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Everything posted by jazzer

  1. Yep, had a similar problem with a return package from EU being delivered, after many phone calls and eventually speaking to the depot, I got it sorted. shan't ever use them again after the experience.
  2. The issue is in the vicinity of/under the bridge as the road dips from the junction of London Rd, Dartmouth Rd and Devonshire Rd. I got stuck on the way back on a bus from Bell Green. There were no issues then outside Sainsburys, but with the over night dips in temperatures anything is possible to cause more bursts. As someone else said, avoid at all costs. Try over the top of Sydenham Hill and down Kirkdale, or along Sydenham Hill and Down Wells Park rd as cut throughs.
  3. According to TfL no issues exist on the no. 40, ditto no. 12 https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/buses/ 8mins is not an unreasonable waiting time, if you want to point a figure, do so in the direction of Sadiq khan, Mayor of London, we do not need nor want one.
  4. read what you wrote and have a think maybe.
  5. So you're next line of attack is so start making it personal, carry on, eventually you'll get thrown out of here. Thought you'd given up with me, but you can't let go. Me and 2.86M people are all fed up with the pigs ear Starmer and his motley crew of things and want a change. The red witch has cast a wicked spell over the entire country and left us all in an even worse mess than before. We need the wolf gone man.
  6. At least they attended and seemed to be doing something, and something is better than nothing.
  7. First up I mis-spelt their, how petty that you jump all over that. Why does Starmer continually blame the last Govt, now for immigration figures, can't he get on with the job in hand instead of using the same old line blaming the Conservatives, it becomes boring, or can his script writer not come up with something new and witty, guess not. 2.8M people have so far called for a new election. PetitionCall a General Election I would like there to be another General Election. I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election. Sign this petition 2,867,729 signatures Starmers response has been if you don't like it you can leave. What sort of response is that from a supposed Prime Minister, the man is a joke.
  8. Lunchtime at the path opposite Harris Boys school, there where two Thames Water vans parked on the path running through the park, close to the gates with Peckham ye Park dealing with the huge puddle that had formed on the grass. (same spot/area to the right of the path, where it's been forming for the last couple of years)
  9. It's Jazzer, not Jezzer. Thought you'd said you'd given up and so were going no longer respond to my posts, that didn't last long, cause you just can't help yourself. And their you go blaming the last Govt just like the three stooges continue to do. I agree that what Truss did was terrible, that's why she got booted out of office after 44 days. But that was then and this is now. Look at the budget, the impact of raising employers NO contributions means that employers will either reduce the number of people they employ, unemployment will then rise which will result in an increase in the amount of benefits the DWP has to pay. The alternative is that employers will increase the cost of things they sell. That has a knock on effect that things become even more expensive and so inflation duly increases. A further effect is that employers don't expand their businesses and so don't recruit new staff. It turned into s circle of events repeating themselves. The sad thing is that you can't see the long term damage Reeves budget is and continues to cause. You say I'm blinkered, I believe you are. We are never going to agree. But at least before Labour took Office inflation was down to 2% and the levels of unemployment had never been lower.
  10. Four years time this country will be on its knees
  11. Yep, his manifesto didn't say anything about removing the winter fuel allowance, or that they'd increase employers NI insurance contributions, or that they'd increase inflation, or they'd create a situation whereby employers are reducing their headcounts and not recruiting staff because of the economics they have created, what happened to we'll reduce energy costs by £300 per household, or that they'd increase Inheritance tax on farmers. Its more about what they didn't say they'd do rather than what they said they would do. They were not open or transparent about what they'd do once in power. They fooled the electorate, in five years time this country will be bankrupt. Because so many people are signing the petition asking for a new election, that is because people are fed up with what the Govt are doing to its citizens, including taking away the freedom of speech.
  12. Yep, lots of "we fully appreciate, while we appreciate, we also understand and we understand", no bark and no bite, she's rolled over like a puppy. We stand no chance with someone who manages to say something that actually says nothing.
  13. PetitionCall a General Election I would like there to be another General Election. I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election. Sign this petition 2,500,822 signatures 2,501,025 signatures
  14. It came from the 9bn spent on the public above inflation pay award, hence doubling it. Watch the BBC interview of Starmer and Kuenssberg, where Starmer gets absolutely decimated.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4exGJQmJZE4
  16. What the Tories achieved in 14 years, Liebour have achieved in 120 days. A huge hole, so deep with no way out except resignation and a new Govt to sweep these mindless cowboys out of office. Because no one will forget, no one will forgive. Liebour tarnished themselves, they did it to themselves, big promises followed by lie after lie, or things they have done but did not say in their manifesto they would do. Prime example being removing the winter fuel allowance, increasing employer NI contributions, doubling the national debt. They can lie as much as they like, the people won't forget and once gone, never, ever to return. Not only are they penalising their own said be supporters, they are penalising the entire country. So unless you won't to avert a financial disaster, yiu have to sign the petion to get them out NOW.
  17. Not extreme views on this thread, just hard to swallow for some, hey Sephiroth
  18. Sephiroth, obviously you must be having difficulty translating the meaning of the words below, These clauses remain law today, and provided the basis for important principles in English law developed in the fourteenth through to the seventeenth century, and which were exported to America and other English-speaking countries. Their phrasing, ‘to no one' and ‘no free man' gave these provisions a universal quality that is still applicable today in a way that many of the clauses relating specifically to feudal custom are not Never mind, keep on ignoring the facts The only one here burying their head in the sand seems to be you, with your total unwillingness to accept what a disaster Liebour have turned out to be after 120 days in Office, making themselves a one term Govt. Bet you think the sun shines out of his backside. Because whenever an election happens they will NEVER EVER be trusted ever again or ever get back into Govt for many, many years after the dictatorship we have been placed under. Reeves was giving a speech at the CBI earlier today, bet that went well for her, NOT.
