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  1. DF has not been active for a few months, but the above posts inspired me to check in and see how foxy is doing. Have all the characters left ED now? I’m assuming the mundane sterile has taken over. Where is my old pal *Bob*? Those were the days. Louisa.
  2. A well trimmed bush equates to a slightly more salubrious neighborhood, it has to be said. Mine is in good order. Louisa. Cromer does have an Iceland store, which I frequent. Along with a Morrisons, and a whole host of independent shops. It also has some of the freshest, tastiest seafood you’ll ever come across. I recommend everyone pays a visit this summer! Louisa. I beg your pardon? Moi? A troll? You can take that back for starters! Mind you, someone who is trolling (Sue) usually likes to deflect the emphasise away from themselves, so your response makes perfect sense 🤨 Louisa.
  3. Sue editing her posts to try and change the narrative away from her conspicuous trolling. it’s worth checking in here for entertainment value if nothing else 😂 (btw this isn’t a reply to her post just another observation) Louisa.
  4. All good thanks. Living in Norfolk now. Still visit ED every now and then. Popped by to see who was about. I do love the fact LL has a Poundland. Louisa.
  5. Still stirring things up on here eh Sue? Nice to see your trolling skills remain second to none. Louisa.
  6. I don’t think Farmers will be affected by Poundland. I love Farmers, it’s been around forever, I remember it when I was young. It sells unique cleaning products other places cannot or will not stock. I think if anything, Poundland will create more competition for the other big chains. Louisa.
  7. Oh I do have to laugh. The usual suspects goading left right and centre, then choosing to play the ‘shut down’ Louisa’ card when the argument goes against them. The above quoted forum members are a good summary of what is wrong with society today. ‘We don’t agree with you so we will shut your opinions down to make ourselves feel good’. Yawn. I barely use the forum, I really don’t give a toss if I’m “relegated to the lounge”. Bring it on! Haha. Losers. Louisa. Nah. We're just all bored of your boring twuntiness. And your dishonesty about being allowed back in if you behaved. Despite your protestations to the contrary; a class warrior you ain't. Oh bore off. The irony is real. The Admin has specifically requested we get this thread back on track. But you can’t help having a little dig can you? Can you please stop goading people for a fight, and talk about the topic at hand. Louisa.
  8. Boomers suggesting that cutting out expensive coffee and avocado toast will solve financial struggles is such a laughable cliché... Post Generation X suggesting that paying the mortgage is a struggle but they wont cut back on posh coffee and five star dining. People of my generation barely ate out when we were younger. I certainly cut back when I needed to, paying the bills was always a priority. Clearly priorities are different with certain socio economic classes. If you’ve never struggled, you’d never know how to survive on a budget. Hence why, not cutting back on the fancy stuff comes as the norm to these people. Louisa.
  9. Ugh. Same old same old. Can we relegate Louisa to the Lounge again please Admin. She was allowed back if she didn't just regurgitate the same, stale vitriol. She's like Wolfie Smith but without the wit or self awareness. Agreed. It's been going on ad nauseam for years. She once announced she was leaving and never coming back. But no. She saw an opportunity to have another go at the people living in this area who she appears to hate so much. Oh I do have to laugh. The usual suspects goading left right and centre, then choosing to play the ‘shut down’ Louisa’ card when the argument goes against them. The above quoted forum members are a good summary of what is wrong with society today. ‘We don’t agree with you so we will shut your opinions down to make ourselves feel good’. Yawn. I barely use the forum, I really don’t give a toss if I’m “relegated to the lounge”. Bring it on! Haha. Losers. Louisa.
  10. Sure. Moaners should contemplate relocating. While some people are struggling with bills, rents and mortgage payment it doesn't mean they have to deny themselves a little bit of luxury...for the same price I think some would prefer a latte to 2 multi packs of Hulla Hoops. Each to their own, I guess... And this response exemplifies my point about pretentious yuppies. Rather have a coffee than a multi pack of hula hoops. May I make a suggestion to any yuppies reading this? Invest in some instant Nescafé granules if you’re struggling that much. Then you can get one of the hula hoops multi packs too. Can afford an expensive coffee and then moans about mortgages, child care costs and rents. Hilarious, so full of self importance. Louisa.
  11. First world problems or what? Maybe these ‘struggling’ middle class people should consider a move somewhere more affordable then? Or perhaps, reconsider their life choices on food. Seems bizarre to me that so many plum in the mouth, big spending yuppies can afford an independent coffee shop, but turn their nose up at a pound shop. I guess that’s what sums them up though isn’t it? Wannabes. If they’re genuinely struggling with rent and bills, perhaps they could force themselves to shop somewhere that’s ‘below’ their inflated ego, more in line with their ailing disposable income. Problem solved. Or move somewhere more affordable perhaps? Louisa.
  12. I only ever buy bananas from a greengrocer which is nearly always cheaper than a supermarket, and usually comes in a brown paper bag. Louisa.
  13. Market forces happen. Sometimes they work in our favour, sometimes they don’t. Get over it. I lament the loss of Iceland to this day, doesn’t mean I can force their hand on where they choose to open, or indeed where the yuppy brigade want to buy houses. They chose ED twenty years ago, and all the wannabe posh shops followed them. Not my bag, but hey ho. It happens. Now we have Poundland opened here, the chai latte lovers are crying into their organic vegan friendly breakfast cereal. Funny how their love of ‘independent shops’ only ever becomes an argument when it’s not something well established for years. And also, chains are ok as long as they’re not too ‘working class’. Hilarious. Louisa.
  14. So do working class people need guidance on what to eat now? I’m sure they can make up their own minds. You don’t see the less well off standing outside an organic butchers or farm shop demanding people shouldn’t buy things cos they’re too expensive. The fact is, Poundland opened here because there’s clearly a want and need for their business model. They’ve done their homework. Consumers will react with their spending power accordingly. Yes a lidl or aldi would have been great, but there isn’t the space for one. Unless the co op shuts down. Louisa.
  15. I popped in for some biscuits, crisps and cakes. All cheaper than the crap dishes up by other local supermarkets. The yuppies are only upset cos they thought the colonisation of ED was complete, and this has pissed all over their vegan organic eco friendly bonfires. Now let’s shut down co-op and turn it into an iceland food warehouse. Job complete. Louisa.
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