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Everything posted by SMBJones

  1. Hi I have to take credit for this, not sure if you were aware I have employed a mobile cleaning team that clean four stations that do not have platform staff Barry Jeremy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just wanted to say how much cleaner the areas next > to the paths are these days. Not sure if it was > your guys Barry, or someone else... but it's a lot > better now. It used to really stink when walking > up to the platform on a hot day!
  2. I think I understand, just need to clarify one thing, did you try to purchase the ticket from ED? once I have this information I will come back to you ASAP Regards Barry Izodia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry, > > Another ticket question. On Saturday I was going > to St Pancras catch the Eurostar and coming back > Sunday. I was able to buy a single to get up there > and hoped to be able to buy a single to get back > the next day but that wasn't possible. I have been > able to do this sort of thing before at London > Bridge when catching a train out into Kent. Is it > because London Bridge is a main ticket office or > is the problem that the journey back from St > Pancras meant using the tube first? I hope that > makes sense... > > But generally another satisfied customer...East > Dulwich station is noticeably improving!
  3. Hi and apologies for the inconvenience today I was aware of some issues with the IT in the ticket office today hence the windows being closed, however there should have been a notice informing the passengers of this. I will chase this up tomorrow with the staff. Once the Oyster Pay As You Go is introduced next year, I can assure you the queues will be a lot less, in view of this there will be no need for an extra Ticket Vending Machine, although I will be monitoring this situation once we go live, I am afraid I wil not be installing an extra machine at this time. I am not sure I understand the Ken comment so please elaborate?? and no you are not being unfair, I think today was just bad luck with timings and IT issues Regards Barry david_carnell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Barry. You're doing a great job. > > I'm impressed with the new bits at Peckham Rye but > the barriers are causing a problem. I turned up at > the station at 13:30 today to get a 13:42 train. > The ticket office was closed and with only one > ticket machine and a looooong queue I had no > alternative. I could in the past have bought a > permit to travel and got a ticket later but now > I'm stuck. I missed my train. > > Could we at least have another ticket machine > please for when the office is closed. An the young > man attending > the barriers wasn't exactly sympathetic to my > plight. > > If Ken can get through without a ticket exceptions > can clearly be made. This was a situation that I > felt > merited one. > > Am I being unfair? Clouded by the moment?
  4. Hi I am not at liberty to discuss this, nor is this my station or company, Denmark Hill is serviced by Southeastern. These kind of issues are out of Station Managers hands, all we can do is listen and take the concerns back to our superiors Sorry! Barry PeckhamRose Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'm a Member of Kings College Hospital Foundation > Trust and have been sent postcards to fill out > about this and send off, to her. So I have. What > does SMB Jones have to say about this - he must > have an opinion one way or another!
  5. Keef Not sure if you still participate on this forum, however on the 7th May you requested handrails for East Dulwich, very pleased to report that the quotes are in and they will be installed before Autumn, I am hoping by September at the latest The rails will be on both footpaths to the station platforms Barry SMBJones Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Keef > > I have my maintenance team going to East Dulwich > tomorrow to highlight the steps in yellow. In > addition, I have spoken with Southern's Facilities > Manager and he has agreed to get a quote for the > railings. This may take a week or two, however I > will ensure I keep you updated through the forum > > I do apologise for this and I should have noticed > this before on my safety tours > > Kind regards > > Barry > > > > > Keef Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Hi Barry, only just seen this thread, and > haven't > > read all 4 pages, so sorry if I'm repeating a > > request. Would it be possible to do something > > about the steps at the bottom of the slope at > ED > > station, at least repainting the edges, maybe > > putting in a rail? I don't have the best > eyesight, > > and I find them really dangerous, particularly > > after dark. I think it's because they're > shallow > > and uneven. I'd imagine even people with good > > eyesight struggle, must be a nightmare for a > lady > > in heels! Many thanks, Keith
  6. Hi, Your Oyster Card will be valid from January 2010, so not long to wait. Also and you will note from other stations, that the equipment is still being installed, it would be easier to finish all of the installations and go live across the entire network at the same time. Barry joom Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello, can't see this as having been discussed, > sorry if it has... > > Not being able to use my oyster card at Peckham > because I don't have (or need) a weekly travel > card, is extremely frustrating! Why is it that I > can't use it? If I forget, or don't have time to > get a travel card, I have a choice of three long > queues to get a ticket. This must be the same for > a lot of occasional users, who live in London and > have a charged oyster card. If I don't have a > travel card, I pay for the return train ticket and > the equivalent of a travel card for travelling on > the buses and tubes using my oyster. Doesn't seem > fair to me.
