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Xena Worried prince

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Everything posted by Xena Worried prince

  1. Thank the lord that it isn't just me then !!! Just read that their film has only grossed 384,000 What a pity as they have some real talent (Gavin and Stacey) but they haven't really been able to demonstrate it in other formats so far.
  2. I think that the clue is in the quote "rearrange" the letters to spell Poor Silly Daaf" !! But animal expert Anna Gram isn't happy about the show, saying it's "a poor silly fad" that's unfair to older cats.
  3. However 'kittens got talent' on the CBBC website has to be real ... after all Miss Anna Gram said so http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_7970000/newsid_7974400/7974448.stm
  4. As my mother once told me - If a mans lips move when he is speaking then it is a sure sign he is lying Xena
  5. LOL - everyone is trying to get an April fools in this morning Maybe - Just maybe the queen is visiting to get a Kebab !!! then again
  6. Tony.London Suburbs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Leave the April Fools to someone like our Ted > Maxie...he'll be able to pull it off, if anyone > can...;-) Sadly he didn't this time http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?20,251423
  7. is it a Hit or a must miss show ? I have to admit that I have tried and failed to find more then 10% of their new comedy show funny Is it me or are they just trying too hard to reap in their 15 minutes of fame at the moment ?
  8. Will cyclists just ignore all the signs in the store and jump the queues as normal ?
  9. Marmora Man Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does she have her own office? With friend's we > once filled a fellow student's room to the ceiling > with screwed up balls of newspaper - took three of > us 30 mins to fill a standard single hall of > residence room - it took him 2 hours to get into > his room, and then he had to get rid of the paper. Years ago I worked a 12 month contract in Glasgow for an engineering form and after constant tit for tat wind ups between me and the IT Operators, I finally had my comeuppance on my last day when someone stole my car keys, opened the sun roof on my car and filled it up with polystyrene packing balls and shredded paper before return my keys to my desk. Funny thing is that the WHOLE firm (including the managing director) were in the car park to wave me off that night and I didn't realise why until I got to my car... Almost the same as filling a room, but much more frustrating as you can't just 'dump' the waste on the side of the road now.
  10. no steam!!
  11. Any idea why my PVR has decided "Series linking" means recording the pilot episode 3 times so far Now that is MENTAL
  12. Dear Mr Woof What on earth do you mean ? :-S
  13. Carnival (US) - About two opposing forces (one good and one evil) set in the last great recession with stunning visuals, great characters and an intriguing plot... won't say any more but I sat and watched the whole of Season 1 in a weekend then went out and got season 2 (final) to do the same !!!
  14. Ahh, I didn't say I didn't like it, I was asking did you find the conclusion obvious ?
  15. My theory (which hasn't worked for a number of years) is always pick a ranked outsider (100:1 or greater) and put ?2 each way on it Over 50 years one of them is bound to win and get your total stake back for the total period (it has happened before when most of the field fell) and it also has the added joy of pissing off a bookmaker when you go in to collect but then again I don't gamble any more since I lost my house, car and cat in a wild drunken strip poker night :'(
  16. Is it just me or is the plot so thin that you can see where it is going before the cast can ? Maybe I am a mentalist (or just Mental before anyone points that one out) Xena
  17. Dear Mr TLS Would it help if I told you I own a class XXIII U boat ? Xena
  18. jrussel Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For your information there are no Class 03 > shunters operational on the main line these days > and certainly not anywhere near Clapham Junction. > Also, there have been virtually no mixed freight > trains running in the UK since the late 80s or > early 90s. Again, certainly you would not see this > at Clapham Junction. > > Finally, are you American? The correct UK > terminology for a "box car" is a "goods van", for > your future reference. > > It is clear that everything you have written on > this thread is a falsehood. But if it has given > you pleasure to mock the harmless leisure > activities of others, then why should anyone > object? My Dear Mr Russel, or may I call you Jack ? Jack, you seem to be barking up the wrong tree here, class 03 diesel shunts are still in use on a regular basis in the UK, they are I admit few and far between but being Diesel/Electric they can pull a far greater weight then standard electric trains... In terms of mixed freight being pulled, clearly you don't use the railways as much as you should, I bet you are one of those namby pamby greens that harks on about saving the planet at meetings a mile from your house then drive home again afterwards with your head out of the window catching the breeze. Mixed freight traverses the lines on a daily basis, and you can see it at least twice a day going through Peckham Rye Station. I like the question about am I American, well buddy I guess we all are as we watch so much imported crap from the US (excluding the Mentalist which I enjoyed this week on the plane to where ever I am at the moment) also aren't we the smaller brother of America (acording to most Americans) - but to answer your question No As for me making false posts, my response to your incorrect assumptions about trains obviously shows you are trying to provoke me by also posting falsely. So Jack, I think it is clear that you are chasing your own tail on this thread and maybe I need to take you out for the day to see some trains before you go ferreting for the afternoon. Yours Xena
  19. Nah - that's me mate Achilles the Chiropodist
  20. My Mummy told me the Stork brought me ::o
