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Everything posted by plimsoul

  1. do any of you guys read private eye? there's this spoof section about internet forums. sadly, it's not a spoof here is it? if you don't read it check it out. isn't it time someone in admin reminded everyone to stay on topic: hysterical photographers vs hysterical parents...
  2. interesting, a friend sent me an article that was in the times on the 20th (section 2) saying that actually there is pretty much no real evidence that breast feeding is any better for either mum or child. this would imply that it is a personal choice which is great and no pressure (i'm not saying that anyone on this thread is applying pressure, i'm talking in general health practice terms) should be applied to mums who are already shattered enough. we used sma. i decided very quickly that breast feeding was not for me and the kids took to bottles as easily as boob. i never changed brands as they seemed perfectly happy and progressed, shockingly, at exactly the same rate as all the other kids around. what made me laugh the most in the times article was this idea that if men were the ones breast feeding then maybe the message would be different!
  3. my sister has her little boy in there and has never had a problem with it beyond any other things i hear parents complain about at other nurseries. he is certainly very happy and has made good friends there. congratulations on the place, it's such good value and in a great location.
  4. plimsoul


    i'm with silverfox. unless you get it for the sport it's a waste of money and you're better off with said coat hanger and a freeview box.
  5. with twin buggy i used to go to london bridge (train) then continue to charing cross (train again) it's all step free from ED. also apart from the last steps at south ken you can get to exhibition row for science museum etc... (recommend lunch at the V&A-it's calmer and the kids can play in the garden) London bridge (train) lift down to jubilee line to westminster then lift across platforms to the district line. did this loads with double buggy.
  6. to add to nancysmum comment, i am often totally shocked by how parents ignore their kids and just chat. the amount of times there's a group of gossiping parents taking no notice. now i love a gossip, but when your kid is stuck/stopping other kids from going down the slide/made someone else cry/generally crashing around and upsetting little ones you should step in. you can get back to the gossiping afterwards... and that is PARENTS not carers.
  7. huncamunca thanks for the wise words at the end there. it is important to react with balance to these reports as the parents' confidence is important in maintaining a happy school. SATS are a contentious issue and ultimately so long as the school teaches in a positive environment the seeds are sewn to promote learning later in life.
  8. the early years centre is run by the borough therefore state run. i think ultimately as much as it's a lovely idea that one has a choice you end up where there is actually a space available.
  9. hi i read it with great interest. i too was rather surprised but then i read it again and ... i am not that concerned now as the inclusive and positive aspects of the school were as usual celebrated but they are insisting that the school take the able children and push them harder. it sounds like mrs ewers has already got a system in place to tackle this and i think that it is probably a good thing to highlight now. they commented that the children still feel safe, very happy and proud of their school, if the staff now follow up the criticisms then it should return to form soon.
  10. blimey, how humble is someone supposed to be when they have just become the most successful tennis player in history? should he bow down and say 'i'm so sorry for winning and i must remember that how i dress is going to reflect entirely on who i am as a person rather than how i behave.'
  11. early years centre: camberwell grove. state run and therefore far more affordable but places are very limited.
  12. boxfresh hasn't even made it to the lower prairies let alone the alpes, C&A still rules at high altitude...
  13. as someone very wisely pointed out, he's swiss. being half swiss i can tell you right now without the shadow of any doubt that they are not a nation good at dressing. building design, typefaces, graphics all brilliant but dress sense just escapes them. he's a great sportsman who delivers great viewing with his fantastic skills so no complaints here.
  14. my sister tried everything, i mean everything that she could find, her hands were really bad. in the end the gp told her to use a steroid cream and that it was fine. the eczma cleared up and the kid was fine. i know many people will disagree with this but just incase you really want to clear it up this was all that worked for her.
