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  1. i agree we have to change habits - its just cutting side roads off pushing traffic to boundary does not reduce pollution. Drivers find a way through or they will sit in traffic . Hopefully more people will switch to electric but the ltn is not going to reduce pollution. The council has tried to bamboozle residents with 3 different plans al released at the same time - with questionnaires designed to make you answer in ca certain way. Such an old school way of surveying where you are trying to blatantly decive the public - andf they think they are being clever in doing so. It's ridiculous. Lambeth cant be honest - a bit like their ceo..
  2. thank you for all your replies. Honestly this is not about drivers V cyclist and turning this into a brexit v non brexit debate where everyone becomes divided and it then causes so much tension in the community. That's the last thing we want. 1. We want the council to engage with it resident association - we have that right. They are reluctant to do so- god knows we have tried. They have made it really difficult despite the hours of effort and work we as citizens have put into evaluating this scheme. Moreover, we are all well qualified professionals with deeper knowledge and understanding than our local councillors that are pursuing this for thier own reasons. Its not about reducing pollution for them - i can only assume they have their own objectives. 2. We want to be able to influence what happens in our area as we all have a common goal to change habits and encourage less driving etc However, our overall objective is to reduce pollution in our area. We do not want to INCREASE pollution. The council proposal for West dulewich is going to do just that. We have a data scientist on our road who has painfully reviewed their analysis and its fundamentally flawed. For example, they do not even count cars travelling at 6mph or less. So any increase in traffic will not be counted. They have relied on evidence that the LTN works by comparing pre LTN traffic data with traffic figures in covid. I can go on - but really we need to raise the funds. I live in west dulwich - i work from home, i have an electric car which i rarely use, i cycle, - i just don't want the pollution - because my son already suffers from pollution issues. I would support the LTN if i thought it had a chance of working - but it's going to do the opposite and going to be painful to reverse. This is not my day job. please please help us to raise money so that we can stop the council and then be a seat at the table - so we can work together to get the best schemes for our area and not something imposed by contractors who have not even visited the area to understand its nuisances. Join the community and Spread the word and help us reduce driving and pollution together https://gofund.me/cf421082 LTN Poster Flyer.pdf
  3. West Dulwich LTN Action Group needs your help to challenge Lambeth Council in court! We need to raise £30k by Monday, 9th September – please donate here: https://gofund.me/ec59a9b3 We are fighting Lambeth Council’s proposal to impose a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) on West Dulwich, which will cause increased traffic and pollution – just like their disastrous scheme in Streatham. The council has manipulated data, ignored our legal letters, and failed to properly consult residents. We support reducing pollution, but not through a one-size-fits-all LTN that will create a problem which we currently do not have! Your contribution will help us take the council to the High Court for a judicial review. It's time to hold them accountable for their misleading actions and poor decision-making. Please donate, share our cause, and help us fight for a fairer solution. Together, we can make a difference – and if we succeed, you may even get your money back! Donate here: https://gofund.me/ec59a9b3
  4. West Dulwich LTN Action Group needs your help to challenge Lambeth Council in court! We need to raise £30k by Monday, 9th September – please donate here: https://gofund.me/ec59a9b3 We are fighting Lambeth Council’s proposal to impose a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) on West Dulwich, which will cause increased traffic and pollution – just like their disastrous scheme in Streatham. The council has manipulated data, ignored our legal letters, and failed to properly consult residents. We support reducing pollution, but not through a one-size-fits-all LTN that will create a problem which we currently do not have! Your contribution will help us take the council to the High Court for a judicial review. It's time to hold them accountable for their misleading actions and poor decision-making. Please donate, share our cause, and help us fight for a fairer solution. Together, we can make a difference – and if we succeed, you may even get your money back! Donate here: https://gofund.me/ec59a9b3
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