Thought this one would be better as a separate thread. In my previous post, I suggested starting a petition. After thinking about this a bit, I decided that a better place to start might be an email to Boris Johnson (
[email protected]) and Tessa Jowell (
[email protected]). I tried to get Paul Stephenson as well, but could not find an email for him. Following is what I have written: I would suggest that everyone interested in this take whatever you'd like from my email, put in your own experiences, and email them (or your own MP it isn't Tessa Jowell) as well. I'd also suggest a mail to Metro complaining about the recent headline regarding the cyclist who killed the pedestrian might be in order, too (will send one myself, shortly). The article does attempt to justify itself by suggesting this type of accident is very, very rare. Nevertheless, to a lazy reader, it gives the impression that cyclists are the authors of all our own problems. Best, Todd