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Everything posted by SMBJones

  1. Ladies ladies ladies... Please, be nice! After all you are both spoken for and I would not like to upset your partners, as flattered as I am I am stepping away quietly Barry LM.... Cilla as in Cilla Black Ladymuck Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Oh pooh and double-poohs! I have meekly retreated > behind you in the queue Sophiesofa...I assumed > (being a Lady and all) my station might permit my > Ladyship to queue-jump. It just goes to show that > One should never assume - no matter what One's > position. > > But, who the bloody-hell is "Cilla"!!!??? Unless > she is the Queen of the Railways, then she is > definitely behind me!!!! > > Sorry admin...couldn't resist.
  2. Hi Really sorry about this and apologies to your wife, I have a duty manager on the case as I speak Regards Barry Zaardvark Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi, > Just an observation for north dulwich - that the > old timetables are still up (my wife missed a > train there last night because of it). > > Best > > Z
  3. Keef Very sorry but due to the rain today my team are unable to highlight the steps at ED, I have asked them to try tomorrow Regards Barry Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Barry, only just seen this thread, and haven't > read all 4 pages, so sorry if I'm repeating a > request. Would it be possible to do something > about the steps at the bottom of the slope at ED > station, at least repainting the edges, maybe > putting in a rail? I don't have the best eyesight, > and I find them really dangerous, particularly > after dark. I think it's because they're shallow > and uneven. I'd imagine even people with good > eyesight struggle, must be a nightmare for a lady > in heels! Many thanks, Keith
  4. Hi I was not aware of this and I have checked the Control Logs and nothing reported Sorry! Barry Vik Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just out of interest Barry, Do you know what > happened to the dog that was on the tracks for a > few hours on Friday? > > Last I saw, 2 men (possibly Network Rail) tried to > coax him but he panicked and legged it back > towards ED station, hope he is ok, he was very > scared!
  5. Hi Keef I have my maintenance team going to East Dulwich tomorrow to highlight the steps in yellow. In addition, I have spoken with Southern's Facilities Manager and he has agreed to get a quote for the railings. This may take a week or two, however I will ensure I keep you updated through the forum I do apologise for this and I should have noticed this before on my safety tours Kind regards Barry Keef Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Barry, only just seen this thread, and haven't > read all 4 pages, so sorry if I'm repeating a > request. Would it be possible to do something > about the steps at the bottom of the slope at ED > station, at least repainting the edges, maybe > putting in a rail? I don't have the best eyesight, > and I find them really dangerous, particularly > after dark. I think it's because they're shallow > and uneven. I'd imagine even people with good > eyesight struggle, must be a nightmare for a lady > in heels! Many thanks, Keith
  6. Shel/Ruffers With reference to the departure screen for the London Bridge bound entrance, I have a quick solution, I am currently speaking with the Passenger Information Manager who has agreed to produce a poster that will show the full time table from East Dulwich to London Bridge, as you can appreciate this will not show "delays". To put in place a new departure screen will mean a big investment and I need to produce a business case and it will take some time. I plan to put up a large poster frame displaying this information from Sunday 17th May when the new time table is introduced (please see Southern's website for this info) Hope this helps Barry shel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry, > > Can I suggest an departures screen at the bottom > of the London bound platform next to the ticket > machine. > > Currently we have to buy a ticket and walk to the > top of the slope only to find out trains are > cancelled / delayed.
  7. Good evening Really sorry to report that the ceiling in the booking hall collapsed at North Dulwich, I have a team going in tonight to tidy the hole as best as they can, however this will mean it may take a couple of weeks to find the water leak and repair damage. I will keep you updated on progress and when the works will be carried out. Please bear in mind this will be a Network Rail project and I have no control. apologies on behalf of Southern for the inconvenience this may cause. On a positive note I have spoken with the Customer Relation Executive at NWR and he has agreed to get the grafitti cleared on the "platform risers", (this is the wall that goes from the track to the platform) at East Dulwich, I was there this morning and it did look quite bad on both platforms, hopefully within a week or two this will be cleared Barry
  8. Good afternoon I would like to apologise for the waiting times for tickets this morning at East Dulwich. Unfortunately some vandals had stuffed the machine with paper making it inoperable, thankfully I was there when my Ticket Office Manager had already called the engineers and they were on site very quickly This kind of incident is uncommon and will try to rectify this kind of issue as soon as we can, it also came at a bad time when a lot of passengers were renewing weekly and monthly tickets. I will monitor this situation closely in order to have the British Transport Police/Southern Task Force ready to help with an undercover operation if this continues Regards Barry
  9. Hi Tommy Peckham Rye is my station also along with 15 stations in the south London area. Is there something particular you wish to raise regarding PMR? I have ordered some more Bin Rims at as per your request regards Barry For others reading this post, the stations I manage in the Metro Area are, Birkbeck (unmanned), West Norwood, Gipsy Hill, Balham, Battersea Park, Wandsworth Road (unmanned), Clapham High Street(unmanned), East and North Dulwich, South Bermondsey, Queens Road Peckham, Streatham, Streatham Hill (my base) Peckham Rye, Tulse Hill and Wandsworth Common. I have an establishment of 112 staff of which I have 3 duty managers, 1 Ticket Office Manager and Area Ticket Office Team Leader. If you have any points regarding any of these stations you may use, then please do not hesitate to raise your points through this forum. It is also my intention to facilitate some local "Meet the Manager" sessions so you can meet the team and discuss issues and ideas. tommy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Many thanks Barry. Will take up your suggestions. > > If you could encourage the station manager for > Peckham Rye station to also come onto the forum - > it'd be much appreciated ! Great to see community > spirit and a personal touch go so far
  10. Good morning LM. they say proof is in the pudding, maybe this forum can convince your husband that this is not an April Fools joke As for the marriage proposal, will give serious consideration if Sophie retracts her offer ;-) (who says I dont have a sense of humour) kind regards Barry Ladymuck Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry, > > If you turn down Sophiesofa's offer, can I be next > in line! ? > > I know you don't want praise, but you are one in a > trillion. Huge thanks. > > By the way, my cynical husband doesn't believe > that you exist - he thinks someone is having us > all on...like an extended April Fools!
