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Everything posted by sophiesofa

  1. I think the council one is quite good - depends what you're looking for but maybe go have a look round just in case it will do you.
  2. It says this on the Southwark website: Real Christmas trees All real Christmas trees can be collected as part of your garden waste collection. There will also be special collections for Christmas trees allocated around the borough at: Manor Place recycling centre, plus at Burgess, Belair, Southwark and Peckham Rye parks. You can also arrange for you tree to be collected as part of a free bulky waste collection.
  3. sophiesofa


    Huguenot Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "I don't want to be in the classroom until I'm > 68" > > Well that's kind of the issue in a nutshell > sophiesofa - you just don't fancy it do you? Only just seen this, perhaps I could have worded it better as I realise that most workers, whether private or public, don't fancy it either! I don't think anyone should be teaching in a classroom at 67 unless they feel they are able to. The kids will just not have any respect for the teacher unless they have the stamina and enthusiasm to be there, and I honestly don't think I will when I'm in my late 60s. I personally would rather pay more into my pension than work until 68. I had fun on the march today - there was a great atmosphere (where I was at least).
  4. sophiesofa


    I'll be striking on Wednesday. I'm with the NUT and although I am new to teaching when I first decided to plan for leaving my job to re-train, a major factor was the pension. I was in a better paid job with much shorter hours (even if you do include holidays, although I realise that's not true for a lot of private sector jobs). I don't want to be in the classroom until I'm 68 - would you want your child taught by a knackered 67 year old?
  5. I love it there. It's not cheap (compared to the kind of place I'd usually go, but definitely not really expensive) so for me it's a bit of a special occasion place. This thread has made me hungry.
  6. But saffron another definition says this: "2. Psychology A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from 7 to 12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive." I personally associate the term as taking the piss out of people with mental health issues. As I said it's just my opinion and it seems I'm in the minority so I won't argue for the sake of it (anymore!)
  7. Two wrongs (though on very different scales) don't make a right though ;)
  8. Whilst I agree with the content of your post the word 'moron' can be viewed as offensive and I feel you should edit your title. There's no need for that kind of language IMO.
  9. Intexas that's the problem. Some (hopefully very few or even better but wishful, none) Southwark residents are living in dirty/horrible conditions as they don't have any outside help or simply no-one knows they're living like that. There's not much the council can do though if they don't know about each individual case but they must (?) have a duty of care to offer assistance/solutions, to those who ask and need help with day-to-day living, such as taking the bin out. I think I'm going a bit off topic there, sorry. Bil do you write your number on them and go look at the neighbours to check they haven't got yours/an extra? That is a lot to just go missing completely - how bizarre.
  10. Sorry I wasn't clear I meant they should put a system in place, not there should/is (as in currently is one) be one as I have no idea if they do or don't have one. Are you saying your mother can't physically put the bin bag in the bin; is she entitled to any hours of help through Southwark? I have no knowledge on this kind of thing, just curious and trying to think of what they could do to help those who need it. What do you suggest?
  11. This was briefly discussed on another thread recently. Southwark website says they put your bins back onto you land, it doesn;t say exactly where they came from. They have to work extremely quickly so I don't mind this at all. However there should be a system in place for those with mobility issues as no-one should have to be stuck in their home unable to leave. Perhaps a big sign on the lid of the bin saying (please replace bin fully due to resident mobility issues) actually that might be a bit of an ad to burglars. Perhaps a big colour coded sticker that's available to southwark residents and the refuse collectors will know to put it back? Refuse collectors of Southwark, if you do read this I think you do a great job.
  12. sandyman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > One of the consequences of a CPZ at East Dulwich > station will surely be that commuters will start > parking around north dulwich station where it is > usually pretty easy to park. Which means that if a > CPZ is started at ED it won't be long before it > spreads to ND Station too. > > I presume the reason that the CPZ at Herne Hill > didn't cause commuters to change to ND is because > HH is on a different line. ND is the next station > down from London Bridge on same line. Is North Dulwich station in the same rail pricing band? I have no idea but it might make a difference.
  13. AMAZING!
  14. In the bin, brilliant! We've had paper letters/small parcels either thrown over (!) our tall gate or pocked under instead of the post box whilst it's raining. I'm on Lordship Lane so whoever thought it was a good idea to leave my parcel in plain view is either a bit silly, lazy or naive.
  15. This isn't royal mail related. Does anyone else get their parcels stolen from outside your property? We had some metal shed shelves delivered at about 6am a couple of years ago and they were gone within a couple of hours I think. Got replacement for free as they shouldn't have left them out on a main road. Today I had a parcel delivered at mid-day and got a delivery text at 4 saying it had been "left in a safe place as authorised". I went outside to check and was unsurprised to find it wasn't there. I will be being sent a replacement as I did not authorise it to be left in such a silly place! These are the only two times delivery couriers have left something for us outside our property (sort of, first time there was a shed there too but that's not as easy to pilfer) and both items were gone within hours. I think it's so sad that there must be quite a few people out there who would see a parcel and think ooh i'll take that. Anyone else experienced this? Edited to add my parcel has just turned up in the flat upstairs - think they took it in so it didn't get nicked - woo I have faith in society again.
  16. I really don't think it would ever occur to anyone to not offer a plastic bag because of the 'look' of the customer. I think they were either on an eco drive or as someone suggested just running low on plastic bags. I've worked in retail before (years ago) and often ran low on bags so would start asking people if they wanted one instead of just giving it, it's not uncommon. For what it's worth I'm 29 and I look at most of the clothes in there and think my Mum (who is nearly 60) would look nice in that. I've only been in there a couple of times and both times the other customers were significantly older than me. Shopping wise in a quiet shop I like a hello, assistance if I look like I need it, and a goodbye. What really peeves me off is when we exchange hellos, I don't buy anything and say thanks, goodbye as I leave but get no reply! It's rare that happens, and no more in LL than anywhere else.
  17. Brilliant!
  18. oops wrong section! sorry. have reported my post to admin.
  19. Sue I was under the impression that they just need to put it back into your boundary. I just looked it up and it says this on southwark website: "collectors will put your bin back within the boundary of your property after emptying it". I often come home and have to wrestle with the bins to get back in but doesn't take long. I think that's fair enough as they really do it quickly - not an easy job.
  20. For reference (and mini moan): 1 year permit ?125.00 - not cheap 1 year business permit ?525.00 - I'm npt a local business but why would theirs be over 4x more than a residents? Presumably businesses will suffer as it is as people may not be able to pop in (depending on the cpz hours) as conveniently? Visitor book ?16 for ten, one-day permits.(1st book) ?36 for ten, one-day permits (2nd + book per year) Average pay and display charge ?2.70 per hour
  21. I know it's on the other page but here is a link to the survey that was only promoted to people who live within the suggested zone. It makes me so angry that only these residents have been consulted when it will affect so many more residents / business owners. Grove vale CPZ survey
  22. Not just the posh ones, some academies too.
  23. It's half term for some schools this week so they might not have been truanting. I think you did the right thing, especially as you had a child with you.
  24. treehugger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks e-dealer. We are at the bottom of Barry > Road, so I assume only bus is 185 to forest hill > from LL? 176 also
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