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Everything posted by Steve32

  1. Not tried the hot chocolate and sorry about your experience. Found it a great place to have a coffee and do some work during the week. It's expensive, but then that's unsurprising given the location.
  2. @northernmonkey yes I should have commented on that. I was a touch surprised by the focus on student accommodation since I'd not expected such a demand for that locally. On a more 'national policy' level, I'd look at limiting HE expansion in London and encouraging HE growth in other, particularly poorer areas of the country. We have some world-class universities in London (LSE,UCL,Kings etc) which obviously should be retained, but perhaps numbers fixed at their current levels. I think my point broadly stands in that university students being located on this site means they won't be located elsewhere, thus reducing the need for transforming family homes into student flats.
  3. Very strongly in favour. Regarding the likely prices (and related 'affordable housing' argument): Of course, the prices/rents are likely to be very expensive. It is a new build in a very nice area with excellent links to Central London. Relatedly, we have severe shortage of homes and very high land prices. Collectively, these factors mean any new developments, especially attractive ones in good locations, will be expensive. This is particularly exacerbated by sustained high immigration over recent decades, and particularly recent years. Caravans in mid-Wales would be very cheap, but logically this does not mean that all new builds should be caravans in mid-wales. The fact they'll be expensive just shows the demand for them will be high (i.e. they are popular and needed). I doubt I could afford the prices being suggested, but if such a development was blocked, what will happen to the people who would otherwise have bought there? Such people would still need somewhere to live and would thus bid to buy less attractive properties, outbidding poorer people. The people likely to buy in this development will be wealthy. That seems undeniable. But such people would inevitably move from where they are currently living (probably trading up). This will release existing accommodation into the market, helping those less fortunate.
  4. Not the most compelling argument... Will somebody think of the rooftops?!??
  5. I'm extremely in favour of this development and if I had an objection it's that it's not much bigger. We have an *intense* housing crisis in this country, with house prices and rents having accelerated being reasonable levels. Some people (existing home owners and landlords in particularly) benefit from this, but the poor and young suffer the most. This is near Peckham Rye Station with its excellent links into Central London. Of course, the cost of flats will be very high - but that's partly a result of a catastrophic failure to build in recent decades, plus due to proximity to Central London. Not building flats won't make them cheaper!! We need to have a 100 of these developments taking place around different parts of Southwark.
  6. Thanks for sharing, looks serious. I'd be interested in knowing how the victim got the Police to issue this. I was attacked in late 2018 and had to develop (and stick around) my own posters.
  7. Hi, There are several facebook forums I suggest you use. i'd guess far more people are on these sites than on EDF: Friends of Peckham Rye Park Nunhead Rocks East Dulwich Forum Nunhead/Peckham East Dulwich Mums People there often share appeals in my experience. Hope all works out well, Steve
  8. It's been a while since you promised you were leaving because you had the "real world to return to," don't you think it's about time you did so? Says a 50 year old 'freelance writer' :) :)
  9. I agree. I requested its closure (and also for the thread to disappear). I was ignored by admin. As a test, I started a thread relating to rendel harris. I started the thread with an identically worded statement to how he started this thread ( I literally copied and pasted a lot from his start). I deliberately did this to test whether there was special treatment being given out. I soon got my answer when the thread completely disappeared. I've enquired about the extreme and obvious double standards, but with no response at all.
  10. Just going to put this out there - is anyone else uneasy about rendelharris being allowed to keep putting out his defamations on the ED thread, starting entire threads on individuals who he has never even met? His case seems entirely baseless (since he did not personally witness any incident), and he has ludicrously accused me of sending him and several other people threatening PM's (again, without evidence). One does not feel this is a good precedent.
  11. Have a nice day
  12. You were the one who started this thread about an issue which doesn't concern you. Frankly, I think you should walk away.
