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Everything posted by SMBJones

  1. Hi All Can I just say the staff on the gates are not revenue staff, they are there to offer customer service and staff the gates. Gates have to stay open if staff are on a break this is for safety reasons. The revenue protection staff do not come under my remit and they are there solely to penalty fare passengers. I will look into the queues and speak with my ticket office manager to ascertain why the windows are closed during the peaks Regards Barry Nero Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Agree. Lots of random millage by staff around the > barriers (which are sometimes left open) whilst > the queues snake ever longer at the solitary > ticket window that's open. Please sort Mr Station > Manager!
  2. Hi James If I can be of any assistance in relation to the train stations that I manage, then please do not hesitate to contact me. My thread is "Station Manager Corner". Maybe working in partnership can only improve further the ralationships with residents and businesses in the Southwark area Good luck with this although I have to say they have been very kind to me on here.........and I really do get so much out of the people participating in the forum, albeit they have cost me a fortune! Kind regards Barry JBARBER Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi, > > My name is James Barber and I am one of the three > East Dulwich ward councillors. My two colleagues > are cllrs Richard Thomas and Jonathan Mitchell. > We're Liberal Democrats and part of Southwark > Liberal Democrats. > > If you have any issues or concerns related to East > Dulwich or Southwark Council then please let me > know. I guarantee I will listen and answer all > ideas and issues raised and hopefully help you > solve them. Normally I will look in once or twice > a week to see any new postings. Alternatively you > can email me directly on > [email protected] or meet me in person > at one of our surgeries 2nd and 4th Thursday of > each month 7-8pm at East Dulwich Community Centre > on Darrell Road. > > I look forward to hearing from you, James Barber
  3. Good morning Pleased to report Tulse Hill Ticket office fully operational again Regards Barry SMBJones Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good afternoon > > For those passengers using Tulse Hill Station > ticketing facilities I am afraid to say we have > had to close the office untill further notice. > This is due to the ceiling collapsing causing > extensive damage to the office and injuring > staff. > > Southern is working very closely with Network Rail > to rectify the problem as quickly as we can so > business can resume. > > I attended the incident today and glad to report > that the staff only suffered minor injuiries and > shock and are ok > > Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause and > suggest using West Norwood for weekly and monthly > tickets. Revenue Protection staff are fully aware > that the office is currently closed if there are > issues at London Bridge/Victoria > > Regards > > Barry
  4. Thank you Jack, very kind comments Regards Barry Jyaque Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry > > I'd like to add my twopen'orth in congratulations > to you. Your decision to interact directly with > the users of your stations displays a remarkable > awareness of how to improve services according to > localised needs. I wish that more politicians > seized the bit as you have, and wish you all > success in what must often be a frustrating > middle-ground between your customers and the The > Powers That Be. Having scanned through this > thread, I hope you take strength from the obvious > desire of many authors that you succeed, and their > gratitude to you for taking a serious interest in > their individual opinions. > > > Jack
  5. Hi Once the works are completed I will be putting up an electronic clock, as a temporary measure I placed the current clock in the booking hall just to help with train times etc Regards BArry amzel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Whilst the new screens at Peckham Rye are in a > much better position, there is still the problem > of the clock disappearing from the "Next Train To" > screen when it flicks over to "Announcements". > Can a digital clock be installed somewhere around > the stairs area?
  6. Hi There was a study carried out and the majority of passengers wanted to have meet the manager sessions in the mornings. I will bring this up again with our communications department. Regards Barry ps Remember I am here 5 days a week to answer any issues you may have, you very own "Question the Manager" ruffers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Probably not the most original point but there was > a 'meet the manager' thing the other day at London > Bridge.... in the morning. I've only ever seen > these things in the morning when most people, > people like me anyway, haven't got much fat in > their schedule to stop and talk. If it was in the > evening I would. > > Can we have these in the evening as well please?
