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Everything posted by plimsoul

  1. hi thanks, not sure what you're explaining though, i was unaware that there were works on LL. i'm the deserted building by estate person!
  2. hi barry, many thanks for looking into this. a request which i appreciate is very particular and that no one is directly responsible for but here goes... next time work that will involve a huge amount of noise (like this weekend at 3 am) could someone post on here just to warn us. i would really appreciate it as i have 2 children and it's quite something to be woken up when metal track is being cut and cranes are hefting up and down tracks when all windows are wide open. as i said above i totally appreciate if this cannot be done but any warning is much appreciated, thanks.
  3. thanks for the info james. thanks jeremy for picking up the baton...
  4. hi barry are you away? good holiday? if you are sorry to message whilst you're off but... back to the horrendous screeching trains. could you find out what is happening with regards these, is it a pipe dream to think that they could be made quieter? i never would have got my hopes up if it hadn't been mentioned on the forum... the work that started at 3 am this weekend to change track has not made any difference (by estate/ivanhoe road) and the previous post that confirmed that oil gauge or the like that is meant to stop or help wheels from screaming cannot be full/working as the trains are worse than ever. again, i only got my hopes up due to what i have read here. i'd just like to know if it's a pipe dream! thanks.
  5. i know that there are parking cameras positioned along the lane that send tickets automatically, does that also get the illegally parked vans i wonder?
  6. jeremy i'm assuming that you're replying to me, ever get the feeling that you're being ignored? ;)
  7. hi police were called out over the weekend and i saw kids climbing over fence into abandoned lot at bottom of bromar, please could you get back to me about what is happening thanks.
  8. hi james, no luck on getting back to me?? jeremy thanks, i think i'm going to see what other people think at the street party planned in july. it's an eyesore, waste of money and just waiting for some bored teenagers to set fire to it... also people drive too fast down ivanhoe road, what are the council going to do about this? the junction that is made harder by the hoardings around the abandoned just add to the near misses. if the council is just going to sit on this and do nothing for another 3 years could the they at least get the children from DKH or GG primaries to paint something on the fence?
  9. if i have understood properly he's a boy, in which case with one of mine who took a few weeks to go completely dry at night i woke him at 11 but didn't use a potty. instead just a small water bottle, you know evian or whatever other hundred brands are out there. therefore you cut the potty out. you literally just stand them up, hang willy slightly in neck of bottle and they pee. they far preferred this as it's almost like going to the normal loo as you're standing. you may think that this is totally mad but the 'pee' bottle has also saved me on many trips into town, a very discreet way for boys to pee without being seen. it was recommended to me by a latin american cousin in law and i thought it sounded absurd until i tried it out. anyways, it worked for us. but to be honest they just somehow suddenly go dry and no you have not done the wrong thing!
  10. never took my husbands name. flipped a coin when boys were born to see which family name they took, i cried! fate was against me/them depending which way you look at it ;) back to rude comments, one that really winds me up is how people feel totally at ease asking a mum of twins is she went through IVF. it's none of your business how i got pregnant? do you ask mum's of singletons? also, STUPID alert: telling people you are expecting identical twins and being asked boy and a girl then?
  11. is a property consultant:estate agent difference the same as that between advertising agency:branding agency? ie, very little.
  12. yak: i totally agree about when your trying but with no luck. that's why i posted the comment about people asking you why you're not drinking and immediately asking. i tried for a couple of years and at different stages thought i should stop drinking etc... but the comments drove me mad. also, once i was married all the 'ooh you'd better get on and have kids' comments etc... just get out of my life. i know people are just trying to make conversation but there's plenty more going on in the world!