  11. Hi Tommy, I will order some more Bin Rims for the Station I have emailed you reference Step Free Access Regards Barry tommy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry - just read this thread, impressive work > > With Peckham Rye station, are there any plans for > step free access ? Also a few more bins outside > the station would be good
  12. Hi, There is a departure screen in the booking hall, however I am going to suggest your idea to my line manager although this is a very expensive project to get off the ground Can you give me at least a week to source some information on this and I will reply to the forum accordingly Regards Barry shel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry, > > Can I suggest an departures screen at the bottom > of the London bound platform next to the ticket > machine. > > Currently we have to buy a ticket and walk to the > top of the slope only to find out trains are > cancelled / delayed.
  13. Hi Cassius With the introduction of the mobile cleaning teams on the 11th May and more time in the afternoon to perform station duties this will ease some of the pressure on the clerks. I am hoping with the extended opening hours during the evening peaks this may reduce the queues in the mornings Barry
  14. SMBJones Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Dear all, I have now put in place an action plan > that will solve and help with the points raised on > this forum over the last few days. A couple of > them cannot be implemented straight away for > business reasons > > * Zone 2 & 3 Travel Cards are available and now > forms one the Top 21 Tickets and easy to find. THIS IS NOW UP AND RUNNING > * For those having trouble with navagating around > Ticket Machines, leaflets will be available from > the clerks by the end of the week. THESE ARE NOW AVAILABLE > * Improved Ticket Availability, this will > incorporate for example tickets to Leeds or > Sussex, I am waiting for a programme to be > activated called "Rail Journey Information System" > which is needed, Hopefully this will in place by > the end of this week THIS SYSTEM IS NOW UP AND RUNNING > * My Ticket Office Managers will be available from > 0715Hours to 1000Hrs on the 5th and 6th May at > East Dulwich to answer questions and help with > Ticket Machines ADVERTISED AND MY TEAM FULLY BRIEFED > * They will also be at North Dulwich on the 7th > and 8th May, same times as above. These sessions > will also be advertised by close of play tomorrow AS ABOVE > * 2 Benches will be installed on Platform 1 and 2 > on Platform 2 at East Dulwich, these will be > painted and ready within 7 days. THESE ARE NOW IN PLACE, PAINTED AND READY FOR USE > * 2 extra Bins have been installed this morning at > East Dulwich, I have also ordered cigarette bins > to help with cleanliness Placed outside the > confines of the station of course. 4 EXTRA LITTER BINS PLACED AT ED, AWAITING ARRIVAL OF CIGARETTE BINS, NO SMOKING SIGNS ALSO IN PLACE> * From Tuesday 5th May, both North and East > Dulwich will be open from 1600hrs to 1900hrs S > Monday to Friday, the staff will be arriving at > 1500hrs to clean the station also. I will gage > ticket sales after a period of 4 weeks. Hopefully > this will reduce the queues in the morning peaks. STAFF HAVE NOW BEEN ROSTERED, COMMENCES TUESDAY 5TH AFTER BANK HOLIDAY > * Queens Road will also have cigarette bin and bin > rims to help with cleanliness BINS IN PLACE, ALSO WILL GET A LICK OF PAINT TO SMARTEN UP > * My duty mananagers will be carrying out spot > checks on a regular basis to ensure that your > stations are clean and well presented, cleaning > plans will be in place by the end of this week, > which will include daily, weekly and monthly > cleaning tasks CLEANING PLANS NOW IN PLACE > In addition to the above I am pleased to announce that as from Monday 11th May I have negotaited a mobile cleaning team. They will be covering East and North Dulwich, Queens Road and South Bermondsey. They will be at these stations twice a day, this will also free up the clerks in the Ticket Offices ensuring better coverage. I am also currently speaking with the London Wildlife Trust and we are near to agreeing the maintenance of the piece of land at East Dulwich, working in partnership with the LWT would certainly improve the environemnt and perception of this station Wishing you all a good weekend and Bank Holiday Kind Regards Barry Jones
  15. Dear all, no praise needed, its something I want to do and really want to improve your perceptions of Southern Railway and the Streatham Hill Area Team , I honestly believe this approach will help the passengers and the community, after all I am from the area also! Trust me, this also helps me and managing the area, so its two way and we all benefit. As I said before, I will do all I can within my power as the Station Manager to act upon ideas and suggestions, for those points raised which I cant, I will ensure they reach the right people Thank you for the kind comments Barry
