page and the engagement and consultations page but I am missing something. I've worked out that I am already signed up to an electronic version of "Southwark Life" by all accounts, even though I know for a fact that I have never received one. I'm genuinely not trying to make a point here- I just can't find what I'm supposed to do. Can anyone help? TIA
Metallic - I will go and register on the website now if I can figure out where to do so - but I still don't think that's the answer. It's never been suggested to me before that I should register on a council website in order to be informed of major decisions like this - that's the whole point of mandating consultation in the normal course of things. Where something is being done that would usually be consulted on, I'd expect councillors to take the initiative to make sure that their constituents are aware of it - say a flyer through post boxes, saying "we've put these experimental things in place, if you don't like them, you need to do X by Y date". I get your point that this costs money, but it is still the right thing to do because they must know what proportion of people (and where presumably) have signed up for online info and I suspect it's far from everyone (I'd be interested to see some figures on that - more googling needed!) I find the whole thing quite bizarre, but possibly because I grew up in a place where almost all local councillors were independent, the population was much smaller, and the level of engagement was accordingly much higher. We learn from our mistakes. As it happens, I think I might sign up to support a campaign for proportional representation in local government. If anyone knows anything about such things, by all means send me a message!
It would be good if the councillors could take another good hard look at some of the caveats in the Commission report rather than just the recommendations. Here is another one: "The demand for School Streets is high and there are over 30 schools in the borough on the waiting list. School Streets are highly popular with parents and children; however, the drawback is that they only cover a very small area and only a part of the journey to school. We have found the process and criteria for selecting which schools are chosen is not clear, for example if the area has high pollution levels or high levels of deprivation. We need to consider how decisions are made as it is often the local residents who have the means, time and the knowhow who are able to influence council decisions such as targeting side roads. There is also evidence that the closure of side roads, and other small schemes, do not reduce air pollution exposure for the people on main roads who are at greatest risk. There are certain criteria that must be met for traffic evaporation to take place effectively, a fact that is often overlooked by policy makers. If drivers can find an alternative route where levels of congestion are acceptable, they will continue to drive. If alternatives like cycling are deemed unsafe due to lack of protected cycleways or if there is insufficient space on public transport (as is the case at the moment due to the need for social distancing) then those with access to vehicles will continue to drive, increasing traffic congestion and air pollution on boundary/main roads. While the Commission welcomed these local initiatives, on the whole, there was concern that the operational activity to deliver the positive ambitions of the Movement Plan lacked a coherent programme. The Commission discovered deprivation data sitting behind the plan, but this was not referred to by the officers in the meeting and there was no evidence that this is being used to drive funding decisions in a systematic way. There is a risk that pockets of good practice will emerge only in places with the most vocal activists or in areas of large-scale regeneration, but these will not necessarily be the places with the greatest objective needs or that they will deliver the changes which will benefit the majority population. Furthermore, hyper local changes are most likely to cause unintended outcomes with displaced traffic, rather than the win- win outcome of traffic reducing overall (on both the neighbourhoods roads where through traffic had been removed AND adjacent main roads where traffic has evaporated." This is the main point that lots of us are making based on the evidence of our own eyes.
Sadly Rockets I suspect you are right. Given the somewhat draconian nature of experimental traffic orders, I would expect councillors to be proactive in ensuring those ?outside the bubble? were made aware of the limited inputs they might be able to make in a proactive way ie not just following whatever bare minimum rules exist to publish things on websites. Most people don?t have the time or resources to spend their hours trawling through this stuff on the local authority website.
On the objections point - this is not an area I know much about, but if mr google is to be believed, it doesn?t sound as though there is a discrete list of grounds for objections. I think these Regs apply https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1996/2489/contents/made The wording in the orders is as follows (this one specific to the Melbourne grove etc ones) ?The council will in due course be considering whether the provisions of the experimental order/s should be continued in force indefinitely, by means of a permanent order made under section 6 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Anyone wishing to object to the making of the permanent orders or make any other representation regarding the scheme would have 6 months to do so, from the date the experimental order comes into force (or, if the order is varied by a subsequent order or modified pursuant to section 10(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, from the date that variation order or modification comes into force), and may send a statement to [email protected] or to: Traffic Order consultations, Highways, Southwark Council, Environment and Leisure, P.O. Box 64529, London SE1P 5LX; or use the form labelled 'Parking - Road traffic and highway schemes - responding to statutory consultation notices' at www.southwark.gov.uk/statutoryconsultationnotices quoting reference ?TMO2021-EXP10_LSP E Dulwich?. Please note that if you wish to object to the scheme you must state the grounds on which your objection is made.? They really don?t make it easy for the average person in the street tbh.
This is how one of the other local authorities describes the process ?Once the consultation period has closed all comments received will be reviewed and these will be reported to the Ward Councillors and Cabinet Member (where appropriate) for consideration of the next steps. A decision will be made on whether to continue the Order on a permanent basis. If formal objections are received they will be considered by Officers but the final decision on whether to proceed will be made by the Cabinet Member (the elected Councillor whose portfolio includes responsibility for parking) or Head of Highways & Transport under delegated authority.? Mass campaign of objections, anyone?
I don?t think that ?consider people?s views? means consult in this context. I think it means they will consider any formal objections lodged within the initial six months of the order (as the experimental order process requires) and then move straight to permanent decision. I also doubt they?ll write widely to people explaining that they have to put objections in within six months if they want their thoughts to be considered at all. Is that others? understanding? It would be good if someone from Southwark could confirm this is the process (or clarify if not)...
The length of the diversion, which sends people through an already congested Herne Hill and EDG, says it all. It's the reverse of what I was suggesting yesterday when I theorised that tail backs of traffic on Lordship Lane were of people trying to get to Herne Hill and back onto the south circular....
It says it?s live-streaming on YouTube Venue: Online. This meeting will be livestreamed on Southwark Council's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/southwarkcouncil. Not sure if I?ll tune in to this. Only started reading up about this stuff very recently - and I don?t think it?s good for my blood pressure... is anyone else tuning in / participating eg in support of the petition?
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