  13. This silly thread has been brought to my attention Rendel ? ?having been on the end of many insane PMs (10+) from this character?. We had a PM conversation ? I?ve got 6 from you. Some of my later PM?s are literally nothing more than smiley faces (you can check if you don?t believe me). I initiated an exchange with you following your posts on twitter (which were removed by twitter- I think that says a lot). My initial message to you was as followed: Dear Rendel Harris, Please do not send abusive tweets slandering my character. They have been reported and legal action will be taken. This will teach you not to make baseless personal accusations whilst hiding like a coward behind online anonymity. Steve I think this is a reasonable (although pretty firm) rebuttal to someone. In retrospect, I realise you were actually using your real name so I accept I was wrong on that point. I won?t print your response for privacy reasons, however I think we eventually reached a point where we were both being reasonably civil with each other (although still disagreeing). Your post makes me sound like i?ve been sending constantly aggressive PM?s to you which I don?t believe is a fair reflection of our conversation. I have preferred to send PM?s to people rather than responding to allegations/questions in the thread, as I believe many of the comments/questions should not have been put in a thread which is about witnesses. On the point of witnesses, I'm not sure how much I can say at this point given a live enquiry (and it is live- fact).However, I can confirm that my request for witnesses have been partially helpful (not so much via EDF though). I have been the victim of very aggressive, unpleasant and hurtful posts put on here about on EDF, which I can't understand have been allowed to stand. There have also been aggressive PM?s sent to me, whilst I don?t think i?ve sent any in return. As an example, these are some of the PM?s i?ve received from ?Livingthedream? You have serious mental health issues. I?ve seen your ongoing posts on the forum and will be reporting you to admin and asking the people involved to update the police. You are clearly unstable and people think you?re a fool. I?ve also received hate mail from individuals. With one email, I simply typed this individual?s name into Facebook and I could see they were a FB friend of the lady making counter allegations. Now obviously I can?t prove that she or TS is behind this (and tbf possibly they are not). On this note, it does seem interesting how she?s been popping up on various Facebook forums recently requesting that my request for witnesses is taken down. These recent requests don?t contain any picture of her/her partner TS and are generic appeals for information about an incident. If there?s no crime, what is she so keen on hiding and why is she so keen on witnesses not coming forward? After all, I would just be wasting my own time, no?
  14. (I'm aware there's been a few of these posts and it is a legitimate request for witnesses to an incident, so this thread is locked and will pass us by quietly - Admin) Hi This is a request for potential witnesses to events which occurred in Peckham Rye park on Tuesday October 9th at around 1pm. These events occurred near the kids play area, caf?, the rugby fields in the park and the path from the caf? to Barry Road. The incident involves two men- one chasing the other, shouting. One man: 40-something, tall, short hair, dark clothes (hoddie, baggy trousers, trainers). Holding an orange/red object. Other man: early 30?s, tall, black leather jacket, jeans, black trainers. You can PM me, or contact the police/crimestoppers directly. If the latter: There are two numbers you can use: CAD 4148/100CT18, or PC/04130/18, which is an IPCC number (v. long story) You can also give evidence anonymously to Crimestoppers online: https://crimestoppers-uk.org/give-information
  15. I seriously think moderator should be looking at the comments above (particularly those from JoeLeg) Since putting nothing more than a request for witnesses out (and keeping lots of details of the crime private/secret), a similar mob of characters has been chasing me around the forums with irrelevant comments based on hearsay from another party whose account has been unchallenged entirely. Some of the individuals above have sent abusive messages to me both on here, via PM and some via my website which they somehow identified. I've kept records of all sent and received messages I've received for later legal purposes. Steve
  16. No, but I am on my way to deleting my account once i?ve sent my private email and other details to several witnesses which have come forward. EDF has proved useful in this respect and I thank the administrators and organisers from the bottom of my heart. I?ve heard jokes/comments made before about the type of people who spend their entire lives chatting/commenting on internet forums. However, It?s been really eye-opening to experience it for myself. The fact that individuals are willing to give up their time in order to publicly slander/libel other people?s characters is breath-taking. Fortunately, unlike such people, I?ve got a real world to go back to. I do worry about those which remain. I did ask the moderator to delete some comments above, but now wonder if they are best left as reflections of the characters posting. Sadly, these people have chosen the cowards approach of online anonymity. Says all you need to know about them. Bye, Steve
  17. Have a nice day Joe
  18. Thanks for the correction re slander/libel. Re my legal threats to you, you published on twitter (an open forum) allegations against me. You were not there that day and no nothing about the issue other than versions you've heard online. You tweeted the allegation against me, meaning any of my followers could have seen it. This is primarily work colleagues, including many in international organisations. I'm not a legal expert, but if the allegation which you tweeted was incorrect (and I assert it was), then legal action would be justified. For example, if I was to tweet that you had raped/kidnapped/racially abused someone, I'm sure you would have a legal case against me.
