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Everything posted by drewd

  1. I had to renew my free swim and gym membership on the Southwark leisure website - not the app - ( "add new membership" option) and the go into centre with proof of address and photo id. Just for info in case anyone else finds they are suddenly unable to book for free.
  2. I was wondering that. It might have been a year since I became a free member. Thanks! I couldn't get through by phone but will stop by the centre.
  3. I usually use the Dulwich leisure centre for free on weekends as a local resident. Today I went to make a booking for this weekend and there is a charge attached. Has free swim and gym been cancelled?
  4. What's the story with buses and air conditioning? It sounds like there is something trying to happen but the windows are open and it's so hot. I took the 63 yesterday thinking that because its buses had been upgraded with charging points and nice seats that it would be air conditioned. How wrong could I be?! An hour of misery. Was I unlucky or is the 63 the same big disappointment as the other buses in summer?
  5. I had the first AZ jab on Sunday and have had no side effects except a slight soreness in the arm where the injection was given.
  6. Binky, Thanks for the link. I have checked it out. I don't doubt SOME people have mental health problems that make it difficult for them to wear masks but it is unreasonable to use that explanation to explain most masklessness. I have no problem with a shop worker not wearing a mask if they wear a badge that explains that they cannot wear a mask. No need to say why. But most people do not. As mentioned, other people have anxiety about Covid and about people who don't wear masks in enclosed public spaces. I DO try to avoid visiting shops where I know there are staff not wearing masks. But sometimes I have to buy food to live and that I cant get delivered.
  7. Clearly lots of people have mental health problems (many have health anxiety which is made worse by the sight of people not wearing masks in public places!). But only a minority of people have a problem wearing a mask. Binkylilliput's post that portrays mental health problems and masklessness as almost one and the same thing is frankly ridiculous and an attempt to silence those who have valid concerns about the risks posed by those not wearing masks. If the staff in Gails or anywhere else cant wear masks for health reasons they should wear a prominent badge that explains that. A guy in my corner shop had no mask on the other day. I asked why. He said he was exempt which was pretty funny as a few days earlier he'd had one hanging from his chin. Similarly, a guy in the Sainsbury's Local on Lordship Lane is almost never wearing his mask but frequently has it hanging round his chin. Today he was talking loudly and constantly to a colleague, spraying his aerosol for everyone to enjoy. I have complained the to the manager about him. And enough with the "you're a nasty person shaming others for not wearing masks". I don't want to catch Covid and I don't want to give it to anyone else. And I certainly dont want long Covid. I act accordingly. I don't think it cruel or unreasonable to expect other people to do the same.
  8. That is very interesting!
  9. It could be very helpful if forum users shared knowledge about when, how and where people are being offered the vaccine. Which GP practices have contacted their patients and which in high priority categories etc. I know surgeries understandably do not want telephone lines blocked with people asking these questions and they need people to wait to be contacted. So, sharing here could be helpful in managing expectation.
  10. Has anyone heard anything from their GPs about appointments for the vaccine? Is there a central centre administering the vaccine (maybe at Kings?)?
  11. The problem is that it's the people who just don't want to wear masks who are making it harder for the small minority who can't wear them for medical reasons. If I went into Sainsbury's or any other shop and saw 5 per cent of people not wearing masks I would be pretty relaxed and give those people the benefit of the doubt that they had a reason for not wearing one. But if I go in and 40 to 50 per cent of people don't have them then I am inclined to think that there are a lot of people that just don't care. NickyJohnson, did you really say "everyone to their own"? I am afraid that is a moronic phrase to use when we are talking about a highly infectious disease.
  12. Yes. It was closed at the end of last week.
  13. Don'tBeSilly, What's uncomfortable is a ventilator shoved down your throat because you can't breathe on your own. Congratulations to the "do-gooder" in Coop for at least showing you that your selfish behaviour does not go unnoticed.
  14. Does anyone know if it is still closed? And, if so, how long for?
  15. I was in Forest Hill Sainsbury's last night. At least a third of people were not wearing masks. One recorded message played while I was in the shop asking people to wear masks. It was immediately followed by a message asking people to being considerate of staff and customers who might not be able to wear masks or to social distance for personal reasons. With this kind of mixed messaging I don't think it will be long before a lot more customers stop bothering to wear masks. It seems that Sainsbury's are as concerned about people without masks being judged or confronted as they are about trying to protect their staff and customers from Covid. It seems crazy to me. Very disappointed in Sainsbury's. And even more so in its customers.
