i have been with melbourne grove for over 3 years and in the past year the only thing that they have dealt with at all well was when i wanted to discuss the possibility of seeing a councilor. eventually i was referred to their councillor for 8 weeks and she was brilliant. however, and aware that admin want posters to stay on topic, i have to say that since concordia took over the practice the place has become a sham. i have not seen any of the named practice GP's above, only locums, who have no idea how the system works. both doctors johnson and ackland were familiar names and treated my children, since last year i have not seen the same doctor again but instead a carnaval of different faces and nurses that have never succeeded getting blood samples from me. yesterday was absolute classic melbourne grove post concordia. the clinician calls back late, doesn't even apologise, says that they have booked the appointment required for myself and my son. i get there and to my 'not surprise' only my appointment was booked and the doctor refuses to see my son - even though he's in the room with me - because he doesn't know how to get the notes up. this was at 5.40, my only option was apparently to book a later appointment. i complained to a receptionist who said nothing but ok. not even a sorry again. i am definitely going to move GPs, this is no longer a service but a sport called 'trying to get the treatment that you need.' the problem is when you are considering people with severe depression or in the later stages of pregnancy it's not a sport and it's not funny.