  7. Hi, Clock is on order, however in the mean time I will place a temporary one in the booking hall, this will take a few days Barry tommy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Great to see some money spent on Peckham Rye > station - the screens are now in a much better > position and easier to read. Definitely need a big > clock as Nero mentioned > > Thanks Barry for all the work
  8. Tulse Hill now open SMBJ SMBJones Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good morning, although too late for some of you... > sorry to report that Tulse Hill Station is closed > until further notice. Unfortunately a main water > pipe has burst causing significant damage which is > also affecting the electrical supply to the area > and station > > Sorry for inconvenience, however this one is out > of my hands. > > Barry
  9. Good morning, although too late for some of you... sorry to report that Tulse Hill Station is closed until further notice. Unfortunately a main water pipe has burst causing significant damage which is also affecting the electrical supply to the area and station Sorry for inconvenience, however this one is out of my hands. Barry
  10. Hi Sorry it has taken so long to reply to this, at last I have located the dismantled help point that you refer to, unfortunately this has nothing to with the railway or Southern but in fact Southwark I admit it is a bit of an eyesore and would suggest speaking to the local council Barry TheePope Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for all the hard work Barry. > > One things been bugging me for a while - a "Help > Point" appeared outside ED station (near the post > box and bus stop) about a year ago, it's never > been connected and just stands there looking a bit > forlorn with some wires hanging out. There's one > in a similar state at Denmark Hill station. Not > sure it's within your remit but could if it is > could it either be connected or removed please? > > Thanks again.
  11. Hi I will order the clock once the works are complete at peckham Rye, there are additional monitors (flat screen)on order to display LUL info, Engineering works etc so will have them put in place at the same time Barry
  12. Hi I have forwarded this to my colleague at HQ, I will keep you updated Barry
  13. Good morning, I would just to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made me feel very welcome. I had a fantastic day and seriously considering entering next year just to take home the prestigious "Barry Bear" Great community spirit and a pleasure to be part of the forum Barry ps For those thinking I was a balding man in his 50's wearing a yellow waistcoat and tophat and have a blue engine called Thomas in tow, sorry to disappoint:)
  14. Really looking forward to the event......... I will be at the finishing line having a well earnt pint (or 2) after a hard week Barry
  15. So I could present to myself you mean!! Joking aside, I would love to attend this event, maybe good to meet a few people and have a beer!..... as an added bonus to the winner there will be a pair of tickets to anywhere on the south coast (southern route)courtesy of Southern Railway Barry Help-Ma-Boab Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Final training runs completed, bulking up on bar > snacks now. > > Can debate the shot in pint approach during the > pre race warm ups. > > Nice to see the council have been out and trimmed > back the trees on the route for the Run. > > Last years champion runner will be back to defend > the Barry Bear, wonder if station master Barry is > about saturday so Barry can present the Barry Bear > to the Barry Barry Run champion athlete for 2009. > Now, that would be Barry. > > Good luck and all the best in sport. Its been a > punishing schedule but I'm confident to beat my PB > of last year. Throughout my build up the words of > my mentor kept popping into my head: > > "life is like an ashtray, full of little doubts" > > Lasers set tae malky!..........
