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Everything posted by trinidad

  1. Dear Tessa Jowell GP Surgery, I write as once again I have experienced poor levels of patient service with the GP practice. On the Monday 3rd March I completed two online forms on your online platform. One was regarding pain following a ankle operation and the second request, was for a sick note: My pain was addressed by a telephone call at the end of the week by a GP. I received a call from a clinical member of staff today regarding my sickness certificate. In the call, I was asked what can the surgery help me with? I informed the clinical staff member, I had no idea why the GP surgery was contacting me. The clinical staff member informed me, she was contacting me because of a sick note I requested for my employer on 3rd March 2025. I informed the staff member, today was 10th March, and I requested the sick note on 3rd March. I asked why I was being provided with a telephone appointment now? The member of staff informed me, this was due to clinical need. Its appalling, I have had to wait until the following week, for a clinical staff member to contact me, about a sick note for my employer. My employers policy, is similar to most, I am expected to present a sickness certificate to my employer to cover all absentness for sickness (except for the first 7 days of which I can self certificate). The delay in someone contacting me as led to me breaking my employers sick policy. This is totally unacceptable. This is not the first time I have been placed in this position, as it took several days for the previous sick note to be administered by a GP, which again my employer was not happy about. Infect, my employer reminded me, this was not the first or second occassion I had delayed submitting a sick certificate. I did ask the clinical staff member, why there was a delay in sending me the sick certificate, and I was advised, I needed to infrom my employer to refer me to their Occupational Health Service. I am not happy of the continued delayed services being provided by the surgery. You will see below, I have complained on a number of occasions, and you will see the surgery has a unwritten policy of not replying to complaints by email. The first entry in the email below dates February 2024, which mainly includes appointment slots, and non clinical issues. Despite assurances, things will improve in 2024, There is still issues with this surgery. In my last complaint on 3rd December 2024 there was no response from the surgery. Can you please explain why I have had to wait for someone to contact me today, despite a responsibility for employees to provide a sick certificate to their employer, straight after the previous sick certificate expires? There does not seem to be sufficient clinical staff to cater for the amount of patients registered at the surgery. This appeared to happen throughout 2024, and now in 2025. I must of been expecting a delay in administering a new sickness certificate as I completed one of your online forms as below, I was advised by a different Doctor, I could not request a new certificate, while a current certificate was in place. Based on my experiences, how can I ensure, if I need a medical certificate because i am unable to work, what should I should do differently? also, what is the surgery going to do to ensure I am not in a position like this again? Last week, my sickness could of been viewed as unauthorized as I had not complied with the sick staff policy once again. I have been nursing a painful ankle, following a operation. I should not endure additional stresses from the GP practice, on top of feeling very unwell. I was told during the call, a certificate would be provided until the end of the month, however, I have no idea how to access that certificate, and if the certificate would cover from todays date, or from the date requested. Despite assurances, of a better service from 2024, there still seems to be problems at the surgery, and I don't really see non clinical issues not being resolved. I am also still waiting for information regarding the next Patient participation Group meeting no information has been provided as yet, despite three online forms being completed, and assurances in summer 2024, this information would be presented to me. I have now asked for the Parliamentary & Health Ombudsman to make contact with me, as I have seen very little progress and have included the Care quality Commission into this email for the first time. I am very much exacerbated with the service being delivered by Tessa Jowell, and would welcome massive positive changes for the surgery. I know you usually do not respond to complaints, however, I would be grateful if you can replay to this email. Regards
  2. completed a online form requesting a GP appointment on 28th January 2025. I received my first telephone call from the surgery today 10th February 2025. I am offered an appointment for 14th February 2025. That is almost three weeks away since I first contacted the surgery. Is this where we are at the moment? I thought routine appointments are meant to be five days according to their website?
  3. I have notice the singing has now stopped, anyone else noticed?
  4. I cant quite pinpoint where she is exactly. But currently notice I am not hearing her this evening!! She has a microphone?
  5. I completed a askmygp on 21st October and 23rd October. Despite two further telephone calls to chase these requests up, I have not received a response until 30th October. I did say on both occasions, I was available anytime when asked, but despite this, staff from the GP practice still called me and offered me an appointment. The earliest appointment offered is a further week of 5th November 2024. It has taken 15 days (this includes the weekends) to have an appointment with a GP. I see they are continuing to offer great service.
