Sorry for late reply to this thread, just come back from holiday. Am interested in the thread re 199 Underhill, We bought the house approximately 1980 ( the memory is fading !) You were correct in your assumption that the houses were at one time owned by one person. He rented it out for a long time and then gave it to his daughter and son in law. This was then sold on ( with a great deal of bitterness). The next purchaser was us (eventually), we had huge problems as the Mortgage company wouldn't give us a mortgage without a covenant. As the original owner was still very bitter about the sale, and was totally uncooperative this presented a huge problem However we eventually managed to persuade him to agree to a covenant. This I think is the covenant you referred to. I must say we were very happy at 199 it is a brilliant house we were sad to leave but unfortunately we had a growing family. Are the allotment's still out the back?