Well I certainly didn't want to offend anybody with my description. It's a true and accurate account of that particular individual and I don't see that it has to single out groups of individuals from any background or race etc. I would love to be able to give a more detailed description, but I'm not going to make up things I didn't see. My main point of posting was just to highlight people to be alert and on the lookout in that area as I understand that location to have had a run of similar incidents recently. I think some regular patrols by maybe community officers, or even a few police cars driving back to the station this way at night, as well as improved lighting would be very useful in the darker hours. A little extra security in numbers maybe. I wonder if it's possibly targeted as one of the main commuting routes from the station as many people are likely to be carrying laptops and expensive equipment coming back from work late etc. Then again it might purely be complete opportunists.