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Everything posted by diwhy
The bike shop on the corner of Blackwater Street was Melbourne Cycles (William Rose site) I seem to remember another bike shop somewhere near Streamline Motorcycles.
Hi all - Just filling in a couple of gaps Gillian was the daughter of Jean and Charlie Barnard Ernie Weston lived in the basement below the twins - He used to work for Molins in Deptford The Pat Green that married David jr. is my cousin computedshorty - The Yorkshire Fisheries shop in your pic, is that the fish and chip shop or a wet fish shop?
Did you move into East Dulwich after 1945?
diwhy replied to BARA's topic in General ED Issues / Gossip
Jaytyger - The Odeon got turned into the "Palace of Peace" jumping on the George Harrison maharishi bandwagon. The coach staion on Hindmans was Viola Coaches (I think) - Banfields was in Nunhead Lane. The boatyard was Alf Bullens, he and his son used to race a couple of the boats, I seem to remember a Chelsea footballer buying a boat from him in the 70s. One of the huge boats usually parked outside was named Cigarillo. I think the toy shop next to Iceland (formerly Pullins) was Marriots -
Cat killed by dog on Oakhurst Grove - 22 November (Lounged)
diwhy replied to Meredith's topic in The Lounge
To get back on topic................................ A dog, not under proper control, killed a cat - could have been a toddler playing in the front garden. No amount of spelling corrections or back biting help this situation. -
Is this "The Elms" ? Previously owned by Dominic of Tilts fame, went on the market about 2 years ago for 1.7 mill when there was more dosh around.
Avoid Klassy unless you like stale fish. Shop opposite the Uplands is usually good and will cook fresh - leaving just enough time for a pint :)-D
OK, you can blame EDOldie for waking me up :) The first time I went in the "Foresters" they still had a wood panelled back bar ;-) Me and my brothers went there on Boxing night and basically got wrecked, apparently we were also singing - Oh dear. When we left, I remember falling over and having trouble getting up again, my brother-in-law thought it would be fun to dive through a hedge - we had to pull him out by his ankles - silly bugger nearly made it all the way through.................. The thing that really sticks in my mind, that still gives me a warm glow, an old couple came over to us and said "Thanks, you really made our Christmas" However, the way we were behaving, we were the sort of people that annoy the hell out of me now :-$ I returned there as my local quite a few years later to a mixed bag of staff and clientelle. The End, time for another nap
Would people be making such a fuss if it was a "large rude woman" that was getting impatient waiting to someone playing with the contents of their suitcase to just deposit the cheques and move on? Villager says it all
Morning Macroban, My family used to listen to the race on the radio and generally support Cambridge as the underdogs (If I remember rightly, Oxford always won) When we eventually got a TV we supported the "light greys" ;-) I don't recall anyone being interested enough to actually go to the river though. Don't know about other families though................