  21. Good Morning Campers Well what a day it turned out to be Got up at 6am (over excited and HAD to get out of bed) to enjoy a brisk cold shower and rub down with sea salt encrusted towel (good for the circulation as my Daddy used to say) Made some Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches, a thermos of hot hot tea (which wasn't later on) and a packet of Pickled onion Monster munch. Set off at 8 with my lunch and a notebook of train numbers on the 37 to Hicksville (Cl'am as they like to call it) using my faithful oyster card what a bargain a whole pound to go and see trains (it was too complicated to go via train to Clapham Junction but wait till the East London Line gets here) Arrived at Clapham Junction at 9am, excitement barely contained (much to the disgust of a couple of passing ladies) and proceeded to go to the platform. First problem encountered I didn't have a ticket and they refused to sell me a platform ticket.. No problem I thought so I bought a return to East Croydon (random destination for the day) and went down onto the station. It was bloody wet and cold yesterday so I was glad of the Parka Jacket and it's fake fur trimmings, made it all nice and cosy. Come 10am I had spotted 40 trains passing through the station and some of them went so fast I couldn't get their numbers.. very scary as I have a lot of numbers written down and some are half completed Then came the exceptional Diesel Shunt class 3 locomotive pulling 40 wagons of various goods (Cement, metal and some closed box cars). She was moving so slowly that I had time to get the Locomotive number, and all the wagons too. Too exciting so sat down and had an early lunch and drank my now cold tea (I forgot to tighten the stopper) 10:30am came and I was, well lets say bored and lonely, I think this is the true sensation experienced by most train spotters, so decided to go for a walk and a wee (too much tea) but sadly platform 11 doesn't have a toilet on it so had to leave the station and go to the local shops, by this time the tea was starting to make my cords go a darker brown and a sense of urgency was starting to come over me.... I have to say there are no public houses open at that time of the morning and I ended up int he former Arding and Hobbs Building (now Debenhams) where I experienced a sense of relief and an overwhelming urge to visit the menswear section for a pair of flared jeans, a tank top and a multi mohair jacket and some plimsolls... sadly they don't seem to stock such cutting edge fashion items. I then decided to return to the station and had to purchase yet another ticket (sadly the one from earlier had been taken on my exit from the station and next time I will get a travel card) but what happened next is beyond my belief A couple of gentlemen from the British Transport Police approached me as I was attempting to get through the ticket barrier and asked me what I was doing, Innocently I replied 'Train Spotting' and they promptly asked me to accompany them to a private room under the prevention of terrorism act. I have no idea, maybe it was the bundle of 12 sticks of Brighton Rock that I had tied together in my back pack, maybe it was the big old fashioned Alarm Clock to wake me later if I fell asleep that was placed in my bag next to the rock or maybe it was the Licorice shoelaces that were haphazardly draped over both items... who knows but never the less a good grilling ensued and I don't quite think I answered all of their questions as well as I should have. To cut a long story short, I am being allowed to write this email whilst I await an unmarked transport plane out from Biggen Hill, all very exciting but I have to say I don't think Orange really suits me. More later (if they let me)
  22. I hope to see a Diesel Shunt tomorrow as they normally have a long following of carriages, each branded with different goods I also heard that the Orient Express sometimes goes through Clapham Junction, or was it a restaurant called "The Orient Express Noodle Bar" Near Clapham Junction What is the best way to get there ? is the East London Line working yet ? ohh the possibility of taking the number of the train I am traveling on to spot trains and to get their numbers is just too exciting for words... I hope that I have just dropped Egg Mayonnaise down my trousers and not something else. I too have an Air Rifle, but can't see the relevance to spotting trains ? Maybe I need to take my Bulldog with me
  23. I once 'borrowed' a shopping trolley after a night out with friends, one of which had a leg in plaster We were proceeding down the road with said friend in trolley when a blue flashing light caught our attention as a police car pulled up besides us. Of course the usual daft question came out from the police officer "And what exactly have you got there at this time of night lads ?" To Which I replied "An oven ready turkey officer" Stupid stupid stupid mistake to make... Needless to say details were taken, stern ticking off received and we were made to take the trolley back. Funny thing is as soon as the police drove off, the trolley ended up in someones front garden and we all pegged it as best we could (well except for one of us that is but we did flag down a taxi for him)
  24. Tony.London Suburbs Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Excellent idea Xena. > > As luck would have it I'm, also, free tomorrow and > was thinking of doing some Trainspotting on The > Bluebell Railway Line in parts of Sussex. > > Do you want to come and compare notes? > > I've got some tasty Egg and Cress Sandwiches > already prepared and I can do more, if required. For Real ... wow What a pity I don't like Egg and Cress sandwiches, they give me spots and chronic wind Pity - maybe another day as I have my heart set on Clapham Junction (I never thought it would happen)
  25. I, unusually, have tomorrow off and I thought I would partake in a bit of Train Spotting. I have done some basic research and gotten a good solid thermos, a sandwich box for my cheese and pickle sandwiches and a heavy duty hooded jacket (with fur lining around the hood and cuffs) I have been told that Clapham Junction Station is a good place to go but I need some advice Where is the best place to stand to get the maximum exposure to passing trains, which platform and also are there any 'specials' due through tomorrow ? Finally do I need a platform ticket or can I just wonder down without a ticket and possibly a note from my Mum ? Any help or comments greatly appreciated
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