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Everything posted by cupid_stunt

  1. Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
  2. @ LegalEagle-ish - what type of mutt do you own?
  3. @Ladymuck - Grovel, grovel. Didn't mean to offend too much. I meant ignorant as not knowing as supposed to not wanting to know! Subtle but definite difference in my books. Sorry dear!... :) @ Woof - As is the way of these things, if it takes off, that particular room will no doubt be full of ISMs masquerading as Lonely Hearts! *tsk*
  4. It recently occurred to me that there's so much lurve in these virtual rooms that the EDF could probably bear the weight of another forum heading called WLTM (Would Like To Meet - for you ignorant Smug Marrieds out there...) It'd keep everybody happy. The Love Grinches wouldn't have to wade through the endless unrequited lurve posts (unless they wanted to) and the Unrequited Lovers would know exactly where they could go to find The One. Might get some new advertisers/ sponsors too... Anyway, what do you think? Admin, keep an eye on the thread :) PS - I would have posted this under the About This Forum header but since no one has been in there since December 11th, the heating hasn't been on so it's freezing!
  5. Yep, with Barry Gibb is the all-time tune. Anyone want to join me for a singalong?
  6. Here's me. I just don't know what to do with myself today. So happy, the forum's back :)
  7. @*Bob* - 'kicked me in the slats' - now that's made me chortle hard, hehe. Oh what will i do with my fingers without this surreal forum for the next two weeks? As for it being a modern world, tis true and i wouldn't have it any other way. I mean, where would we be without the Internets and stuff? :)
  8. It was *Bob*. Some1ne obviously has all the subtlety of a wet brick. And they say chivalry is dead, eh.. *tsk*
  9. Hey EMC, nice pic. You're quite the number one stunner. Why are you single?
  10. In my experience the first sign of a publisher in trouble begins with basic distribution problems. Advertisers will get their copies but few others will. Any 'decent' mag worth its pagination will be ABC'd. If it isn't then as a publisher you can say what you like...
  11. Hmm, there's so much sexual tension on this thread, let's just say that the next drink up is going to be interesting...
  12. Unable to post earlier, hence the delay... @LM, me ma is... well, let's just say they speak faster than they think! As for 'Sir' Dennis the quality of his voice is in a class all by itself. @Mscrawthew, all of those tunes and more. I think one of the lil Stunts was as a result of Ms Mark or possibly Jill Scott's Words and Sounds Volume I. Hey no one's mentioned one of my quiet faves Johnny Osbourne's Ice Cream Love. Check the chorus: 'Because my love is warmer than a chocolate fudge.' And there my epitaph is written!
  13. @LM, My Father is from Jamaica and mum's from South America, so the music is my cultural inheritance. I remember as a child of six their all night blues parties in Camberwell. They had a party once a month and it was all about tunes, curry goat and roti and my siblings and I running around the 'big people' and staying up way too late. A great way to grow up. As I got older i kept up with contemporary music but never lost the love for the music and artist i first heard. I nabbed all my dad's old skool records and have about 5,000 or so LPs and 7"s from the era. I had to WWF him into the ground as he didn't let them go without a struggle! Naw, i'm sure i'll have the same 'conversation' with my kids when the time comes. Curerntly listening to Studio One's Oldies But Goodies produced by C. S Dodd and engineered by Sylvan Morris featuring Alton & Eddy, Higgs & Wilson, the Wailers, The Clarendonians, Delroy wilson, Skatalites, Bob Andy, Ken Boothe. The only way to wake up on a Sunday! AS for today's reggae, all a bit too formulaic for me. There are a few standout artists with a few memorable tracks but at this time in the morning names escape me.... PS - don't forget The Heptones
  14. Ladymuck, we are on the same page, dancing to the same riddim. The list is truly endless. The Coxsone/ Studio 1 era spawned a generation of peerless vocalists that the world will never see the like of again. In truth it's an immense and largely unreported slice of the UK's contemporary musical history. But the truth will out! RANT OVER So how did you get bitten by the bug?
