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Hello Eric, I did enjoy the piece about Dulwich Park, you have got such a good memory! I can't remember being one of the kids that had a piece of your rock, mum and dad must have taken us to Tower Hill that day to see the man get out of chains, we used to go so often, it got really boring. We would have much preferred playing in the street with the rest of you....
Hello again Klaus, Been doing some research and this is what I came up with, 'There is further evidence of Trojan influence nearby in Peckham, the modern street name Troy Town, S.E.15 is said to be named after a turf cut maze that used to exist there, which celebrated the ancient 'Walls of Troy' and these were, apparently, quite common'. Hope this helps. By the way, it was the Youth club or the old people's home Princess Margaret opened.
Hello Klaus, I was only a small child when I was taken to the opening of Troy Town by my older sister, I do know it was a mission youth club but no idea how it got it's name.
Hello All, Been thinking about the Queen riding in Dulwich Park on horse back, I can't remember it but I do know that Queen Mary used to come to Dulwich Park to see the Rhododendrons and remember Princess Margaret coming to Peckham to open Troy Town. Talking about Dulwich Park do you remember the concerts on Sunday evening and the ones on Peckham Rye, that was a good night out! Another name has come to mind it's Michael Barnet he lived across the road before the Hughes. I think he had a younger sister. I remember the Coronation, Mrs. Brown who lived upstairs on the corner of the posh side of Rodwell (with the wall) let me go and watch it on her tv but I remember getting really fed up with watching it but didn't like to tell her . If I remember rightly they had a fancy dress party for the kids in Heber Road School, Maureen made me a pixie outfit out of crepe paper including shoes, by the time we had paraded round the hall I had two lumps of paper round my ankles and cried my eyes out cos they were ruined! Do you remember when the men used to go on outings from the Heber and they would throw all their loose change out of the coach windows for us kids to catch, we would fight each other to see who could get the most. Do you remember Joyce Gunner who lived down the posh end of Rodwell, Maureen has been friends with her since school and still sees her every week. A few more memories for you.... Josie
Mike have been down Rodwell via Google maps, can't remember all the trees, don't like the wheelie bins outside all the houses.They spoil our Road! Josie
Hello Eric, been thinking Violet Dodds must have had a husband, because otherwise her name would be the same as her brother Don Shepherd. Josie
Mick you have a good memory, I had to look on the internet to see how it was played. I thought it was the girls that played hopscotch and the boys marbles and conkers. Do you remember how we used to put lolly sticks in the spokes of our bike wheels to make it sound like a motor bike? Eric, the boy Graham you speak about was their surname Pugh, I can't remember the girls name. The family above the cobblers were Bailey, there was Jean and Jimmy. Some more names I remember were the Farthings I think Roy had ginger hair and his brother was Albert, they lived near Mick. I remember when Terry was on Ready Steady Go, he had a new grey suit. I'll never forget, he went out in that suit one saturday night and got in a fight and came home with some blood on it, Maureen and myself tried frantically to get it out before my mum saw it, she would have been so disappointed in him because he was a good boy and never got in trouble! or so she thought. I can still picture Violet Dodds, her hair dead straight with a clip on one side. She was more particular with the outside of her house than the inside, she would sweep outside so that she could collar anyone walking by, for a chat. I have no idea whether she had a husband. Bye for now Josie
Hello Wardy, sorry not been in touch, bit busy lately. thank you for your e-mail I did enjoy reading your shoe mender story, I can still picture him now. A few more names have come in to my head, there was Joey and Shirley Stringer (I think they were relatives of Joanie Staines. Do you remember David Cooch, he lived in the house above Joanie I think. I remember all going on a bus outing to Dymchurch and David fell in the sea, it spoilt the day! Maureen reminded me of the time we were invited to Linda Dodds birthday party (I think I must have been about 9 and Maureen 11) we took her a box of maltesers as a present, we sat down to eat and Maureen noticed that Violet Dodds cut a pear in half with a knife she had got the KiteKat out of the tin for the cat with, she grabbed me by the hand and said "come on we are not staying here" she picked the maltesers up and out we ran. It was never the cleanest of houses, I don't think we ever went in there again. When Linda got pregnant in her teens, we were forbidden by my mum to play with her as she was a bad lot, how times have changed. I remember Arthur, we used to call him "silly Arthur". Had a fantastic night with all the family at Joyce's Golden Wedding celebration, your ears must have been burning! If you publish your book, we all want a copy so that's 7 you have sold already. Bye for now. Josie x
Hi Mike, Olive's husband was named Ron, he would always be standing on the corner of Rodwell, when we came home late at night after going dancing, he gave us the creeps. I was always scared of your Uncle Pat, if I was in their house when he was watching the news on the t.v, you had to be dead quiet otherwise he really shouted at you. I used to go cricket with them all on a sunday afternoon, not that Pat and I watched the cricket. Do you remember their boxer dog Mitzi, he would slobber all over you! I liked Jennifer, but if I remember rightly, some of the children in the street used to pick on her and I would feel really sorry for her. Her mum was nice but had such a strong Scottish accent I could never understand what she was saying. Jen's boys have done well for themselves, the last time I saw them they were little boys. My sister-in-laws dad lived next door to Jen in Pellatt Road, she was really good to him. It just shows you how things have changed, we can remember nearly all the people in Rodwell and yet nowadays you are lucky if you know your next door neighbours. My brother Terry went down the Uplands pub a few weeks back and said how strange it felt. We all used to go there every saturday night in the 60's and it had a lovely atmosphere. Do you remember Margaret Kemp she used to be sitting at the bar every week with her boyfriend, he was half her size. Terry walked down Rodwell and Heber and couldn't believe how it's changed. I don't think I would like to go back now, I like to rembember it as we knew it. We had a lovely childhood there, even though times were hard for our parents. Bye for now Josie
Hi Wardy, I have spent the last 3 days thinking about Rodwell and all the things we used to get up to. We would play knock down ginger but only knock at the houses we knew could get to the door, how thoughtful was we! I remember well that day out with Mrs. Cutler. You haven't mentioned Olive Robinson who lived downstairs to Jean and Charlie, by the way,I have seen them several times in Asda where I live, they moved to Sutton at Hone in Kent. The people in the last house were called Herbert, there was Maureen and Brian and I think their grandparents lived down the airy their name was Hawkins. There was also the Slades that lived near Mike. Do you remember the cobbler or we used to call him the snob opposite the Heber Arms, he always had a mouthful of nails and could speak to you at the same time. The Baileys lived upstairs to the shop. I remember Mr Marriott who lived opposite you, Jimmy broke his window with a catapult and then put the catapult down the drain and swore he hadn't done it. I have just been speaking to Terry, he is going over to the library as he is not online, he cannot wait to read your blog. He sends his regards and remembers the red rovers well. We also went hop picking a couple of times but Jimmy ended up in hospital at Pembury, he hurt his knee I believe.I can picture Margaret running up the road in the morning late for work still doing her hair as she went. I could go on and on but for now must close. Will be back Josie.
