I wonder if anyone can help with some information? I'm doing some research for a feature that's going to be going on one of the BBC's DVDs of the classic Doctor Who series, looking at the links between the series and the other long-standing series, Blue Peter. Back in June 1973, two Daleks were stolen from outside BBC Television Centre and their disappearance was publicised on Blue Peter that week. The next day, the two Daleks were recovered with help from viewers - one turning up in Ealing and the other in East Dulwich. The following Monday, Blue Peter did another report about their recovery which included Peter Purves interviewing one police constable Forward from the East Dulwich station. I've been asked to see if we could trace PC Forward in the hope that we can do a quick interview with him, but it's difficult tracing people when you don't know their first name! Can anyone tell me if there was a local newspaper that specifically served the East Dulwich area back in 1973 as I'm hoping that the story may have been carried in the newspaper in greater depth than the brief pieces that appeared in the nationals? If so, is their any local history centres or archives that might carry copies? Alternatively, if anyone knew or indeed still knows the Forward family (assuming they lived in the area), then do let me know! Richard