  19. Hi Joe, I have deliberated refused to engage. Rather foolishly, she made statements which are very helpful to me - they undermine her case. Some can be disproved, and some are inconsistent with other things she's said. She's also guilty of slander. It would be rather stupid of me to attack her version of events in an open forum, rather than keeping my powder dry and deploying my counter arguments in a legal setting. Seems basic common sense to me. However, for the record, I strongly rebut her version. Thanks, Steve
  20. You've just slandered me yourself. Can you not see that? Can you share these messages publicly? I'm more than happy for you to do so. It's true I thought you were responsible and am unsure if you are or not still
  21. Hi all, Do any EDF members have experience or knowledge regarding undertaking a private prosecution against an individual? This includes: recommendations for good legal firms/lawyers, time taken for proceedings, likely cost, any other issue to consider. PM preferred please. Kind regards, Steve
  22. Hi Ianr, I requested last thread was closed as it started to get abusive. I've received some genuinely horrific emails and PM's. I've emailed administrator twice saying I want to just have one message and not allow responses. no response yet but sure it will be closed very soon. It was helpful before in getting a good witness, so I decided to take the risk and post it again. If admin reads this, this thread is for an appeal for witnesses. Witnesses can PM me and i'll give police details. Please close the thread asap.
  23. Hi, This thread is closed for comments, although I'll be on here waiting for PM. On October 9th at approximately 1pm, I was chased aggressively and threatened repeatedly by a man near 'The Round' caf? in Peckham Rye park, near the kids play area and onto the rugby fields. The man was in his 40's - quite tall, short hair, dark, rough clothes (hoddie, baggy trousers, trainers). He was quite distinctive with an aggressive demeanour, shouting loudly and holding an orange/red object. He chased me across the park, starting from near the caf? where lots of people would have been eating or looking after their kids. He chased me through the rugby field to the far posts at which I called the police whilst still be chased. He was very aggressive and shouted multiple threats which witnesses may have heard. After a bit of break, he chased me again - this time towards the caf? g/clockhouse area of Peckham rye road. I was almost cornered but managed to get away. The police came, but I found out later that they didn't interview the multiple witnesses in the caf? area (a complaint to the IPCC has been made on this point). Two witnesses have come forward since then through my own effort but i'm looking for more, as there would have been a very large number due to the number of people eating/drinking in the caf? around this time or walking through the park who would have seen this taking place. if you have anything to report,I'm happy to PM you with details of the police officer investigating this - I've decided putting their contact details directly on here would not be advisable. Thanks
  24. As a final message from me, can I reiterate that I am using this thread to request witnesses to come forward. An email address i've set up is in the first message i've sent. I am not going to engage in discussions over the incident itself other than what i've said in the my first post which i stand by completely. This is not the place to engage in who is in right or wrong. I am desperate for witnesses. So please can future messages be focused on this issue. If you are a witness, please PM me or send email to email address i've provided. The reason i am asking for this is that my iphone camera wasn't filming the incident as i thought it was. There were no many people i ran past who witnessed the incident. I am asking them to come forward. Fortunately, This country has an advanced legal system with proper justice procedures. I won't be reposting on here and certainly not engaging in tit for tat personal stuff.
  25. Hi Thanks for commenting. I do apologise for the comments made above relating to my As Jules-and-Boo has said, i've been subject to trauma. I've been very upset the past 48 hours, and am pretty scared. It's the first time in my life i've been subject to something like this. It happened very close to my own home in a park i visit most days when i'm at home (i often work at home), so this is genuinely frightening. I'm also very, very angry at the police so far for failing to take witness statements and for missing a pre-arranged appointment yesterday. This is taking it's toll. However, prejudice is wrong so i should not have put the comments the way i did. The reason i'm desperate for witnesses as otherwise this may just be 'he said-he said' sort of thing which makes progress impossible. If it does come down to 'he said-he said' situation, i dont' deny that i want previous records etc taken into account.
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