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Everything posted by RichH

  1. Normally you would have another device, like a mobile phone, associated with your email account. Then you'd go through a "forgotten password" procedure which would involve the provider sending a code or temporary password to the phone. You'd use that password to regain access to your account and immediately set up a new email password of your own.
  2. @penguin68 Yep, that's a fair point. In my cases the card issuer was perhaps unlucky enough to get it "wrong" from my perspective on four occasions. Where my transactions (not the card as I perhaps misled you earlier) were blocked I did indeed have a trusty alternative to use to save myself from a potentially embarrassing situation. Anyway, perhaps this thread can be laid to rest once again... for a while at least :)
  3. Penguin68 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ...but their > security algorithms pick up unusual usage > activity, which a cloned card would demonstrate > (i.e. close to simultaneous transactions > geographically separated, unusual purchases etc. > etc.) That's the theory but unfortunately, in my experience, this often doesn't work as expected. On two separate occasions, albeit several years ago, whilst driving in London (and thereby paying the Congestion Charge via Autopay on my credit card) I was apparently also in Bangkok paying for some rather large hotel bills! And yet, on another two occasions when making substantial (but not unusual) payments in a particular shop, my card was incorrectly blocked. I hope the AI has learned from its mistakes since then.
  4. Ah OK, I'm not surprised about the password to edit the file. The password is there to prevent people from editing/tampering with what is a copy of an official document. This is important to ensure that the integrity of the document is maintained. But let's not mess around with finding the password to edit the file. Instead, I'd suggest taking screenshots of each page of the PDF file and save those as JPG's (or perhaps BMP's for better quality.) Now ask your brother to look at those pictures and see what he can do with Photoshop to reveal the lettering.
  5. As it's a PDF file I'd suggest the best way forward is to find someone with Photoshop or similar and try applying a few filters, either to the file in its native format or after converting it to a JPG. Things like "Haze Removal", "Noise Removal", "Shake Reduction" and "Unsharp Mask" might help to make the wording clearer although, if the original document was written on parchment, it might still be difficult to discern the words from the grainy background.
  6. Yes, OneDrive is still installed so, should you want to use it in the future, you just launch the OneDrive app from the Start Screen and then run through the setup wizard.
  7. You're not allowed to turn right, or left there (assuming you were heading Southbound at the Kings Arms junction.) The vertical white arrow on the blue sign means ahead only. It's not a temporary sign.
  8. You're welcome Foxy :) Sue Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Since that last update, every time I turn on my > laptop I get this sign-in thing to OneDrive, which > is a bit annoying. > > I can get rid of it each time, but I'd rather it > didn't come up at all. > > Where in Settings (I assume) can I stop it > appearing? I don't want to use OneDrive, I have > everything saved in Carbonite. I'd be tempted to just sign-in to OneDrive and then ignore it. At least it'll then be available should you wish to use it in the future. But if you really want to be rid of it, click the little "Cloud" OneDrive icon in the system tray, then click "More" and then "Settings" from the pop-up menu. In the "Account" tab click "Unlink this PC" and then "Unlink account".
  9. You probably have "Dynamic Lock" turned on (or it was arbitrarily turned on by your recent update.) To turn it off, go to Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options. Scroll down and uncheck the box that says "Allow Windows to automatically lock your device when you're away".
  10. I received my brown bin sticker just now. Someone asked in one of the threads whether the sticker includes your name. I'm happy to report that it doesn't, it just has a subscription number, your address and a valid until date of 31st. March 2020.
  11. In terms of aircraft noise I was most recently disturbed by Trump's somewhat excessive eight helicopters plus two escorts going back and forth between Biggin Hill and Stanstead during his recent visit. Probably because they sounded "different". The regular traffic to Heathrow and City Airport doesn't really bother me at all. I've grown accustomed to it over the last 50+ years and accept it as a minor consequence of living in one of the world's biggest and most vibrant capital cities. Oh, I miss Concorde too. I never tired of seeing and hearing that magnificent machine flying overhead.
  12. wonderwoman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Btw does anyone know about Denmark hill bus lane, > couldn't see any signs and only saw bus stop along > the road opposite the station. Have there been any > successful challenges? By "opposite the station" do you mean on Champion Park? If so, the signs are there. Mostly around there I think bus lanes are 7am-7pm Monday to Sunday, perhaps partly due to the proximity of the hospital. I don't know the road on Denmark Hill itself though.
  13. matthew123 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Click on the google link - > https://goo.gl/maps/h5YTW4QunvxmEKYr9 > > I took a left at this junction down Peckham Rye.. > and that this is the penalty notice i received Unless it's changed very recently there's no restriction turning left (or right) at that junction when travelling from that direction on E.Dulwich Road.
  14. RichH

