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n dulwich northerner

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Everything posted by n dulwich northerner

  1. Yes, but you wouldn't use it for commuting to the City. N Dulwich and E Dulwich stations are 6 and 5 stops from London Bridge, where you can walk or switch to a train into Cannon St or Blackfriars/Farringdon. Herne Hill is on Thameslink. There are also bus routes - eg 42 goes over Tower Bridge to Liverpool Street.
  2. Like a deposit scheme, hike the upfront cost and then pay back the deposit element when it's left in the right spot (assuming that's automatically detected)?
  3. I think Harriet Harman has lived with her late husband Jack Dromy MP on Winterbrook Rd, which is next to Stradella. Neither is really DV, more Herne Hill, but the report was in the Daily Mail.
  4. Lordship Lane is long, and the question seemed to be about the area south of Townley Road. I don't think that you have to pay there.
  5. "the area between LL and Court Lane is now CPZ" I don't think it is, and you should be able to park there freely. You'd just have to remember there's no access from Dulwich Village and weekday morning/afternoon restrictions at the Townley Rd/E Dulwich Grove junction.
  6. legalalien Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not sure what to think about this kind of attitude > to comments made during consultation on the > Rotherhithe CPZ proposals. > > "The extent of the CPZ is considered to be correct > having due regard to the extent that parking > dispersion occurs when space is at a premium. It > would be very difficult for residents to have > knowledge of how additional developments in > Southwark can directly affect them, until after > the > changes occur of course. They then see changes > associated from the new development as time > passes, and how the advantages of the CPZ will > provide them with parking spaces. The layout and > extent of the area was given extensive thought by > officers and members, prior to any engagement > occurring and the zone area being developed." ie > basically residents know nothing about their area, > we are right, they will see. What's the point of > consultation then? Maybe you know this passage: "A mass of Latin words falls upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outline and covering up all the details. The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one?s real and one?s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink." George Orwell - Politics and the English Language
  7. march46 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Love seeing the positive images put out by Clean > Air Dulwich. So many people are benefitting from > the roads being safer. > > https://twitter.com/CleanAirDulwich/status/1437503 > 039615680512?s=20 So what? People walked round here before the botched road closures, and one picture's background shows a local business that was forced to move its location. The tweeter must think folk are very gullible.
  8. There's also a place opening near the lights in Dulwich Village. It's https://www.redemptionroasters.com/ and aims to get prisoners into employment.
  9. randonneur Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Please can you define what you mean by > 'independent survey'. From the EDG website https://eastdulwichgrove.com/content/uploads/2021/07/East-Dulwich-Grove__-LTN-Survey-Results-2.pdf page 5: "Face-to-face surveys with households in on East Dulwich Grove took place during June 2021. An independent external marketing company collected resident feedback for impartiality and confidentiality."
  10. Yesterday morning at Greenwich about midday. No queue to get in, not crowded inside, but there was a queue at checkout. Not too bad though. Just one muppet wearing her mask around her chin.
  11. Glad there's no exception for cyclists, but you forgot face recognition cameras and the requirement for vaccination passports! Please don't put ideas in their heads :)
  12. Any new trees should be positioned carefully to respect the view. Also, I think that slope is protected by some drainage works.
  13. They certainly should complain when they are misconceived and implemented. Using a handheld phone is another matter entirely.
  14. Is the DLH end of Melbourne Grove supposed to be open again? I walked past half an hour ago and the planters had all been neatly moved to the side.
  15. legalalien Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That's a good point - plenty of room to discuss / > influence detail, not just talk about the point of > principle. Given how much I moan about LTN > arguments being too binary I should have been > thinking along those lines. Maybe we could all > look to frame the inevitable CPZ debates along > those lines rather than CPZ good v CPZ bad... Yes, and another detail to question is the 75% or ?100 discount for hybrid, electric and dual fuel vehicles. It's not a significant incentive to buy one, and they occupy the same amount of parking space. If you're consulted about a CPZ, there's no need for this discount.
  16. legalalien Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I don't know, but when you think about it, if > there's an approved borough-wide Movement Plan > that says "CPZ everywhere", it's difficult to see > how the result of a statutory consultation on a > particular CPZ would come out other than in favour > of the CPZ unless there were some very specific > objections that couldn't be ignored? Not necessarily. As I think I posted somewhere up this thread, the first N Dulwich CPZ proposal was ditched after negative feedback to a consultation. Subsequently new CPZs in nearby Lambeth and around HH had a domino effect and displaced parking into the NDL area, and residents had changed their minds before the second consultation. So if you don't want one, do say so. Also give them feedback on the hours affected, because they do have practical impacts. 12-2 is fine here in these more residential streets and lets visitors avoid the charges, but all-day as in E Dulwich is more awkward and would damage local shops, for example.
  17. Rockets Wrote: > You do still have your car then? Out of interest > how are you using it? It is very interesting that > both you and Rahx3 seem to still have cars - I am > genuinely interested to understand how you use > them and what you use them for? So they can squeeze into their most ballcrushing lycra and have a Two Minute Hate when no-one's watching?
  18. Well, they're perfectly obvious if you slam on the brakes and stop right in the middle of the road, reverse a couple of yards over a cyclist and give the finger to the BMW driver hooting at you while you read a sign that must be Southwark Council's entry for the Booker Prize....
  19. Whoeveritis Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good, so you?re not calling milli7uk a liar, great Why would anyone? Based on seeing the market more than once, I just don't accept what they describe or the conclusions they draw.
  20. "Some photographs of any crowding or otherwise in NXRd would have been helpful." True. Others may well have encountered situations more worrying than I have seen on a few recent occasions, but I am pretty sceptical.
  21. That's Hackney, not North Cross Road. Broadway Market has takeaways and food shops on both sides, is in a higher population density area, and the statement speaks of severe overcrowding. Apples and oranges? Edit - the Hackney article was from last November. Since then we've had the British variant and more maskwearing and distance-keeping in the streets.
  22. In normal times that's a fair description of a market. It really wasn't like this today or on recent, drier weekends. Rather than judging things with one's own eyes, I wonder if this thread amounts to anything more than assumptions muttered behind twitching net curtains?
  23. LJC56 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The coffee shop in the old Truly Scrumptious has > the St. David?s Coffee house (Forest Hill) team > behind it, so the coffee will be good! And it had a "Baristas wanted" sign outside it this morning.
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