  7. Good evening Apologies on behalf of Southern Railway for the severe disruption to your services this evening. Unfortunately somebody to decided to commit suicide at Wandsworth Common bring the network to halt. I attended this personally as one of my stations and the emergency services worked extremely well to get the lines back into a degree of normality very quickly. Service disruption plans are in operation and hope to get your services back to normal asap. Please be patient with staff and crews they are working very hard to get you home! Regards Barry
  8. Hi Peter First of all apologies if you feel the customer service is not up to your expectations however I believe that previous staff have not given you the correct information. My staff member on this occasion is absolutely correct you do not get discounted tickets with a "Gold Card" before 0930hrs, I have checked this with senior people at my HQ. I am not sure exactly what the staff member said or how he treated you, so if you would be so kind to let me know via a personal message I will look into this further for you. Regards Barry Friskeypeter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Gold card annual season ticket holder zone > extension discount. > > Barry, the man at EDW station ticket office I have > found to be very unhelpful on this issue. I have > an annual gold card season ticket from EDW to all > London Stations as I live in East Dulwich and work > near London Bridge. However, on occasion I have to > go to attend meetings at offices in Croydon > requiring a zone extension to my gold card. The > journeys can be before or after the 0930 > "watershed." I would be happy if a consistent > message was given regarding the cost of the zone > extension. I seem to have to pay a diferent price > depending on who i speak to. This morning the man > at EDW ticket office refused to sell me a > discounted fare as it was before 0930 and was > forced to pay the full fare. I spoke to Southern > customer services earlier and they were unsure > what the correct price should be. Do you know what > the discounted cost should be from Z2 - Z5 for > gold card holders before and after the 0930 > watershed? Has anyone else found this man at EDW > ticket office unhelpful too? Peter, the guy who > worked in the ticket office for many years until > recently couldn't have been more friendly and is > sadly missed. Bring on oyster card travel from EDW > so I never have to deal with this new man again.
  9. Good afternoon For those passengers using Tulse Hill Station ticketing facilities I am afraid to say we have had to close the office untill further notice. This is due to the ceiling collapsing causing extensive damage to the office and injuring staff. Southern is working very closely with Network Rail to rectify the problem as quickly as we can so business can resume. I attended the incident today and glad to report that the staff only suffered minor injuiries and shock and are ok Apologies for the inconvenience this may cause and suggest using West Norwood for weekly and monthly tickets. Revenue Protection staff are fully aware that the office is currently closed if there are issues at London Bridge/Victoria Regards Barry
  10. Hi Eileen I was miffed due to the fact I was unaware of this service and the reason I was confused over this service was in fact it is run by South Eastern and not Southern (although I do not claim to know very single service we run!), I will speak with my colleagues regarding this service. I think it is a great idea to publicise this service MAny thanks Barry Eileen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > SMBJones Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Markjonathan Wrote: > > > -------------------------------------------------- > > > > Hi Barry, > > > There is a fantastic train service from > Peckham > > > Rye direct to St Pancras International but as > > far > > > as I can see it doesn't come up on the big > > > indicator board above the ticket office at > > P'Rye > > > so you have to look on the smaller screen. > > Also, > > > if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL > site > > it > > > suggests I go by bus or change at London > > Bridge. > > > Is this just a temporary service? Or can it > be > > > publicised properly? > > > Mark > > > > Hi Mark > > First of all sincere apologies for not > responding > > sooner, just completely missed it. With regards > to > > the service to St Pancras, this is a > SouthEastern > > service and not Southern, I was a little miffed > by > > this.> > Barry > > Hi Barry > I share Mark's concern about this poor advertsing > of the through serivce to St Pancras, but I don't > know what you mean by being miffed. Can you say a > bit more? Is it possible that something can be > done to get the service better publcised and > explained?
  11. nunheadmum Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Have to agree re ticket machines at London Bridge. > Maybe I'm missing something but as far as I can > see the only ticket machines are outside. This > means that when you are rushing for a train, you > have to buy a ticket BEFORE you know if the train > is running, or waste time running in and out. > I've wasted money a couple of times now - and > following up on a refund for 2.40 seems like even > more of a waste of resources. Why can't there be > machines on the concourse? Plimsoul/NunheadMum Whilst at London Bridge yesterday I decided to have a good look round the station to check ticket selling facilities. As you are aware there are lots of building works going on and wondered if some of the machines had been removed for this purpose. I noted the following, to the front of the station there are 6 ticket vending machines, near that entrance (fruit seller) as you walk in to the left there is another area which is set back a little near the Information Desk which consists of 3 ticket vending machines and 7 counters run by Southeastern staff. This makes a total of 16 places to buy tickets at London Bridge plus an Excess Fares Booth Nero I have a TOC (Train Operating Company) Liaison Meeting with Network Rail on the 1st September, I will raise the issues of announcements then as my colleagues and other Station Manangers will be in atendance. All Lastly I would like to comment on 2 things, firstly London Bridge Station is run by Network Rail and Southern are the tenants, all issues relating to the station (bar services and staff)have to go through them and I have no control of the facilities etc. I have known the Station Manager from Network Rail a number of years and have a great working relationship and will listen to any issues raised. Lastly, in addition to my own area which consists of 16 stations and London Bridge, I am also looking after a further 10 stations that will be handed over to LOROL on the 20th September. All stations from LB through to West Croydon, Norwood Junction come under my remit untill then and any questions relating to these stations I will be happy to answer or pass onto my contact at LOROL Hope all this helps Barry
