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Everything posted by megalaki84

  1. Because 3 people, coming from different areas of London, ate at the same place and then split up. All got sick. Can only be from Love
  2. Three of us got food poisoning from this place, won't be going again
  3. Raising revenue whilst preventing a social vice happens all the time. The government makes a lot of money from tobacco and alcohol. Having a car in ED when you don't absolutely need one is a social vice and should be treated in the same way
  4. I understand that he's moving back to Italy so it's perhaps a lifestyle move as much as a business one
  5. No but, on reflection what's the point? It's happening anyway. As an afront to right wing, car loving, climate deniers however it's wonderful
  6. Totally fair point Rocket. There is clearly healing to be done and I hope Labour govern for all, not the few. Unfortunately, I think environmental issues will raise many more tensions going forward and we will all have to balance the ideals of an orderly democratic process (and I agree ULEZ and CPZ have not exactly been that) with the climate crisis. And I say climate rather than air quality because neither scheme is in my eyes really about air quality - they're forming the basis for future policy on all vehicles.
  7. Whilst I'm sure that true, Labour also know that softening on environmental issues is the surest way to split the Left vote.
  8. I'm not sure what you're seeing that I'm not but that is about as solid a judgement by the judge as you're ever likely to see
  9. Exactly why I support it. ULEZ provides a base that can easily be expanded to include all polluting vehicles in future
  10. I think Labour will be absolutely fine. The last time London voted Conservative in GE was 1992. The last time Southwark had a Tory MP was for 4 months in 1880 and 1815 before that.
  11. So basically, "it's not perfect but it's fine". Not a basis for a challenge
  12. Hope he catching every person who does parks there. 'll go get him an Oddono's for his hard work
  13. Victory for ULEZ and a great day to be a Londoner. Clearly shows the Mayor's determination on vehicle control policies and hopefully an indication on the will to push through CPZs
  14. Victory for ULEZ and a wonderful day for London that clearly shows the Mayor's determination on vehicle control. Hopefully this carries through to CPZs
  15. Absolutely, I do. And any cost is 100% worth it because some things are more important than a few extra quid in your wallet.
  16. Hi all, If you go by this forum alone, you'd think that there is no support for the CPZ. I wanted to provide a way for people to express their endorsement of this policy to provide a more complete picture. A minority of people in Southwark own a car but those that do have a greatly outsized impact on pollution, road accidents and climate change in one of the best connected cities in the world. It is only fair that those that cause a greater role in those issues should bear a greater cost. If you feel that the CPZ is a positive move by the council to improve our lives, here is one avenue to express that: https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=50000040&RPID=9100964&HPID=9100964&$LO$=1
  17. I have just submitted a petition in SUPPORT of the CPZ. Will provide the link when approved by the council. Only fair that the council sees that there are two sides to this story. If the.car lobby gets a hearing, would be wonderful for the other side to get one too
  18. No, all tax payers pay for roads, not just car owners. Road tax is paid to the Treasury, it isn't allocated to road maintenance and everyone pays. I deeply object to paying for a minority of the population to endanger my children, pollute their lungs and trash their climate.
  19. If you're claiming that climate change isn't the largest threat we've ever faced, far greater than any genocide, 30% of which car owners contribute to, please do show me because every national, supranational agency and 99% of climate scientists disagrees. Conservative estimates are 3.4 million deaths annually, more than the Holocaust every 2 years Frankly, anybody who doesn't hand on heart need a car but still has one should be deeply ashamed of themselves. We're in one of the best connected cities in the world and you choose to inflict this on your children for the sake of "comfort" and "convenience". Shame on you
  20. Great, looking forward to more of them
  21. Sorry, this isn't a money grab and I find the suggestion offensive. This is an issue of a council trying to do what it can to reduce its impact in the largest crisis humanity has ever faced. What are your children going to think of you if you had a had a car but didn't need one? You just thought it was nice, a bit more comfortable, thought you looked cool? What will they think of you when they find these comments? If you need a car, you need a car. But the vast majority of car owners simply don't in Southwark. As a minority of the Southwark population (less than 30%), car owners exert a greatly outsized toll through vehicle accidents, air quality and climate change. If they choose to exercise that cost on the rest of society, society should make them pay for the right to do so.
  22. Sure but that excludes 95% of cars on our streets. CPZ is controlled parking, not no parking. There needs to be a disincentive for the vast majority of people, who don't actually need a car but just have one because they like it. The people who actually need one should be able to put their reasoning in and get a permit. We disincentive smoking by hiking the price up, we should do the same with cars.
  23. 95% of people can go completely car free in Southwark. I simply do not buy the excuse that more than a handful of people in Southwark need one. There are regular bikes, cargo bikes, delivery, car clubs, Uber, TFL. Owning a vehicle that gets used 4 times a year is not ethically neutral in my eyes and a kick in the teeth to our children's future
  24. Driving needs to be disincentived. I'm extremely pleased about Southwark wide CPZ. Far too many people have a car when they don't need one and "convenience" alone is not a morally neutral choice. If you really need a car on the odd occasion, there's car clubs or rental. Owning a private vehicle that gets used 4 times a year is just selfish, irresponsible and a kick in the teeth to our children.
  25. Well, I'll poke the bear but I'm all for a council wide CPZ. Far too many people in Southwark have a car that don't need one making everyone's life more unpleasant. Best thing the council have done.
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