    Olive oil

    For cooking I've always used Filippo Berio. It's a mainstream brand available pretty much everywhere and perhaps you've tried it already. But, if not, it might provide a good starting point for you to compare with your current M&S variety. Next time I'm passing I'll pop into the "Turkish" supermarket on Forest Hill Road. They might have some more esoteric brands to try and, if so, I'll update this thread.
  15. Peckham Rye Park/Common has been used for public music performances for over 100 years. Anyone remember the old band stands? There have been many similar events to this weekend's "festival" / "gala" in recent decades. I wonder if the proportion of complaints has been broadly consistent from the early 1900's to today? Overall I think events of this nature are a good thing and a benefit to the borough as a whole. Anyway, last weekend I could hear a repetetive "thump, thump, thump" roughly half a kilometre away from the centre of the site, but it wasn't too bad and, as Lemming mentioned above, it's difficult to control precisely to where the sound will propagate. On this occasion I simply masked the repetetive thumping by putting some Nina Hagen on the good old Hi-Fi and adjusting the volume accordingly ;)
  16. TheArtfulDogger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Maybe we should have a "grass roots" revolution > and organically grow a protest against this green > tax > > Let's plant the seeds of discontent about > additional charges for services we already pay for > in our council taxes before they spiral out like > Japanese knot weed into other services I think you've certainly grasped the nettle there! I'm still waiting for my sticker. I'd like to think that they're going to send them all out this week just in time for the start of the scheme. Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if they haven't even printed them yet.
  17. I've made my payment too. The web site is badly worded. It initially suggests that your ?25 includes delivery of another brown bin but, later on, there are check boxes for both the large bin and the smaller food waste bin which you can tick to say you don't want these if you already have them. Mine were set to "No" by default. Now I'm just waiting for the stickers to arrive in the post.
  18. I suspect RoSPA and the Bikeability folk would disagree with you. Of course I can't be sure about the Green Cross Man. Teaching people to drive, ride and cross the road more safely is hardly stupid and doesn't work only for people of very low intelligence. Roads worked perfectly well without obstacles in them for a couple of thousand years. Mind you, those Romans were a pretty daft lot too ;)
  19. If we want to make roads healthier/safer (especially for cyclists and pedestrians) then I'd suggest making Cycling Proficiency Tests (now called "Bikeability" I believe) compulsory and bring back The Green Cross Man (a Superhero that really did save lives.) https://bikeability.org.uk/ If you're a driver or motorcycle rider that wants to improve their skills, perhaps consider undertaking some RoSPA training. https://www.rospa.com/safety-training/on-road/advanced/drivers/ Now, how about some street signs advertising these worthwhile schemes? You know, signs that actually provide some useful information rather than just whatever suits the Council's political agenda at the time. I infer that the 20mph speed limit is too slow. A simple deduction reached by observing that almost everyone exceeds it. This can't all be attributed to oft-repeated "bad driving". So, put the speed limit back to 30mph and take out all the speed bumps and similarly ridiculous obstacles (it's a road after all!) that force many vehicles to slow down to 10mph or less only to have to speed up again to prevent a queue forming behind them. That will allow vehicles to proceed at a steady and efficient pace thereby reducing what little pollution modern vehicles create. Of course, more traffic policing (by which I mean proper, real Police) would help to reduce the few incidents of genuinely bad driving as well as catch the, even fewer, idiots. And of course an improvement in public transport wouldn't go amiss either. And there you go, problem solved. Don't mention it! ...of course, it'll never happen :))
  20. Here's a scan (3 separate images attached) of the leaflet for anyone who hasn't received it yet. Got mine this morning.
  21. I've not noticed anything recently either, but then I've learned to ignore most Council signs and banners since Southwark's 70's early 80's campaign to declare itself a "Nuclear Free Zone".
  22. Buses are slow because, like dustbin lorries, they have to stop every few yards to pick up the garbage :)) I just made up that joke. If it's found to be original then any budding stand-ups here can have it for free. You're welcome!
  23. If you don't manage to drop them off somewhere today you could try Traid and book a free collection. I used them last year after a bereavement and found them to be very good: https://www.traid.org.uk/clothes-donations/book-a-collection/
  24. I'm watching loads of them whirling about over Honor Oak right now :)
  25. Appeals are generally successful when penalties are issued in error, where there's an element of doubt, where there are extenuating circumstances or, occasionally, where there's been a recent change of policy that may not be widely known. Unfortunately I don't think any of those apply here. Don't feel too badly about it though, it's a fairly easy mistake to make. For each of your 3 months driving I've been driving over a decade and I get caught out like that now and again.
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