We've obviously been luckier on our patch, no problems, and a card I posted at 5.30 reached my sister in Aberdeenshire the next day which was pretty impressive I thought.
The Black Curriculum is campaigning for better diversity across the curriculum, and has useful template letters to send to your MP etc https://www.theblackcurriculum.com/action
I saw a bat this week too! And I've see more starlings lately. At this time of year birds feeding young need the protein of insects etc rather than nuts and seeds. We need to protect and encourage insect life to encourage and sustain more birds ? so don't keep your garden too tidy, plant indigenous plants, and build a bee hotel (or b&B) by drilling holes in a piece of wood.
I had to look the crab spider up, hadn't seen one before... I think we may have your goldfinches Malumbu, there's a regular flock around our garden near N Dulwich station.
Well, back to the original post, I'm going to carry on clapping ? mostly showing solidarity and with everyone keeping at it, not just NHS... passing buses get an extra loud shout. But it's a choice, not bothered by people who don't.