  12. Markjonathan Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hi Barry, > > There is a fantastic train service from Peckham > Rye direct to St Pancras International but as far > as I can see it doesn't come up on the big > indicator board above the ticket office at P'Rye > so you have to look on the smaller screen. Also, > if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL site it > suggests I go by bus or change at London Bridge. > Is this just a temporary service? Or can it be > publicised properly? > > Could I also mention that I'm deeply concerned > about the planned loss of the London > Bridge->Victoria->Lon Bridge loop line? I can't > believe that the railway authority think we don't > need this valuable service. (I hope hope East > Dulwich residents don't mind me mentioning a > Peckham Rye issue but I'm sure I'm not the only > one who crosses over between the two areas.) > Mark Hi Mark First of all sincere apologies for not responding sooner, just completely missed it. With regards to the service to St Pancras, this is a SouthEastern service and not Southern, I was a little miffed by this. I will be passing your comments on to them and will be speaking to our Customer Information Team I also note your comments regarding the services between Vic and LB Regards Barry
  13. Dear all There have been several postings relating to Revenue Staff and I can now say that I have met with the senior manager who deals with this department. I am hoping that you will see a difference in staff attitudes and behaviours. Also, I would also like to add that I am also now managing London Bridge Station for next few months as well as my current area and I will be monitoring the revenue staff closely for myself No doubt you will posing questions with regards to London Bridge but please be gentle as I have only just taken this on As stated before I will look in once a week (Fridays) to see if there are any new postings but will continue to answer private messages as they come through Wishing you a good weekend Barry Jones Station Manager london Bridge and Streatham Hill Areas
  14. Good evening Apologies to passengers who experienced delays last night at Peckham Rye, unfortunately we experinced some heavy rain and this caused some severe flooding. Network Rail are now deling with this and I will keep you updated Regards Barry
  15. AuraCaught Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry > > Do you know why Southern & Southeastern trains no > longer accept Freedom Passes before 9.30 am? Hi As long as I can remember we have not accepted "Freedom Passes" before 0930, depending on your jouney destination it can be used before 0930. At all stations there is a map showing when and where it can be used Hope this helps Barry
  16. Hi Mark, apologies there have been delays rolling this out, it is now scheduled to go live in January 2010 Barry Mark Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > SMBJones Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > PAYG will be available from the ticket machines > at the rail stations > > > Hello > > Have you any more news on when Oyster pay as you > go be available at East Dulwich? It was going to > be this September and then delays mean it's now > 2010, do you have any more specifics you can share > with us? > > Thanks
  17. Hi PAYG will be available from the ticket machines at the rail stations, so no need to go to London Underground Barry Strawbs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just to give you an update the oyster readers are > a little better at PR but still quite often there > are a lot of people who cant get their oysters > read.. When the place is backed up with people it > is quite frustrating.. > > Also quick question do you think we will ever be > able to top up our oyster i.e. season ticket pass > etc at the station, I know that pay as you go > oyster is being brought it but Im assuming we will > probably have to always go back to the tube > station to do our oyster? > > thanks!
  18. Hi Lenk With reference to ED Station , the pathway that leads to the platform is railway property Barry ps I did put an ashtray outside the station entrance lenk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > sonia Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > > Ladygooner Wrote: > > One small point, some people seem to think the > > station proper doesnt start until they get on > the > > platform and light up and smoke their > cigarettes > > at the top of the slope. Any chance a No > Smoking > > sign can be put up at the top of the slope on > the > > back of the shelter? > > > > >SMBJones Wrote: > > Already done ;-) > > > > Really appreciate this Barry, thanks, but as a > > side point it amazes me how many people still > > stand in front of the sign smoking!! > > If I'm outdoors and I fancy smoking, then I will - > unbelievable that people think you should be able > to ban smoking outdoors...
  19. Hi Its unfortunate its an unmanned station, however I will be asking our undercover task force to attend the station with the BTP during the morning peaks and see if we can combat this Bare with me and I will get the ball rollling, Barry sonia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Ladygooner Wrote: > One small point, some people seem to think the > station proper doesnt start until they get on the > platform and light up and smoke their cigarettes > at the top of the slope. Any chance a No Smoking > sign can be put up at the top of the slope on the > back of the shelter? > > >SMBJones Wrote: > Already done ;-) > > Really appreciate this Barry, thanks, but as a > side point it amazes me how many people still > stand in front of the sign smoking!!
  20. Hi Apologies for this, the staff member has been spoken to by me personally today Regards Barry OutOfFocus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > At the ticket office at ED today I got the feeling > that talking on his mob > ile was more important > than serving me. Can you give a lesson in customer > service.
