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  1. 3 bed modern terraced houses costs ?450k-?750 and add 30%-50% more for period properties. But not much movement in market comparing to year. We just sold our property in Peckham, after sitting in market for a while. Yes, as HappyFamily said comparing to last year sales nearby ours, we got 7% lower prices.
  2. Mark, if you want to test out Roland digital piano you can visit us. We have a Digital and Acoustic Grand at home. Roland FP7-F (replaced by FP80 in late 2013), is the best value for money if you are looking in top-tier. Alternatively as lorraine mentioned cheaper best value for money is Casio (latest models improved a lot) Also Mark, from our experience the resale value of Stage pianos (similar function without much extras!) are much higher than home digital pianos Pianoworld forum is a great resource http://www.pianoworld.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/forums/6/1/Digital_Pianos_-_Synths_&a.html
  3. suniil

    Happy Christmas!

    Thank you Minder. Very true indeed! minder Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Suniil I've just watched your daughter singing and > it brought tears to my eyes. > > Like Jesus Christ, my Mum was a Christmas Day baby > (very special).
  4. If you haven't bought it already, you can visit me to have a listen. I've few Play:5's around the house all running from a NAS, which runs 24x7 (last 5 years we never switched off!)
  5. suniil

    Happy Christmas!

    Merry Christmas everyone @ EDF and beyond! Below a short music clip recorded at home to upload to daughter's youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI7oYbD3IPg
  6. We had BT infinity 2 fibre for more than a year with a solid download speed of 67mbps and 17mbps upload. Last week moved to Plusnet and everything is exactly the same, but just ?19.99 per month (and 6 months half price). BTW, both the services are truly unlimited and BT mentioned that we use more than a TB of data download per month.
  7. Daughter has gone through this process last year. Test is easy, as long as your son has some trained / natural ability in music. I'm sure he must have very good sense of rhythm but do get some practice software for intervals etc. Good Luck.
  8. I only had BT land line, but rang to cancel the line recently to move to SKY total package. But BT offered Infinity for ?13 and the speeds are approximately 72Mbps down and 18Mbps up. Please note that BT home hub is completely useless for WiFi purposes. >says I've got download speeds around > 35Mbps (which is nothing like the 76Mbps that > you're promised but I'm on wifi which makes a big > difference apparently.) That said, I don't > recommend switching to BT if you're in any way > interested in decent quality customer service...
  9. AFAIK no funding or support from School. As long as your child/ren attend after school activities and saturday extra curricular activities I don't see any problem in socialisation.
  10. Best value for money at the moment is Samsung Galaxy SII. Once you done with it, you can upgrade to S3 or better ones, as not many good apps are there to benefit from quad core processing power. Also I prefer the design of SII compare to S3 or HTC one X Still if you need to keep up-to-date with Android, embrace the Google Nexus products
  11. I only shared my sadness, but not to publicise anything. ED Forum is a great community with good spirits and If I want to take the whole issue to Public I could have done it earlier in Religions platforms where daughter herself has very good reputation. Scruffy Mummy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Seeking support on a public Internet > forum while gratifying in the short term doesn't > feel like the best or most mature solution to a > real life communication problem. Daughter felt in that way, there could be other reasons as well. > I find it sad that this HT committment to their faith is being > questioned due to a slightly misworded sentence. I'm sure you know the school I mentioned. We also kept that positive attitude and assumption towards Head teacher until that incident, though we had doubts in the past. Still we are respectful to him for allowing her to learn in the school. > While you have rightly blocked out names and the > school, ED is a very small world. Personally, I > think it sounds like the HT is concerned for your > child's social & emotional education - a large > part of primary education is about this. Please re-read the above post, she felt isolated just only one week but back to the same level in next week. All the children are extremely friendly, and has shown support in their own capacity to her when they saw this letter. > And in year 6 a child feeling isolated from her peers for > one of the last weeks in her primary school & > leaving without a positive shared group experience > in favour of studying for Kumon exams sounds very > sad to me.
  12. Thanks everyone for being so supportive via posting here and the private messages. The lesson I learnt is not to look out for the best school in the locality, but the best school where my child can benefit the most! Yesterday was the last day in school and Head teacher handed out Bible to all children in Year 6. Daughter came back and asked me whether the Head really believes in God and values the principles! Carbonara Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- We sent her to school that week, as we don't want to be disrespectful. But she was able to revise her Kumon Maths in preparation to the I level exam during lunch hours and other free time in school. > What did you do Sunil? > I might have kept her off, let her do lots of > practice and then sent a letter saying she was not > at school because she was doing intensive music > and maths practice. They would have put it down as > unauthorised absence but in the context of her > overall good attendacne, nothing would happen. She was not that sad that week, but was felt bit isolated when they all came back from school-trip. Still managed to back in the group after 1 week or so. > I would be a bit sad though if my own child wanted > to miss out on a school journey in favour of > intensive music practice. >
  13. That's okay, but we were very honest and daughter is very well behaved and supportive to other children. I guess daughter thinks in the similar lines you posted. Since then, I always submitted GP letter / visit proofs etc to School office. > However, all that said when you don't get your > preferred outcome it is easy to feel agrieved and > be more bothered than you need to be about such > careless phraseology. I am not saying you > shouldn't be cross and am v. sympathetic towards > you, what I mean here is that this is not a great > letter but also not worth your emotional > investment pursuing. > Thank you, really appreciate the positive thoughts. > I see the time has passed now but hope your > daughter had a good week and is looking forward to > the summer hols and 'big' school.
  14. It's not me but she opted out, because she already had few weeks away from her instrument for residential music courses like National Youth Choir etc. She knows how much practice is required to keep up the standards of her new peers, as many of them joined the school from year five and gets around 3 to 5 hours of music practice per day. > Why do you think that a week away from music practice will hurt? I supported her decision just because of this. Last 2 days of the trip is partially unsupervised, that I'm not sure my 11 year old is matured enough for that! Regarding getting on with peers, she coped up very well and had high praises in many residential courses. > School trips, especially the 'big' one at Year 6, > are aimed at helping children develop independence > and resilience and are important in teaching them > about how to get on with their peers.
  15. Thanks for responding in thread via PM (at least 3 members). I'm not questioning any decision making power of Head but the last line made me bit sad, as we never questioned anything since she joined the School and being honest at every moment. On the other hand her Class Teacher is so supportive
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