On the statistics side - i.e. the ?feedback? that Southwark used to justify the DV junction closure - the data has been so alarmingly misrepresented that we?re forced to conclude either (a) Southwark simply can?t grasp basic (i.e. GCSE level) statistical analysis; or (b) they?re happy to deliberately play fast-and-loose with statistics to achieve their policies. And it?s certainly far from the first time - i.e. the famous ?47% increase in traffic through the junction? that Southwark tried to get us to believe, when the baseline for that figure was a period in 2017 when the junction was partially close for roadworks! Honestly, for many of us, this whole episode has shattered any presumption we might have had in good governance, ethics and/or basic competency by our council. And Siduhue, agree, very good post. Sadly such good sense doesn?t seem to resonate with Southwark, but I suppose we can all live in hope.