  16. Jules/Ladymuck Sorry to say the Oyster readers are absolutely fine, they have been checked today. My conclusion is that your Oyster cards are not reading properly because they are in a purse or wallet, or you are not tapping the centre of the pad that reads your information. Sometimes if you are a little too quick they will not read. I can honestly say this has been tested today and all ok Hope this helps Barry Strawbs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Morning Barry, > > Love reading your thread, you are doing a great > job. > > Just a quickie on the oyster readers at peckham > rye, for some reason I would say 3 out of 5 times > it wont read my oyster yet at all the other > stations I have a 100% hit rate. I then (after > trying both ticket booth things) take it to the > people who are watching the ticket booths and they > read it and it comes up green every time (it is a > season ticket so no way it will not work). Anyhoo > are they testing and fixing things as they are > going along i.e. not reading the oysters properly > or are they just duff readers? > > thanks > > Jules x
  17. Not sure how many will read this, however Northern Line is running, Mornington Cres, Tooting Bec and Charing X are closed. Balham is open on my route and may get you to parts of London for your commute Barry
  18. Hi, I agree that the area which the trains stop is not ideal, it is not something I could change over night and this has to go to our operations department. However, I have written an email to the commercial director of Southern and my line manager and outlined the issues regarding the "Stop Boards" these are the markers which tell a driver to stop at a particular part of the platform, for example you will see "4 Car" "8 Car" signs. This something that I have put on my priority list however this may take a few weeks. Please bear in mind if this was agreed then there will be a lot of alterations to train dispatch plans not to mention the fact that every driver would have to be notified, and this is only the beginning, something that you would think that would be simple to implement is in fact a big task. Rest assured I will chase this continually untill a resolution is made Watch this space Regards Barry AllyCat Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello Barry > > Hope you enjoyed your holiday... > I have a question that I don't know if you can > answer... I use Peckham Rye station and quite > often the trains at Platform 4 are quite short. > When they arrive into PR they pull right up at the > end of the platform about as far away form the > steps as possible - and therefore although you can > be waiting for a train on the platform you > sometimes have to run half way up the platform to > get on the last carriage.... (and we all know we > shouldn't run on the platforms!) > Why can't the drivers make sure they pull up near > the stairs? > Thanks!
  19. FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS ON THE WAY FOR PASSENGERS AS GOVIA RETAINS THE SOUTH CENTRAL FRANCHISE Govia today welcomed the announcement by the Department for Transport (DfT) that it had successfully retained the South Central rail franchise, the business it currently operates as Southern. The new franchise, which will retain the name ?Southern?, will start on 20 September 2009 and will run for five years ten months until 25 July 2015. The final year is subject to performance and there is a two year extension available at the discretion of the DfT. Commenting on the DfT's announcement, Keith Ludeman, Chairman of Govia said: ?I am delighted that the DfT has retained Govia to operate one of the UK?s most important and operationally complex rail franchises. ?This is a commercially robust rail network which we know well and have operated since 2001. During this period, Govia has overseen a ?1 billion investment programme in rolling stock, depots, stations and staff. This has established an excellent platform from which we can now launch the new franchise, further improve service quality and expand and grow the passenger market. ?Chris Burchell will continue to be the Managing Director of Southern, and will lead the team into and during the new franchise. Chris and his team will work closely with the DfT, Transport for London and other stakeholders to oversee a period of significant change on the network whilst implementing our innovative and value-for-money franchise plans designed to grow capacity and improve passenger perceptions of service and security. ?The new franchise will deliver a comprehensive package of benefits to passengers, including train, station and security investment, improved operational performance and innovative retailing.? Govia?s bid for the franchise features the following benefits for passengers: ? Additional capacity: an additional 10% carrying capacity across the network by December 2013, including the extension of eight car trains to ten cars on key Metro routes and a significant increase in capacity on peak time Metro arrivals and departures into London Victoria and London Bridge, and peak time services into Brighton. ? Further investment in trains and stations: a ?76m investment programme including ?23m of interior improvements to trains and ?28m to improve facilities at stations, targeting those areas of greatest benefit to passengers. In addition, staffing at almost all Greater London stations to be extended to provide cover from the first to the last service. ? Focus on punctuality: further focus on maintaining and improving the current record levels of punctuality performance through a period of significant change arising from the