  16. Dear all, I have now put in place an action plan that will solve and help with the points raised on this forum over the last few days. A couple of them cannot be implemented straight away for business reasons * Zone 2 & 3 Travel Cards are available and now forms one the Top 21 Tickets and easy to find. * For those having trouble with navagating around Ticket Machines, leaflets will be available from the clerks by the end of the week. * Improved Ticket Availability, this will incorporate for example tickets to Leeds or Sussex, I am waiting for a programme to be activated called "Rail Journey Information System" which is needed, Hopefully this will in place by the end of this week * My Ticket Office Managers will be available from 0715Hours to 1000Hrs on the 5th and 6th May at East Dulwich to answer questions and help with Ticket Machines * They will also be at North Dulwich on the 7th and 8th May, same times as above. These sessions will also be advertised by close of play tomorrow * 2 Benches will be installed on Platform 1 and 2 on Platform 2 at East Dulwich, these will be painted and ready within 7 days. * 2 extra Bins have been installed this morning at East Dulwich, I have also ordered cigarette bins to help with cleanliness Placed outside the confines of the station of course. * From Tuesday 5th May, both North and East Dulwich will be open from 1600hrs to 1900hrs Monday to Friday, the staff will be arriving at 1500hrs to clean the station also. I will gage ticket sales after a period of 4 weeks. Hopefully this will reduce the queues in the morning peaks. * Queens Road will also have cigarette bin and bin rims to help with cleanliness * My duty mananagers will be carrying out spot checks on a regular basis to ensure that your stations are clean and well presented, cleaning plans will be in place by the end of this week, which will include daily, weekly and monthly cleaning tasks Kind regards Barry Jones Area Station Manager Streatham Hill Area
  17. May I offer my congratulations also Best wishes Barry
  18. DDboy I will look into this for you and reply accordingly Regards Barry
  19. Trinity, sorry to hear about your son at Preston, I have personally emailed you on this subject. Hellosailor, thank you for comments Dodo1, I have personally emailed you. Barry
  20. Hi Sue, apologies for the incovenience at East Dulwich, I have noted quite a few issues regarding the ticket offices etc and I have a meeting with my Ticket Office Manager and Area Team Leader to go through the points rasied on this forum tomorrow morning Hopefully there will be a considerable change in the way my ticket offices are managed and customer service improved Regards Barry
  21. Hi Sidhuhe, Thank your for your comments, once I have the installation date I will place a couple of posters outlining the position of the new gates As for the ticket office closure, the windows should remain open during the peaks, breaks are normally taken after that period. It maybe the ticket office was experiencing a computer failure or something of that nature. I will ask my ticket office manager to keep an eye on unexpected closures Regards Barry
  22. Belle/Ronniemama I will look into these issues Monday morning and come back to you, apologies for inconvenience Regards Barry
  23. Thanks Buggie your absolutely right I cant help with train times and overcrowding, although saying that passengers can help. For some strange reason customers like to board their services on the same part of the platform daily, this ensures they have a quick exit ie at Clapham Junction and Balham for example but this means the front and rear of services are less overcrowded, also some passengers dont like to move inside the carriages, they prefer to remain near the doors causing overcrowding. Now I know some of you reading this wont be happy but as they say every little helps and this is very hard to manage..... moving on before my popularity shrinks!Although in my defence I have proved this point at one of my other stations. WillDex, LibraCarr, JRThomas........ I wish I had the power to introduce more services and extra carriages, this does not come within my remit. The time table changes have proved to be difficult and Southern is looking into this, there will some changes in May. I can make two suggestions, please refer to the Southern Website or alternatively Southern facilitates Meet the Manager sessions at London Victoria and London Bridge, this would be an ideal opportunity to speak with senior managers and directors of the company Some of you will not be happy with this response and some of you will hopefully understand. Please feel free to email me personally and I will ensure your comments reach the right people who will respond accordingly Hope this helps Barry
  24. Andystar, thank you fo your kind comments. Unfortunately Denmark Hill is Southeastern, I will forward your comments to our Customer Service Dept as they are part of the same group (Go Ahead) If there is no action within a couple weeks (hand rails/stairs), email me a message and I will take it up for you personally Regards Barry
  25. Edanna Thanks for raising this, I will instruct my Ticket Office Manager and Area Team Leader to spend a few mornings over the next couple of weeks to assit passengers with tutorials at East and North Dulwich Hope this helps Barry
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