  6. Thought I would share, a member of staff shared with me, there MyGP platform, which you are redirected, each time you call, is now open until 4pm daily. No mention of this information on their website, and the surgery says it closes from 12:30pm - 4pm on the third Thursday of each month, for their monthly staff training. It means the phone lines and surgery itself it closed. No mention of online services. Has anyone ever attended the Patient Participation Group? I have looked online, there are minutes for the 2022, and none for last year or this year? is the PPG runing? CQC rated their service as "requires improvement" Tessa Jowell GP Surgery - Care Quality Commission Tessa Jowell GP Surgery A few people have suggested The Garden Surgery, The Gardens, London, SE22 9QU The Garden Surgery last report from the CQC is rated as good in all areas The Gardens Surgery - Care Quality Commission The Gardens Surgery Sadly I am just out of The Gardens Surgery Catchment area 😞 interesting read though!!
  7. I cant comment, as I actually cant make out what she is singing, is it gospel?
  8. I am on Copleston road, I am with Lebara. The service genrally is not bad outside, but terrible in my home sometimes
  9. Seems to be a resident singing most evenings in Copleston Road. Even with the windows shut tight to keep the cold out, I can hear her. Has anyone else heard her?
  10. Just thought i would warn everyone, if you are thinking of using a blue badge to park in a disabled bay, you only are allowed 4 hours max. This might be tricky if you are attending A/E. They do have signs, but you really have to look for them. Just thought I would warn everyone, their parking company give out tickets, like confetti. If you can, try and use the roads by Lambeth council. There permit holder holds allow unlimited parking for blue badge holders. I do not think this is the case for Southwark council
  11. Hello Malumbu, thanks for your contribution. Just wanted to make a comment on what you typed. You asked why go online, am I not allowed to go online and share a questionnaire from the council, as well as my experiences and observations? thankyou for letting me know about using the complaints policy in the council, but I dont want to do that, am I not free to express my experiences here? I am sorry to learn you think expressing on "social media" is away of "not bothering to go through the (complaint) procedure" did it occur to you, i might not want to? I might just want to express online, and I think that is aok too. We must not be judgmental on what platforms people use!! Seems like you have taken my experiences very personal, you dont need to!! Have a great day and smile!! I was not aware of Malumbu
  12. I received a response from the ICB, they dont seem to have any teeth at all. The health ombudsman is next, but maybe the mp might be better. Does anyone know who is the MP for Peckham and camberwell?
  13. Hello all, I received a knock at the door yesterday. When I got to the street door, and opened it, I saw a letter poking out of the letter box. I asked this guy who he was, and he went on about bins. I asked him again where he was from, and he replied "southwark council" I asked the council officer why he was not wearing any ID, he pulls out his ID from his jumper, shows it, and tucks it back into his jumper. I told him, he should have his ID on show at at all times, and he replied "oh no, someone might grab it" Not really impressed, these were clearly not engagement workers, but a couple of office staff. I work for a neighboring council, we would routinely, always have our ID badge displayed, weather infront of a household or in the street. We always wear high vis jackets, with our emblem printed on the front and back. We want to scream from the roof tops who we are. Southwark council seem to be a bit different. The lanyard which holds our ID badge have quick release, so even if someone did pull the lanyard, the lanyard would come apart from the neck. Whenever we are positing information to residents, we always ensure letters are fully posted into the letterbox. The last thing you want to do, if for a letter to blow away, or let burglars know, no one is living at the address. Come on southwark council, do better with your engagement, or don't do it at all. Very disappointing.
  14. Do you live on any of these roads below: AMBERGATE STREET · BASSANO STREET · BROOK DRIVE · BRUNSWICK PARK · BUSHEY HILL ROAD · CAMBERWELL CHURCH STREET · CHAPTER ROAD · COPLESTON ROAD · CRAMPTON STREET · DE LAUNE STREET · ELFINDALE ROAD · ELMINGTON ROAD · ETHNARD ROAD · GROVE LANE · KESTON ROAD · KIMBERLEY AVENUE · LINNELL ROAD · LORDSHIP LANE · MARMORA ROAD · MELBOURNE GROVE · MUSCHAMP ROAD · SUTHERLAND SQUARE · VESTRY ROAD · VICARAGE GROVE · WOODWARDE ROAD The council is currently conducting a online survey regarding bins on the pavement. Please complete the following survey: www.southwark.gov.uk/bins-on-street (you must live on one of those roads above). It only takes five minutes, and the deadline is 20th October 2024 or you can email your comments on pavements to: [email protected] Ambergate StreetBassano StreetBrook DriveBrunswick ParkBushey Hill RoadCamberwell Church StreetChapter RoadCopleston RoadCrampton StreetDe Laune StreetElfindale RoadElmington RoadEthnard RoadGrove LaneKeston RoadKimberley AvenueLinnell RoadLordship LaneMarmora RoadMelbourne GroveMuschamp RoadSutherland SquareVestry RoadVicarage GroveWoodwarde RoadOther Property name/number (optional) This information will not be shared
  15. A friend of mine who lives in apartments has had her sleep affected by her neighbour who lives in her apartment below my friend. My friend can often hear the neighbour down stairs shouting in their sleep and snoring. I suggested wearing ear plugs, but my friend said the noise still gets through. She has closed her windows and bedroom door, and has contacted her neighbour and the council, but nothing has worked. Is there anything she can do?