  21. Hi I understand your frustrations, see my posting to James R, I am on the case Regards Barry plimsoul Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i definitely think that if you have got to the > station and present yourself at the fares to pay > kiosk you should not be fined. fair enough if you > are trying to get through the barrier without at > ticket but not if you are being honest. that is > quite incredible that you had to pay ?20 for your > honesty and to make up for the appalling ticket > facilities at ed. > > when one considers the through traffic of the > station one ticket machine (often out of order) > and an ad hoc open ticket office simply is not > enough. and before anyone suggests making the > extra time i do!
  22. Hi James First of all I will look at the property board and see if I can have this removed. With regards to your other point, I would like to answer this two ways, firstly... If a ticket office is closed or a machine is defective, a pager messge is sent to the Revenue Protection Officer advising them to use discretion when passengers turn up without tickets. If for some reason that message has not been sent and a passenger states that reason for not having a ticket, then the RPO can check with people like myself (station managers) or our control centre and confirm that this is the case. If this process is not working then I agree that the process needs to be looked at and I agree with your comments. Secondly, before writing this I have already been on the phone to a colleague of mine at HQ and we will be having a meeting to discuss this further, I can see from previous postings that this is a common issue and is something I would like to see resolved. Unfortunately the revenue side does not come under my remit, however I will ensure on my part that I will keep the Ticket Machines maintained and the Ticket Offices open, and where they are not, i.e. illness for example I will do my best to get cover to ensure passengers are not without these facilities, this will be discussed at a team meeting that I am facilitating on Monday. You can quite clearly see from my thread that I do deliver and do not promise what I cant, so you have my word this will be taken further and I will post accordingly Regards Barry james_r Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry, > > A couple of requests from me, one minor one > regarding ED station, and one more significant > issue regarding Southern's operating practices, > which I'd be grateful if you could pass on the the > appropriate person in Southern. > > At ED station, can you remove the faded property > advert board nailed on to the fence on the path up > to Platform 2. It's been there for around 5 years > or more, and has graffiti on it. The houses it was > advertising have long been sold, and the sign was > simply left there by the developer. > > Regarding operating practices, I would like to see > a change in customer management when tickets are > not properly available at stations. There needs to > be a pro-active process where Southern identifies > problems (ticket machine faults and ticket sales > staff absenteism) early, and then puts in people > either at the station itself or at London Bridge > to help customers buy tickets. I would like to see > a major shift from the attitude of "Why haven't > you got a ticket? We don't know that station has a > problem. Join the queue and wait your turn" to "We > know there was a problem. We are sorry we did not > provide the ticket sales facilities we should have > done for your journey. We are here to help deal > with that issue, and to quickly and efficiently > sell you a ticket". This would require (1) a > process whereby Southern checks in with each > station routinely every day and uses that > information to manage its London Bridge and other > staff, and (2) a change in behaviours and roles, > when appropriate, by ticket sales staff. These > would lead to much better quality of customer > service. > > I would also like to add my thanks for all your > recent efforts and the very welcome tangible > improvements at ED and Peckham Rye.
  23. Hi, not what Southern likes to portray, I will speak with the revenue manager tomorrow Apologies or this Barry plimsoul Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > hi > > sorry to moan but i was very angry today when > still before 9.30 there were 8 inspectors (4 on > each platform) doing very little but chatting. but > downstairs there was one ticket machine out of > action due to lack of tickets and a long queue (i > missed 2 trains to London bridge) at the ticket > office as the woman behind the counter struggled. > > i really was not impressed: if they are going to > check tickets at a time when still charging rush > hour prices then all facilities should be working. > > > the station is looking better and i love what is > happening at peckham rye but that really annoyed > me this morning as normally i would have jumped on > the train and simply bought my travel card at > London bridge.
  24. Hi There was no reason for the staff member not to sell you the return ticket for the next day. We shall ensure that this does not happen again, maybe some confusion not sure but we will have a chat with him. Sorry for the inconvenience Regards Barry Izodia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Barry, > > Another ticket question. On Saturday I was going > to St Pancras catch the Eurostar and coming back > Sunday. I was able to buy a single to get up there > and hoped to be able to buy a single to get back > the next day but that wasn't possible. I have been > able to do this sort of thing before at London > Bridge when catching a train out into Kent. Is it > because London Bridge is a main ticket office or > is the problem that the journey back from St > Pancras meant using the tube first? I hope that > makes sense... > > But generally another satisfied customer...East > Dulwich station is noticeably improving!
  25. Hi If you post or send me a PM I will deal with your issue, my colleague in that area is away on leave at present Barry dbboy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What is the name of Barry's counterpart Station > Manager responsible for Honor Oak Park station?
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