Thanks for sharing G, we've had trouble spotting this new facility, seems to be lumped in generally with the plastic bags bit at the exit/entrance? On a similar note, I hope you don't mind me hi-jacking this thread to draw people's attention to a petition I have started to get the Superdrug on Lordship Lane to accept empty medicine packets for recycling: You can drop off empty medicine blister packets for recycling at participating Superdrug pharmacies through the TerraCycle Programme. Please sign my petition to ask the Superdrug store on Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, to sign up to this scheme so we can all recycle more! TerraCycle partners with businesses to create drop off points for waste that cannot be recycled by local councils and one of these partnerships is with Superdrug, where you can drop off your empty medicine blister packets in one of their participating store. Unfortunately, the Superdrug on Lordship Lane is not a store that?s registered (in fact, there are almost none in the whole of Southwark) so I have decide to lobby them to sign up to the scheme and a petition is a persuasive way of showing there is local demand for the service. For anybody that?s interested please sign the petition to get this neat initiative brought to ED - [] Happy recycling!