Hi Wardy, I don't think you would know Alan, he lived next door to Charlie, down the airy, his mum and dad were very private people. The last I heard of Jennifer Scott she was living in Pellatt Road. Micky Staines lived down the airy next door to the Hughes (on the left } I used to run over the shop and get his mum 2 weights (cigs) thats all she could afford. She had burn marks up her legs where she was always sitting in front of the fire. They moved to the North Peckham Estate after it was just built. It was Percy who had the one arm. Josie
Hi Mike, You probably wouldn"t remember the older members of my family, I would play with Pat Green and Vanessa Watts a lot, Lynne was a bit younger and not really in our group, I always picture her covered in chickenpox she had it soo bad! Vanessa and I used to take the babies from Rodwell for a walk in their prams, one of them was Barry Anderson, my favourite was Alan McPherson who lived down the airy opposite us. I can remember spending a lot of time in your house and your dad would read to us. Your mum worked at Dulwich hospital and brought me home a lovely blue coat one day which I was so proud of (don't know where she got it from}. I got knocked down by a motorbike in Lordship Lane when I was 9, Brian was taking Maureen, Terry and myself to see Genevieve the film, so I ended up in hospital for 2 weeks. Your mum took me for my check ups when my mum couldn't make it. Do you still see Pat and Lynne. Pat lived downstairs to my brother Brian at 23 after getting married to David Robinson. I often wonder where they all are now. Will keep in touch. Josie
Hi again Eric. I remember Michael well, I used to spend quite a bit of time in his house, I used to call his mum aunty Alice and his dad was referred to as uncle Henner, perhaps its because we couldn't say Henry properly. His nan old Mrs Green lived next door to him and his cousins Pat and Lynne lived opposite us. Yes it was the Cutlers that lived next door to us Mary and John and Mrs. West lived upstairs to them, she used to sit at her window watching the world go by! DO you remember when we were playing in the street on a Sunday afternoon, Mrs Cutler would call us in to watch Muffin the mule on their television, she would give us a peanut butter or chocolate spread sandwich. They had a red paisley style carpet we would sit on, I can see it now. In the cupboard in the corner they kept baby chicks until they were big enough to put out. I also remember when Pat Green got a television she would charge the kids in the street 1d each to go and watch it, I didn't have to pay as I was her best friend. Also next door to them lived Percy Halton, he was always being taken away as he would have funny turns, he would believe he was Jesus. You talked earlier about Charlie and Sis on the corner, Charlie would knock at our house every evening for my mum or dad to set his alarm clock for the morning as he couldn't tell the time or to read any letters he got,as he could't read or write either. So many memories have come flooding back, I could go on forever! Do you remember the night Heber Road school caught fire, all the kids were cheering as they thought they wouldn't have to go to school. Another thing I remember was all us kids going to saturday morning pictures, coming back and re-enacting it all over again. Vanessa Watts was always the heroin as she was the prettiest! I could go on and on. Something I couldn't believe is our old house is up for rent now and they are asking 427 pound a week for it, unbelievable! Must sign off for now but will be back. Josie.
Hawton Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hello. I came across your site yesterday and it > made my day. All my childhood memories came > flooding back. All the people you mention were my > childhood friends. If you are who I think you are, > our mums were good friends. They used to travel to > County Hall early every morning to clean it. I > have been on the phone to my brothers and sisters > this morning so I think you will be getting a few > more e-mails. I am Josie Hawton and lived at 33.
Hello. I came across your web page yesterday and it made my day, all my childhood memories came flooding back. All the names you mention were my childhood friends. If you are who I think you are Wardy our mums were good friends. They used to travel up to County Hall early every morning to clean it. I have been on the phone to my family this morning and so imagine you will be getting a few more e-mails. My name is Josie Hawton and I lived at 33.
Hello. I came across your site yesterday and it made my day. All my childhood memories came flooding back. All the people you mention were my childhood friends. If you are who I think you are, our mums were good friends. They used to travel to County Hall early every morning to clean it. I have been on the phone to my brothers and sisters this morning so I think you will be getting a few more e-mails. I am Josie Hawton and lived at 33.
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