I too looked into independent midwifery for my second birth due in 3 weeks. I originally wanted to go with Brieley community midwifes but only moved into the area a few months ago and was told I'd missed the boat unfortunately. I am planning for a home birth and wanted this first time round but the care (or should I say lack of it) meant I ended up going into hospital, St Thomas' not Kings. The independent midwifery option looks amazing but I couldn't believe the cost.....?3,500!! Considering I was already in my 3rd trimester, I simply couldn't justify paying this sort of money and as it happens have now been extremely fortunate and am with the Brieley community midwifes so am looking forward to better care hopefully enabling my home birth. If you can afford it and feel your past care wasn't good enough, I'd do it but if you feel you had the care you wanted, I'd be more inclined to stick that money in the wee ones account instead. Good luck :-)