  15. antijen> "Plimsoul,"bbc the only people in the media to point out there was no weapons of mass destruction", what does that say about the media when millions of people did not believe it." 2 things: back at you what does it say when millions chose to believe the government instead? does that mean that they are trust worthy? secondly, it means my point, why bash the one institution that actually isn't owned by a proprietor? there is even (if we want to discuss conspiracies) the 'media conspiracy' against the bbc. but put plainly i think mockney peers is right, it's not even a class thing it's human nature which tends to dictate 'i'm alright jack so i'm not doing s**t to change that.'
  16. yes, but what i'm trying to say mr pro is that you are alienating a lot of people instead of attracting them. you also totally ignored my point about the bbc which was what i understood this thread to be about. by all means if 'chose with your wallet' is a call to the revolution then so be it, i just think that 'revolution' (looking at british history) is not a very british thing. more like slow appropriation. don't forget we actually enjoying queuing where as our revolutionary neighbours in france abhor it ;)
  17. to bring it back to the bbc, were they not the only people to point out to everyone that the weapons of mass destruction did not exist...poodle to the government no. the fall out may have cost dyke but it was the only media organisation of such international force to say anything. yes, yes, we are fed lies, you just need to read any john le carre novel to realise that or watch spooks (oops sorry bbc...again) to see how we are manipulated everyday. but the most frustrating point is how by shouting like this on forums you alienate people from thinking that they can change things from grass roots up. chose not to shop in certain places, it's more powerful than any conspiracy theory. little everyday leads to powerful change, yet by ranting and alienating people they feel powerless and then do not act, therefore adding to the problem rather than opening eyes. ho hum...
  18. i definitely think that if you have got to the station and present yourself at the fares to pay kiosk you should not be fined. fair enough if you are trying to get through the barrier without at ticket but not if you are being honest. that is quite incredible that you had to pay ?20 for your honesty and to make up for the appalling ticket facilities at ed. when one considers the through traffic of the station one ticket machine (often out of order) and an ad hoc open ticket office simply is not enough. and before anyone suggests making the extra time i do!
  19. bashing the bbc is an odd one to pick. there is a whole other list of worse people...we could start with associated press, fox international etc... or maybe you are working for murdoch? prosouthwark, do you know how lucky you are to be in this country compared to a bombed out refugee camp? go work for the red cross and use your energy in a positive way. or is the red cross another tool of the rich, in which case my poor uncle was wasting his life in hiroshima after the war and my other uncle should never have bothered wasting his life establishing the world peace movement.
  20. hi sorry to moan but i was very angry today when still before 9.30 there were 8 inspectors (4 on each platform) doing very little but chatting. but downstairs there was one ticket machine out of action due to lack of tickets and a long queue (i missed 2 trains to London bridge) at the ticket office as the woman behind the counter struggled. i really was not impressed: if they are going to check tickets at a time when still charging rush hour prices then all facilities should be working. the station is looking better and i love what is happening at peckham rye but that really annoyed me this morning as normally i would have jumped on the train and simply bought my travel card at London bridge.
  21. rant away smiler, 'tis the lot of us mums!
  22. i am going to go digging on the net, there must be. with a recession on the general tendency will be for society in general to paint a more negative image of women at work (i read this whilst researching media:women at work:images of) but maybe this recession requires people to look at the whole picture and how to encourage part time work, invest in good state care for children etc... oh who knows??
  23. it's such a catch 22, a society has been created that pretty much needs both parents to work to afford the rent/mortgage. but childcare costs are such a burden that women end up running around trying to cram everything in: perfect mum (media and personal pressure upon yourself) perfect employee (throw back to your old self that you in part miss and also a sense of responsibility at work) and that's not to add household, organising holidays, being a size 10, eating well, being a good listening partner/wife etc..!!! yet there are so few state run nurseries and then that only covers the early years. plus, there are no incentives to create job shares or promote flexible time for dads to go pick up/feed/clean etc...
  24. i think if the government and bosses were serious about getting mums working again job shares would be far more common/there would be a tax incentive for job shares to be created and dad's would enjoy more flexibility. whoever says that once the kids are at school you can go back to work is mad, someone still has to pick them up at 3.30, deal with the long holidays and take time off for illness.
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