A Man went out for a ride on his new bicycle, and 40 miles from home his chain snaps (poor workmanship), he is sitting at the side of the road when his friend comes past in a Porsche 911, his friend stops and asks whats wrong "My Chains snapped" said the man "and its too far to push home" "Well" says his friend "these cars don't have the space to store a bike, but I tell you what, I will tie a tow rope to your handlebars and tow you home, if I go too fast for you ring your bell to let me know and I will slow down again" the man agrees to this idea and 5 minutes later they set off at a steady 20 miles per hour. A few miles down the road, a Ferrari flashes past the pair of them and the Porsche driver sees red, puts his foot down and starts chasing the Ferrari. 30mph, 40, 50, 60... all the way up to 120, and behind him his mate starts ringing his bell frantically to get him to slow down, but the driver of the Porsche can't hear a thing above the roar of his engine. a mile down the road they pass a police office sitting in his car who immediately radios the situation into the station "Sarge, Sarge" he says "You won't believe what idiocy I am seeing at the moment, a Ferrari just shot past me at 120 miles per hour....hang on there is a Porsche chasing him at the same speed.... and ... oh my God Sarge you won't believe this now but there is some bloke right behind them both also doing 120mph .... on a push bike .....yes sarge I said a push bike ....and I think he is ringing his bell to let them know he wants to overtake....."