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Everything posted by trinidad

  1. legalalien Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > A random question that I wonder if anyone knows > the answer to: if a ward changes hands, what > happens to outstanding constituency work (emails, > correspondence etc) - does it get handed over to > the new councillors, or does everyone have to > start again by emailing their new councillors? > > I have no idea of the answer, but you'd think it > would make sense to have some sort of handover > process? Ditto for MPs after a general > election... > > (just wondering what might happen to an > outstanding email to a current councilor) I currently have an issue being handled by a councilor, the councilor has told me he is not standing this term, but copied in a fellow councilor who is standing. I am sure there will be a hand-over period for good practice, not sure how this pans out with a change of party color. keep an eye on the results on Friday!!
  2. jamesmcash Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I hope this thread isn't representative of the > wider Dulwich area, it'd be a Labour wipe-out! > > Thanks for an interesting thread. Whoever you > support, please do try to vote. > > See you on the other side. > > Best wishes > James Hi James, I have voted Lib Dem for the first time in my postal vote, fingers cross for Thursday :)
  3. CPR Dave Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Fingers crossed for the Lib Dems! Hey CPR Dave, I have returned my postal vote with three crosses for LD, fingers cross hey!!
  4. if you want to find out which candidates are standing in your ward: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/
  5. Siduhe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > One question - have people had their polling cards > through yet? Mine hasn't arrived (Dulwich Hill), > which isn't an issue as I know where to vote, but > wondered if it's just me? You should of received your polling card by now, you could give them a call to check you are registered and the polling station you usually use is still the same (sometimes polling stations are moved to other locations). To check if you?re registered to vote, please contact Electoral Services on 020 7525 7373. Ring today as I suspect they will be very busy tomorrow
  6. goldilocks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No - I don't think that anyone will. Was just > wondering if you did? For me, i am just punishing Labour for introducing the CPZ when residents overwhelmingly voting against it when asked. I have always voted Labour, but not this time.
  7. hello goldilocks, I dont have an answer to that one, sorry
  8. 48 hours and counting..... If you have a postal vote, have you sent yours off in the post yet?
  9. Waseley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well you just can win can you? You don't get > leaflets and you complain. You get leaflets and > you complain. Incidentally there is much more > junk mail from other sources and some leaflets > like that on the ULEZ extension really useful. > And then you get Dulwichfox who doesn't even > engage in the political process/democracy. > > Let's be realistic. Over the decades and numerous > elections in a number of towns and cities I've > never had a knock on my door. Politicians > naturally focus on floating voters and swing > seats. Social media gives us plenty of > opportunity to engage, as well as hustings and > getting involved in politics both locally and > nationally. > > This thread comes over as another anti-LTN thread Hello waseley, sorry you feel this is a anti LTN, it was not set up for that but to explore if anyone was voting in the Local elections. I guess ltn'S are local issues for some. For me, the parking zone was a deal breaker, but there are many, many other issues which are important.
  10. Thank you for posting this
  11. I started this thread suggesting things are improving, but they still have a long way to go. I saw a poster in the nurses room asking those who are carers to come forward. I telephoned the surgery, the member of staff had no understanding of the poster and said she would come back to me with an answer, i never heard from her again. I emailed the surgery last month regarding joining their patient group. Did not get a response back :( I don't think they can cope with the demand to be honest. My grandads surgery is on the Walworth road. reception staff member knows his name and is really good. if you ask a question, she will get back to you the same day, I told her I wish she was at the TJ centre. The practice needs alot of improving to be honest!!
  12. its nice to recognize when things go well :)
  13. six days until d-day!!
  14. I recently appealed my mums PCN for failure to display a blue badge in a disabled bay. I contacted all three of her councilors and received a response from parking to say the PCN had now been quashed. worth a try.
  15. Thank you CPR Dave, most helpful
  16. Like you, the same. I have had only one leaflet through my door from Labour, but not sure if that is count as it was from councilors from the goose green ward, and i am in the rye lane ward. i guess they dont care :(
  17. I agree natnat, try and post on http://forums.pepipoo.com/ also search for your three councillors on the council website and contact all three individually. Yes this is terrible, and parking dont seem to care at all :(
  18. Thats why I mentioned the following in the first line: I have not seen it advertised on the council website or received any information on it. I have emailed parking services already, to ask why it is not advertised on their website, and why blue badge holders are either not routinely signed up to this or at least sent information. Your welcome to email parking services directly for clarity, i thought it was good of me to share information. but feel free to email the council yourself: [email protected]
  19. Hello Blue Badge Holder, I discovered a permit for southwark blue badge holders called AD badge permit which I wanted to share with all. I have not seen it advertised on the council website or received any information on it. The AD badge permit is a virtual permit ( no paper permit is sent out) and the ownership is on the customer to remember when the permit run?s out, Southwark parking do not send out any paper reminders. (not sure if that means you receive a email reminder). Southwark Parking enforcement officers use a handheld device to check the vehicle has a permit, (please use the same way as the blue badge in Southwark - no parking in any of the resident bays in Southwark) No need any more to display the Blue badge or clock in Southwark, only use the blue badge when parking out of Southwark into another Council or private land eg shopping centres /supermarkets etc... Customers that do qualify will also be registered to a list with southwark civil enforcement officers who operates the CCTV in Southwark. You will be covered for the (LTN) camera restrictions within Southwark as shown on link below; https://www.southwark.gov.uk/parking/disabled-parking/parking-with-a-blue-badge?chapter=2 How to apply? simply email [email protected] and request a AD badge permit. You also need to include the front and back copy of your blue badge and your vehicle registration number (you can only register one vehicle). you will be registered within 24 hours. Cost is free. This scheme is perfect if you forget to display your blue badge within the borough, and you will not get a ticket.
  20. goldilocks Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you haven't posted back in time you can also > hand in your postal vote at a polling station Hello goldilocks, are you voting by post?
  21. Spartacus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For those registered for a postal vote, have you > received your ballot papers yet ? I have, what the latest date I can post back?
  22. Hello all, I thought I would give you a update. I went onto the http://forums.pepipoo.com/ I spoke to a few people, some people were shocked i received a fine a day after the expire date as many councils give 7 - 14 days after an expire date. My luck might be in though. The CEO used code 12 on the parking ticket, which is for someone who has not paid for their parking. The code the CEO should of used is code 19, an expired permit. I have to wait for the Notice to keeper first. Fining after one day, if parking is not money making this is a clear example it is. I will be raising a complaint once i have sorted all this out.
  23. I have had candidate information from the Labor Party for the Goose Green Ward. Strange, as my ward is rye lane
  24. Has anyone received any leaflets / information on what our new prosed councilors would do?
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