  16. It seems there was a misunderstanding and my prescription was on automatic repeat without me knowing. We talked about the fact that there needs to be a facility on the online app to explain why a request has been rejected.
  17. Thank you very much Dulwich Fox for this information. I will hold onto it in case more problems. I went down to the Practice and spoke to the receptionist through the intercom. She is arranging for a pharmacist to call me today. I think it's really bad practice to reject a prescription renewal request without explanation or advanced warning, especially at this moment where services are stretched and it is so hard to make contact with medical professionals.
  18. I have just had my repeat prescription rejected by Dulwich Medical Centre Online with no explanation. I have tried to call but there is no answer even though they are supposedly open. They offer no appointments of any kind on the Patient Access app. The very generic DMC website gives no explanation of how to make an appointment other than to email an address that is a broken link. I am really furious. I have run out of one of my meds and although this is not the end of the world, what would someone with a serious problem actually do?
  19. Nigello, Thank you for picking things up this morning and thank you for contacting the councillor. I enjoy walking through there in the mornings but some days now I enter with dread about how bad it is going to look. I pick up random bits on my way home but dont like to pick up on the way out if I am going to the shop to buy food and dont have gloves. Totally right about people not weather creating litter, but it seems like a lot of people have their own special narratives about litter to cope with living among selfish people. Yesterday morning I was surprised to see it all cleared (as I thought the bins got emptied Wednesdays on the hill). Today there was a lot of rubbish piled up around the bin. I am never sure when I see it piled up around the bin whether the users of the hill have done this or someone conscientious has come along afterwards to clear up. The Council needs to clear those bins more frequently (all the bins in all the parks) because people are using the parks so much these days due to reduced options and I don't hold out hope of people taking their litter home. And yes, I know I need to write to my councillor about that. But if they are reading this, that would also be great. As for the noise. The meeting of Overhill Road, Dawsons Heights and Dawsons Hill are becoming party central at night. Last night I slept with wax ear plugs so I could keep the windows open and not be disturbed.
  20. caz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Same happening on Overhill Rd from 4th May till > September !! Can you tell me more? I live on Overhill Rd but haven't heard anything about that.
  21. NewWave Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > drewd Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > I am taking the opportunity to take daily walks > to > > get fresh air and exercise. Where it?s possible > to > > take a detour to avoid getting too close to > people > > I do so. But sometimes it?s impossible to avoid > > staying on the path or pavement and I am > getting > > frustrated by families walking two or three or > > four abreast and taking up all the space and > not > > thinking about the fact that it would be safer > for > > everyone if they all went single file when they > > see someone coming towards them. I have hung > back > > on occasion in the hope that people will get > the > > message. Sometimes they do, but very often they > > don?t. Please can people exercising as a > > household show some consideration for those of > us > > on our own. > > Yes I've noticed the same. > When out walking with my husband at the weekend we > made a point of going single file when people were > coming towards us-on one occasion a young couple > walked towards totally unaware of the space around > them despite us being single file they were still > much nearer than the 2m not paying attention at > all-we stepped back and waited in the entrance to > a front garden which then got sniggers and dirty > looks from the couple when I glanced behind me > when we stepped back onto the pavement they were > still looking over their shoulder sniggering and > rolling eyes at us. > very annoying! > can't people just have spacial awareness and > respect. > dont snigger and roll eyes at those older than you > who are being rightfully cautious. That?s an unpleasant thing to have to deal with. I guess this situation is highlighting those whose who have grown accustomed to floating around oblivious to their surroundings.
  22. Administrator, I am disappointed this post was moved to the lounge and not kept in the Covid 19 area. I didnt post just to have a "don?t you just hate it when.." type moan. It was to draw attention to the issue of people not giving sufficient space to passers by, which is a health risk in the current situation.
  23. Well, I did hang back to show I needed space, as I explained in my OP. You have to get fairly close to people to communicate verbally on a road with traffic. Edited to explain this was in reply to KidKruger.
  24. I am taking the opportunity to take daily walks to get fresh air and exercise. Where it?s possible to take a detour to avoid getting too close to people I do so. But sometimes it?s impossible to avoid staying on the path or pavement and I am getting frustrated by families walking two or three or four abreast and taking up all the space and not thinking about the fact that it would be safer for everyone if they all went single file when they see someone coming towards them. I have hung back on occasion in the hope that people will get the message. Sometimes they do, but very often they don?t. Please can people exercising as a household show some consideration for those of us on our own.
  25. I'm with Nigello. It should be possible to have a conversation on the state of our shared public spaces and the benefits of looking after them better without being accused of curtain twitching.
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