She is :) I saw her in my street, ran out, grabbed her (gently of course, she knows me and comes running when I call her) and brought her back to her house.
I saw her yesterday morning in front of my house, on Silvester Road. It was around 8:30am. Good to know as she sometimes comes to my house and eats my cat's food!! I'll make sure that she does not in the future. (What type of food does she eat? I give my cat digestive from Royal Canin.)
281 Crystal Palace Road is the little shop that receives packages. I had to go there to get my last parce; I was given the address though it said that a neighbor had it. Perhaps it is there?
Saw a silver tabby on Overhill road today, around number 20. Not sure if it is him though but might be worth checking. There seems to be some abandonned cats there - there was a black and white cat with terrible skin disease (any associations I can call regarding that cat? it definitely needs some sort of treatment!).