  16. MMMMMMMMMMMM, were you contacted three days later in the afternoon? It has been several months, and I am now awaiting a response still from the ICB over my experiences several months ago. I have chased, and chased, and chased the ICB. In my last email, I copied in the health ombudsman. I still have a complaint with the surgery I submitted in April, which has yet to be replied to. The appointment system has got better, but forget about complaining to the surgery, they simply ignore complaints, or when pushed, will invite you in for a cozy chat. The surgery seems to have a fear of putting responses in writing. I have requested to attend the patient experience group, I don't think the practice manager wants me on there. The ICB wants the to be part of the group. Out of interest, hows everyone else's experience with the surgery?
  17. Have something positive to report back on. I called the reception this afternoon about 6pm, and the first surprise was the call was answered right away. I enquired when the evergreen online service closes, as my experience a a few months ago was around 8:30am. The reception told me, there service is now open until 4pm each day (can anyone verify this?). I asked what the response times are? It seems the surgery has now moved away of meeting the target of ensuring everyone has a same day appointment, and instead, a duty GP will grade the urgency from same day, 2-3 days and 3-5 days. The GP will also decide if you require a face to face appointment or a telephone appointment. On the disappointing side, the illusive practice manager has still not acknowledged my complaint (the email was sent to their generic inbox last Wednesday - what happened to your shiny "Complaints Department " mentioned on your website?) I have also chased up my ICB complaint about the surgery, they also had a email from me last Wednesday, and just like the surgery, have chosen to ignore my email. If the regulator ignores the email, its not surprising the individual GP practice does.
  18. I dont think it matters what it is called. The mygp website calls it this: through illness of less than seven days duration. Please be aware that a sick/fit note will not be issued before this time For more information on how to self-certificate If you have already self-certified for 7 days and need to request a sick/fit note, please complete the form below: Were you wanting to request: A sick note (to be signed off work) A fit note (to return to work with adaptations) Thank you for your support. I have sent this latest experience to the practice manager, although from experience, i am not expecting a response. Regarding my complaints from February, it is currently with the ICB. The ICB asked the surgery to respond by the end of May to themselves. I have not heard from the ICB and have sent a chaser email to ask why. I dont understand why things go wrong each time i use there service!! I do understand your contribution, for me, I want things to improve, and I am currently going through the complaints system, although i must say, it is very long, and has currently not provided much fruit. I raised concerns back in February and there are still issues. The ICB which oversees these GPs seem to be overworked, and they have had my complaint for several months now. I am hoping things will improve, but i do understand if I had a car which gave me problems, i would it the boot and trade it in. 🙂 I had the same issue, I only received a response from the practice manager when I contacted the ICB, the practice manager decided to contact me. The practice don't seem to understand how to effectively address complaints. There is a poor complaints policy. If the practice manager goes on leave, no one seems to carry out her work. They claim to have a "complaints department" but when you scratch the surface, they have a complaints administrator. I have asked twice to join the patient experience group, again no response. why dont you raise this with the ICB? This seems to be a good idea, maybe contacting the MP and local councilors. I have to admit, this service is being delivered so poorly at the moment. 😞
  19. Has anyone noticed any improvements with the Tessa Jowell GP practice? I have used the service with more access to the evergreen service, and the telephone service now tells you how many people are in front of you when you call, but unfortunately for me, this service still seems below standard. I went online yesterday morning to request a SICK note and gave the reasons why. I received a response at around 11am, to inform me the FIT note had been granted and would be emailed. Checked my inbox, and guess what, nothing. Sent a send evergreen request just after 12midnite, again requesting a SICK note. I should of submitted the certificate to my line manager yesterday. I wait several hours, still nothing. I make my third contact with the surgery, this time by telephone. I am not asked any data protection details, Im just told the certificate would be sent to me by text and email. At 1:30pm today, the GP decided to reply to my evergreen enquiry to say the enquire was closed as I had received the certificate this morning. A copy of the certificate was included. This is not the sort of experience you need, when your ill. When will services get better in this GP practice?