  13. hi sorry my post is misleading, last time i asked about this block on this thread a very helpful jeremy replied this: "Hi plimsoul, I've asked James about these flats before, but I think it's hard for him to get an answer because it's not his ward. I have asked Katherine Pitt (Community Council Development Officer) about it, and she forwarded the query onto Tracey Downie and Shola Alao (Housing Management). Shola says that their "plan is to dispose of the site", which sounds rather vague. She cc'd Claudette Morris (the Officer of Projects), but she did not provide any more details. Nobody likes having a derelict building on their doorstep, but more importantly, the land - a decent sized plot - is a council asset which is not being put to use." therefore i have not actually started pursuing this but would like to. it seems a total shame to have redeveloped the entire estate (looking great) to then have that eye sore. also, it's also dangerous for drivers using the junction between the streets....plus all the usual reasons why empty buildings/land are wasteful, rat/pigeon magnets etc... i'd like to sort this out so the new trees on invanhoe and clean estate are not all wasted. repeating myself now so i'm off.... thanks,a
  14. i think if a taxi driver starts up like that again you come back with: 'oh yes and i heard that england might win the world cup...' what's that about talking with authority that you know nothing about, oh yes, it leads to bullsh*t. sorry to any england fans out there who still feel that we could win the cup.
  15. poppy, such great words, a real reminder that amongst the hundreds of ?'s that can be spent reading up on babies/kids all that really matters is loving parenting. on a personal level, i particularly loved your turkey twizzler comment as my kids are not the worst but certainly not the best eaters and it made me laugh. jamie oliver has converted the twizzler into an instant national icon.
  16. my favourite comment came every time i declined a glass of wine. i simply didn't want it as it made me feel sick, i have no problem with women who enjoy a glass when pregnant (not whole bottle!), but people could not help themselves 'oooh, go on, you know you can if you want'. which brings me to my favourite annoying comment question which often occurs if you find out early that you're pregnant but don't want to tell people before 12 weeks. at each point of turning down drinks 'you pregnant?' so when my male friends in their 30\s decline a drink i ask 'ooh pregnant are we?' don't know why it just used to piss me off. shut up whether i want a drink or not and get on with your own life... then pregnant with twins the things people felt like they could get away with saying like 'twins, oh poor you' WTF, i don't know you, didn't start the conversation and now you insult me? and don't even start on once they're born. every person feels it their duty to comment.
  17. hi james, i've been in touch with regards this before but aside hearing that it now seems to have gone towards 'to sell land' rather than re develop i have heard nothing in over 2 years. please could you chase up or tell me who to follow up with regards the abondoned building on the corner of ivanhoe and bromar. thanks
  18. this was a real issue for me. my 1 month old twins slept so much better on their tummies surrounded by muslin squares but all the NHS info screamed the opposite. my mum put me straight, her generation were told that tummy was best and ultimately getting more sleep was best for all. so i went against all advice and did it, we all slept better and they're perfectly healthy nearly 5 year olds!
  19. i am going to agree with above posts, saw it monday and it's just fun to watch the characters for a couple of hours. i have to say i thought the whole middle eastern bit was a complete waste of time but it was interesting to see marriage and kids being discussed... so apart from NY missing somewhat it's a great slice of indulgent fun.
  20. if you want to tube it step free (bar the last few steps at south ken, where i have always got help with no problem) go to london bridge, take the lift down to jubilee line and change at westminster to district line, again all lifts. i did this with twins for past 2 years and have gone from double buggy to no buggy. westminster can be a bit much as you have to swap lifts but otherwise i had no problems.
  21. left my mobile phone on the roof of the car after strapping kids in...never saw that one again!
  22. hi i am beginning to think that the 8:59 does not actually exist. it was late again today only at ED by 9:06. please can you reassure me that there are other problems causing this as the 8:56 was usually on time if not slightly early. i, like many rely on this service and when running late it means that at a peak time when paying extra to travel there is a 20 minute gap. thanks.
  23. Hi great news that they are looking into screeching because with the dry weather this is just getting worse and worse. i would like to echo complaints about the delay, today was a disaster especially as if the 46 runs into any problems out of ED then there are no trains between 36/01. i appreciate consultancies were undertaken and that problems do happen but the trains are certainly slower getting into london bridge on the 01. anyways, as ever barry many many thanks. i hope southeastern realise how much time and bad press you are saving them.
  24. you don't get nectar points for ciggies either... what bed fellows fags and formula! in a totally tongue and cheek way that says millions for me about why some people might feel that formula feeding is frowned upon and certainly not the system party line. new mother regardless of the govt conspiracy credibility i do find your point incredibly interesting. woman know your place ;)
  25. wow that sounds as intense as the state primary process
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