  15. Hey L-ish, apologies on this digression but did you ever get that job that you went for a few months back. Sorry, I've been a bit out of the EDF loop as i've been cracking the whip on the workers recently.... As for Vosene check out any one of those tardis-like 24/7 365 shops on Rye Lane, they'll probably have an original bottle from way back when. Alternatively try here. :)
  16. Hmm, don't get me started. As a child of the early '70s, I was happily suckled on the lyrical offerings of everybody from Yellowman, U-Roy, The Mighty Diamonds, Alton Ellis, 'Sir' Dennis Brown, Sugar Minnott, Horace Andy, Gregory Isaccs, Ken Boothe, the list goes on. I still have most of the aformentioned artists on vinyl too. Oh time to slap on the 1210s, look what you've gone and done! I'm getting excited. Nurse! Sorry I tend not to get out much...
  17. hey Keef, did you go to St John's and St Clements when it was on Northcross Road?
  18. Paul Dacre, Editor, Daily Mail
  19. So Daizie, You got rid of the smelly ex, eh? Well, I guess it was meant to be. C'est la vie and all that.... OK, i tick all your boxes apart from the fact that i'm a mere youngster at 36 and am fitter than most, so i'd lurve you to death. hahaha. Anyway, if you're interested in having a 'conversation' describe yourself - specifically, are you one of life's givers or takers? - and i promise i'll PM you as i like the way you post.
  20. Could i have a bit of advice please. New boyfriend , has a poo here before he leaves, and doesnt open the window or spray any air freshner . I also suspect he didnt wash his hands . Yuk . Should i say something ? If so, what and how should i say it . Im usually accused of being blunt to the point of hurtful , so dont really want to hurt his feelings as he has a few problems at the moment . Its putting me right off him . --------- Daizie, couple of things: 1. how new is this boyfriend, ie is he a keeper? 2. he may have his problems but his (apparent lack of) hygeine is causing you some new ones. talk to him. 3. better to just let him know as the little things have a habit of turning into (relationship-ending) big things. not easy, as if you didn't like him you wouldn't have posted, but do it now and you may reap the rewards etc if it doesn't work out, i'll provide a well-defined shoulder for you to weep on, :) -----------
  21. in no particular order, but these spring to mind... dailymail.co.uk - it's so rabidly scared about everything that i live for their nuts headlines mediaguardian.co.uk - to see what my chums are up to dlisted.com - humour at its irreverent best tmz.com - need to keep up with my spiritual home in the Thirty Mile Zone huffingtonpost.com - keepin' an eye on the US left drudgereport.com - keepin' an eye on the US right bbc.co.uk - news and iplayer - keepin' an eye on me licence money! facebook.com - because no one answers personal emails unless they're sent via FB nowadays. True, right? youku.com - free global TV if you can deal with the oriental fonts newsoftheworld.co.uk - no one does pure unadulterated trash better than Murdoch's Oxbridge-educated Wapping-based scribes edf - but i gotta say the quality of sarcasm and sardonic wit has gone done the bog hole in recent months. Not like the good ol' days, when i just used to read and laugh rather than comment. youporn - hopefully with daizie, soon :-$
  22. man, you guys are a tough crowd. remind me never to invite you to my funeral...
  23. oh come on Bob, in the world of or sleb-obsessed, reality TV-dominated culture surely this gains some marks as a moment???
  24. Well BBW, considering that this was shown 'as live' in the US via the corporate monlith that is MTV then i think that this is about as smutty as it gets... Top marks i say. As we know, Eminem's career thrives on telling jokes but it appears he doesn't like to be the butt of them...
  25. @BB I hear you and appreciate your clarification. :) Thing is though, rightly or wrongly, most of her overnight success is down to that fact that she's the apparent 'village idiot' with an angelic voice, sort of like The Rain (Wo-)Man for our times, a female Benny Hill etc etc. Not saying that any of the crude shorthand descriptions make it right, I'm just saying that is what it is. Let's put it this way, do you think anyone would have been surprised if she looked like Eva Mendes and sang like an 'angel'? Come on everybody, let's have some honesty right about now.
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