  19. “No free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way, nor in any way proceeded against, except by the lawful judgement of his peers and the law of the land. “To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay right or justice.” These clauses remain law today, and provided the basis for important principles in English law developed in the fourteenth through to the seventeenth century, and which were exported to America and other English-speaking countries. Their phrasing, ‘to no one' and ‘no free man' gave these provisions a universal quality that is still applicable today in a way that many of the clauses relating specifically to feudal custom are not
  20. The Clauses of Magna Carta There are 63 clauses in Magna Carta. For the main part, the clauses do not deal with legal principles but instead relate to the regulation of feudal customs and the operation of the justice system. There are clauses on the granting of taxes, towns and trade, the extent and regulation of the royal forest, debt, the Church and the restoration of peace. Only four of the 63 clauses in Magna Carta are still valid today - 1 (part), 13, 39 and 40. Of enduring importance to people appealing to the charter over the last 800 years are the famous clauses 39 and 40: “No free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way, nor in any way proceeded against, except by the lawful judgement of his peers and the law of the land. “To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay right or justice.” These clauses remain law today, and provided the basis for important principles in English law developed in the fourteenth through to the seventeenth century, and which were exported to America and other English-speaking countries. Their phrasing, ‘to no one' and ‘no free man' gave these provisions a universal quality that is still applicable today in a way that many of the clauses relating specifically to feudal custom are not.
  21. And add to that list, the removal of Freedom of Speech by Starmer's Government, the removal of democracy and the implementation of a one Party State on the people.
  22. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700143
  23. No, you won't stop me there. Sephiroth, what you don't like is people disagreeing with your blinkered view of what this Govt are doing, steering the country into economic turmoil. And as of this morning 1.9m people have so far signed the petition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiinHLdspA No it's not far right, its the people speaking out and saying Starmer, Reeves and Rayner got it wrong. We don't want an economic crash which is where they are taking us, the last thing the people want is inflation rising along with interest rates and mortgages, and food, and energy costs, and , and, and, and, the list is endless. What people do want is this bunch of fools removed from office before they do any more damage to the country. And when Kemi takes Office, all this foolishness imposed during Starmagedon will be reversed. The people have had enough, they realise the damage being done to the country. They realise that employers are cutting back on jobs and already making people redundant They recognise the cost of living is increasing, not decreasing. They recognise that Energy prices are increasing, not decreasing as Starmer promised. They recognise that the hike in employer NI contributions hurts everyone in this country. They recognise that the Winter fuel allowance has been rescinded, leaving pensioners to freeze in their homes. They recognise that life is going to get more, not less expensive because of Reeves failed budget, they recognise that the tax on farmers land will result in farmers not supplying food and causing food shortages, WHY can't you see this. Now as for "b) more than a little bit unstable and posting random links from far right YouTube sites" - No I'm not unstable, you just don't like the truth being pointed out to you. "there have always been people like this in the country and now they have a way to express it - in no way should it deflect a government or represent majority of people". The purpose of the lounge is to enable people to express what they she happening, at the moment by an inept Govt, about to crash the country into a huge economic iceberg, taking us back probably to the economics of the 1920's. You even disagree with what is said in the House of Commons, when Liebour get harpooned and Reeves runs out of the chamber because she can't accept scrutiny and doesn't want to answer the questions, as she Fked up.
  24. Sephiroth, what you don't like is people disagreeing with your blinkered view of what this Govt are doing, steering the country into economic turmoil. And as of this morning 1.9m people have so far signed the petition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiinHLdspA No it's not far right, its the people speaking out and saying Starmer, Reeves and Rayner got it wrong. We don't want an economic crash which is where they are taking us, the last thing the people want is inflation rising along with interest rates and mortgages, and food, and energy costs, and , and, and, and, the list is endless. What people do want is this bunch of fools removed from office before they do any more damage to the country. And when Kemi takes Office, all this foolishness imposed during Starmagedon will be reversed. The people have had enough, they realise the damage being done to the country. They realise that employers are cutting back on jobs and already making people redundant They recognise the cost of living is increasing, not decreasing. They recognise that Energy prices are increasing, not decreasing as Starmer promised. They recognise that the hike in employer NI contributions hurts everyone in this country. They recognise that the Winter fuel allowance has been rescinded, leaving pensioners to freeze in their homes. They recognise that life is going to get more, not less expensive because of Reeves failed budget, they recognise that the tax on farmers land will result in farmers not supplying food and causing food shortages, WHY can't you see this. Now as for "b) more than a little bit unstable and posting random links from far right YouTube sites" - No I'm not unstable, you just don't like the truth being pointed out to you. "there have always been people like this in the country and now they have a way to express it - in no way should it deflect a government or represent majority of people". The purpose of the lounge is to enable people to express what they she happening, at the moment by an inept Govt, about to crash the country into a huge economic iceberg, taking us back probably to the economics of the 1920's. You even disagree with what is said in the House of Commons, when Liebour get harpooned and Reeves runs out of the chamber because she can't accept scrutiny and doesn't want to answer the questions, as she Fked up.
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