  20. I have received a letter on 11th April from the Practice Manager - Roberta Flectcher. The letter is dated 10th April, and acknowledges my complaint on 8th February 2024. It has taken the GP practice two months to send an acknowledgement, totally and utterly unacceptable. I am sure Roberta contacted me, because the ICB has made contact with them. I am awaiting for a response to my complaint from the ICB by 23rd April 2024. Tessa Jowell GP practice continue to let patients down.
  21. I am expected to receive a written response for my complaint with the ICB on April 23rd 2024. I am not really expecting any major changes, other than escalating the complaint again. I notice the Practice manager is no longer responding to comments on this forum. There is also alot of one star reviews on the NHS review website. these reviews. These issues seem to be going on to at least January 2024. Look for yourself: Ratings and reviews - Tessa Jowell GP Surgery - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
  22. Once again I received a negative experience with Tessa Jowell GP Practice. On Friday 22nd March 2024. I needed an appointment. at 8:00am, I consulted the evergreen website, to book an appointment, and I also started a telephone call at the exact time - 8:00am. While on hold, I repeatedly tried to arrange an appointment online as the surgery encourages its patience to book an appointment through this method., On each occassion, I am seeing a message informing me the evergreen service is closed. I do not understand why its closed, and why i am unable to book an appointment. Its 8am, and I am expecting this service to be ready for use. I finally abandoned trying to secure a GP appointment, and remain on the telephone line, waiting patiently for someone to answer my telephone call. Despite my telephone call starting at approximately 8:00am, the telephone call is disappointingly not answered until 8:44am, almost 45 minutes, which is totally unacceptable. This is not an acceptable level of service, especially for patience whom are ill, and waiting for an appointment. My experience goes from bad to worse, when i am advised there are no appointments for the day to offer me, and I am advised to call back after the weekend. If I have telephoned on the exact time the surgery opens, how can there not be an appointment? This surgery is not fit for purpose, and there are clear signs, this surgery is not fulfilling its contract. I am not happy, as each time I have contact with this organization, there appears to be a problem.
  23. I raised my complaint on 7th February with the Practice Manager, s/he is yet to respond. My concerns are now with the ICB with a response date of 23rd February. I am assuming the ICB would be in some form of contract with management at the surgery. I am not expecting a massive change from the ICB, in which case I will forward to the Health Ombudsman. I received a call from a GP on Friday regarding my appointment request on Tuesday and Thursday. The management dont seem to care at all. In regards to people mentioning we should have at least 6 eft GP. This is what is posted on ask my GP below. I dont know how accurate or up to date this is, as reception staff told me they only have 100 appointments each day : When is your clinician available? Select siteAll sites Tessa Jowell Mon18/03 Tue19/03 Wed20/03 Thu21/03 Fri22/03 Dr Negim Ali 08:00 - 18:30 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 08:00 - 18:30 Dr Jordan De Carli 00:59 - 17:00 00:59 - 17:00 00:59 - 17:00 00:59 - 17:00 00:59 - 17:00 Dr Baljinder Dodd 09:00 - 17:30 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable 09:00 - 17:30 Dr Sebastian Garber 09:00 - 18:00 Unavailable Unavailable 09:00 - 18:00 Unavailable GP Unavailable 09:00 - 17:30 Unavailable 09:00 - 18:30 Unavailable Dr Anna Hourmouzios 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 Dr Oyin Koledoye 08:00 - 16:30 08:00 - 16:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 16:30 08:00 - 18:30 Dr Sean Lambert Unavailable 08:00 - 15:30 08:00 - 14:00 08:00 - 15:00 08:00 - 18:00 Dr May Myanmar 08:00 - 18:00 08:00 - 18:00 08:00 - 18:00 Unavailable Unavailable Miss Laura Neale 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 Mr Julius Odiase 08:00 - 18:30 09:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 Mrs Taiwo OLAJIDE 09:30 - 18:30 09:30 - 18:30 09:30 - 18:30 Unavailable Unavailable Dr gabriella SCOZZI 09:00 - 17:30 Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Dr Tina Shivji 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00 Mrs Alison Spence 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 18:30 Mrs Veronica Thorogood Unavailable Unavailable 08:00 - 18:30 08:00 - 14:00 08:00 - 18:30 Dr Lilly Udeh Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable
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