Thameslink programme and other major initiatives. ? Improved passenger access and integration at stations, making it easier to use the Southern network: over 1000 more car parking and 1500 secure cycle parking spaces to be installed; ?3m to be invested to provide real-time information at every station, new help points to be installed at 40 stations and information about connecting bus services provided at 35 stations. Thirty station travel plans to be developed and their recommendations implemented. ? Improved security: 100% of trains and stations to have CCTV and passenger information systems by 2011. A new 38-strong Safer Travel Team to be in place by Spring 2010, to include British Transport Police and Rail Enforcement Officers. ? Easier ticket buying: a ?3m investment in 120 new ticket machines by early 2012 plus the introduction of a new Smartmedia system by early 2012. Similar to Oyster, Smartmedia will make ticket buying easier and enable automatic top-ups for season tickets at 26 stations outside London and 18 stations within London. ? Enhanced revenue protection: new automatic ticket barriers at 22 stations, supplemented by additional stations funded by the DfT to increase the number of gated stations from 28 to 49. These improvements will be supported by a team of 100 Revenue Protection Officers and the Safer Travel Team (who will also have revenue protection responsibilities). ? Improved overall passenger experience: introduction of a new Service Quality Management System to monitor, measure and improve every aspect of a passenger?s journey with Southern, supported by comprehensive customer service training for all front line staff. Any further information required please refer to Southern's Website Kind regards Barry
  20. Thank you for kind comments, reluctant to say this was all my own idea to engage with the local community and passengers. I actually enjoy it and I get a great deal of satisfaction from participating in this forum (I engage with two forums now). This initiative has gone down very well with my colleagues and they are also pursuing their own avenues in their respective areas, most definately best practise that is being shared and acted upon at Southern I just wish I could do more, however my remit does not cover extra trains, the tracks or infrastructure for example, although the forums comments are being looked into As for being the Mayor, I would probably be sacked within 3 months for listening to the public and spending far too much money getting London sorted........ Boris could always knock or PM me for some advice ;-) Regards Barry woofmarkthedog Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry > > Is this regular drop in on the EDF your very own > idea. People love it & I can see small but > relevant issues resolved quickly, that makes them > feel valued & I hope you feel that too. > Even if it was prompted or "engineered" ( did you > like that one) on a management course it > works...... > > "Power to the Station manager" > > > Fancy running for Mayor of LL > > > W**F
  21. Hi sorry for delay responding, with regards to your point raised I did mention this before in a previous posting. Unfortunately the engineer had turned the volume down instead of up, call it a communication mix up on my part. This will be rectified soon Regards Barry SingingWilks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Barry > > I posted on this thread earlier about not being > able to hear the announcements at East Dulwich > station but haven't heard back from you. I think > it was just before you went on holiday though so > hope you had a good time!
  22. Hi Cora, first of all apologies for the inconvenience, can I ask which station this was? I will look into this tomorrow morning. Also, it is hard to get cover a short notice if a staff member phones in sick if this was the case afte reading Ladygooner's posting regards Barry Cora Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello Barry, > > You may have addressed this earlier but I find it > really frustrating when the ticket office is not > open during hours in which the sign outside says > it should be. > > I went down yesterday at 10.15 am with my two kids > full of questions about the days travelling and > was not surprised to yet again find it shut. Why > have opening hours listed outside the station if > they are not going to be manned. > > Really, really annoying!
  23. Hi, passengers will learn very quickly, you will see more Revenue Protection Officers over the next few weeks Barry tommy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Great to see PR station is to get a refresh and > the booking hall a spruce up. Ticket machines seem > to be working OK. The only hold up is when > "ticketless" people get to the bottom of the > stairs and realise the games up
  24. Hi, from January 2010 there will be facilities to top up "Pay As You Go Oyster" at all stations Regards Barry jocelyn Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello, > > Will there be a self service oyster machine in > Peckham Rye station soon? Or will station staff be > able to issue travel cards on Oysters in the > ticket office? That would be really helpful. > > Really happy about the gates though - will > definitely speed up getting out of the station in > the evenings.
  25. Hi, I am sorry but you wont be able to crash the gates at Peckham, platform tickets are a thing of the past Barry Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Can one still buy a platform ticket? It's quite > nice to bid farewell to guests on the actual > platform.
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