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Hi Wardy, Do you remember Cissie Wheeler, she stayed with Dolly Wheeler and Hilda for a while when her husband was a prisoner of war in a japanese prison camp. We had a great big welcome home party in the street with banners across the road and everybody in party Unfortunately he had suffered so much and was very thin I dont think he was in party mood. He did re cover but it took him a long time. Did I tell you I went to Joyce Wheelers wedding. I remember having a lace dress but cant remember if I was a bridesmaid or not. Will keep thinking but my memory is not what it used to be. Joyce x
Hi Wardy, Been trying to remember the name of the people who lived over the top of the cobblers. It was the Baileys and they had a daughter named Jean. Cant remember much about them but I think they had a son Jimmy. Hope this helps. I believe they went to Australia but couldnt settle so came back. I dont know what happened to the after that.Next door to them in Heber Road was the Palmers -Ronnie and Stanley who was in the navy. They were still there when I left.Speak to you again soon. Joyce x
Hi Wardy, I dont think any of us grew up normal especially my family. They all enjoy a good laugh and joke. While writing I remembered I bought a bike off Dolly Wheeler for ?2.10 on easy payments of course. It was my pride and joy,I would polish it regularly and I would go for rides with Shirley |Robinson and the twins.Jimmy was saying he bought a scooter for 39gns and paid for it over 2 years on hire purchase. Cant say I remember Arthur or his microphone We went to the Lotus Floating Chinese restaurant at Canary Wharf for our Anniversary it was a great night. (Many thick heads on Sunday) Speak to you soon. Joyce x
Hi Wardy, You talked about humped back John , he was Mr Marriot, he was the window cleaner. Do you remember George Orford, he didnt live in Rodwell but came every weekend to march up and down the road. He was in the army and thought he had to practice every weekend, getting all the kids to march with him. I remember the day I got married it was pouring with rain and Cyril Watts saying it will clear up later (and it did). We had our 50th this weekend and Josie, Maureen, \Jimmy and Les were there.You have been the topic of conversation between Josie and myself. Terry and Brian were not there but I will be seeing Brian next weekend as he has been quite poorly. Terry has 2 children a girl and a boy, and also 3 grandchildren. He is now divorced and living in Penge .Speak to you soon. Joyce x
Hi Wardy, I started at Heber Road School in 1938 with my brother Les on the same day, he was 5 and I was 3. He was crying so the head mistress said I could stay with him to stop him from crying. I remember having a bottle of milk given to us and we were made to have a sleep in the afternoons on little camp beds. One day I wet my bed (remember I was only 3) and told the teacher I had spilt my milk. The only teachers name I can remember is Mrs Thomas who tried to teach us needlework and I hated it. Imagine years later I became a dressmaker and made Bridal wear. When the war started we lost a lot of learning as we were unable to go to school every day. One day after leaving school we were fired on by a german plane who flew very low down Cyrena Road, and my nan took about 20 children indoors in Rodwell and refused to let them go until their mothers arrived. More soon Joyce
Hi Eric, Been racking my brains to remember the old days. I remember Margaret coming to my 21st birthday party and going home with my boyfriend (didnt like him very much though) Do you remember Dolly James who lived down the airey at no.22? I kept wondering who the gas pots were do you mean Sheila and Marion Gessy who lived at 27. Will keep thinking Joyce
Hi Wardy, No I am not Les I am Joyce. I used to go about with your sister Margaret. Farnham is my married name.I live in South Darenth in a retirement village. Do you remember the meat pies Hilda used to bake on a Sunday afternoon. I can always see her now smoking her pipe in her favourite chair, mind you we had to climb on the back wall to see her. I dont think she would have been very pleased if she knew we were there.Do you remember Brenda Harley she lived at the end of Rodwell on our side. Hope you enjoyed your trip to Wales. Joyce.
Hi Wardy, You mentioned David Robinson having twin sisters, they were in fact his cousins Yvonne and Brenda Weston who lived next door. Davids sister was Shirley. This has all been very interesting to me as I love to delve into the past. I am in fact researching my family history. I also remember walking home from the Elephant & Castle in thick fog and when we got to the top of Dog Kennel Hill it was as clear as day. Speak to you soon. Joyce
Hi Wardy, Just remembering the time we had a Victory Celebration in the street and a lady who lived next door to Shirley Robinson put her radiogram in the front window so we could all dance to the music. I remember the record MY FRIEND by Eddie Fisher being played over and over again. Do you remember when Bobby Slade was chasing Margaret Kemp and as she ran indoors putting his arm through her glass street door. Not a pretty site.You must remember my Nan making bread pudding for all the kids in the street. Perhaps some of these memories go back further than you can remember as I was one of the oldest Hawtons.I lived in Rodwell until 1959 when I got married. We are having a get together next week when I have been married 50 years. I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren and 2 step grandchildren. Will keep in touch and tell Terry I have heard from you.
Hi Wardy, I am one of the "Hawtons" who lived next door to the shop in Rodwell Road, What a treat to recall all those old memories. One of my best friends were the Robinsons. I went to Heber Road School, and then to Thomas Carlton which was at Goodrich Road at the time. I understand iit has now moved.Do you remember going into "Dons" shop for a cream soda and ice cream drink. I shall look forward to reading more about my old home, by the way if you are the Ward I knew, How is Margaret? I am Joyce Hawton and I lived at 33 .
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