Josie, we never used to have trees - they would have been chopped up for firewood :)) I agree about the wheelies - In our day, the dustmen were real men and could hump the metal bins up out of the airies, with no more thanks than 6d for the "dustman's Christmas box" - And you used to get your own bin back !! And the houses look even smaller in real life. Just in case somebody (new readers) thinks I am taking the P out of Rodwell Rd - I'm not, I'm just basing my memories of being 10 years old when all the houses looked like mansions ;-) And Wardy, you have been imortalised, EW still takes pride of place on the corner wall, bit weathered now though :)) Does anyone remember the Coronation Street Party ? I've still got the "Certificate". All the dads hung out of the windows stringing flags across the road from the upstairs windows. I have a memory of sitting on dads shoulders and seeing the queen on horseback near somewhere that looked like the Dulwich Village entrance to Dulwich Park - It's unlikely the queen rode a horse to the village to wave at the peasants, so I'm guessing my memories are buggered - I was only about 4 years old :'(
Why would you take babies to a sports club ? OK, read your other post - Swimming :-$
If any ex Rodwell roaders (Yes it is a word) are interested - Google Street Maps has pictures :) Start of with Google Maps and zoom in etc. Google Maps Hope that worked
Hi Wardy, Hopscotch - I think I remember............. 10 squares in 2 columns with OXO at the top (Why on earth was that ?)- sometimes it was 1 square, 2 squares etc. Take turns throwing a stone into each square in turn, then hopping to it. When you've hit all 10 squares, you try to get in OXO/home, you then can stake a claim on each square you throw a stone onto, and everybody else has to hop over it. It's all a bit vague from there, but it sounds like a forerunnr to Monopoly - Waddingtons must owe us Millions :)-D::o We used to play outside Dolly Wheelers shop because the pavement was "just right" Mick
Mr. Ibotson had two slippers - a childs size for minor offences and an adult size for the serious offences. When your 8 years old, that big slipper looked like it belonged to a clown - I really "tried" to behave :'(
Josie, I remember Olive Harrison and her nearly deaf husband, not his name though. Olive once told mum that the doctor was sending her to the hospital to have her "brain scraped" - she was a "troubled" lady. I remember playing knock down ginger on the family that live upstairs to Hilda, I think after she died and the shop was sold, it was me and someone else (I suspect Eric) and we tied a bit of cotton to the knocker and hid behind the wall in Cyrena. Still amazed how we never got caught. I lost touch (and forgot) almost everyone in the street, including relatives but I did once bump into my uncle Pat (Lyn and Pat's dad) one day when I was doing some work in a carpet warehouse in Peckham. Also I had a chat with Barry Anderson in the Uplands pub a few years ago - he was about 20 years old - I think you'd have struggled to wheel him around then. Jennifer Scott now lives around Bromley with her husband, they have two sons, both got their own businesses. Still see them fairly frequently. Mike
Josie I think I remember you, If your dad was a bus conductor, he gave me his old wooden "ticket rack" when they changed over to the wind up ticket things. Struggling to remember the rest of your family - and failing :'( Mike Welham
Wardy - While having a couple of beers last night, suddenly remembered a couple of things............ The Irish family at about No.32 were not the Hughes (whoever they are) they were the Driscolls, I think the one in my class was at Heber was Philip, and the Herberts you were talking about were the family in the first house - Brian Herbert. This has been an enjoyable week for me raking up all these memories, I wonder how long it will take for them to drift away again. 50 years ago, us kids' idea of technology was two bean tins and a bit of string stretched across the road and anybody who actually had a phone in their house must have been really posh. Now children the same age we were have got mobile phones and computers - and men have actually landed on the moon (according to the yanks ;-) ) I always take my laptop on holiday and send emails and photographs from around the world - and I take it all for granted, although a little voice says I might think about it a bit more now - probably not. Bloody hell, that was getting a bit deep, I think I need some caffeine
Wardy - I remember the name Brian in the last house, that's also where the strange bloke lived that wrapped his rubbish up and dumped it. And I remember Mrs Kemp, but that's about it I'm afraid. Although I do remember catching pigeons with the cotton, I seem to remember you sticking the healthy ones in your loft. I didn't notice a pink and white house when I walked round today - I think I would have - Time for another trip. Lynne Green moved away and got married I think. Marvelous isn't it, I can remember and old bloke wrapping his rubbish up but can't remember what happened to my own cousin :-$ All the best Mick
wardy - yes shephard not dodds, linda was like tony's main minder who would chase the rotten little sods away. Herbert sounds familiar but I'm thinking charlie herbert ? I think the Hughes were the hop pickers, they were a big family. Don't remember the Gas Pots but I do remember humpty back, don't remember him dying though. Where was Mickey Staines from ? Someone else has asked me about him. After mum died, dad married again and we moved to pellatt. Eventually I moved out and got a place in Oakhurst Grove. Never got married, too tight I suppose - More cash to spend on holidays, beer and toys for me :)) I've just walked up to Rodwell (driven up there loads of times) - It all looks so small - I can't have grown that much surely. Anyway, I went up there to refresh my memory - didn't work, no extra memories. There is only one house in the Robinsons back garden not two and in case you're curious - EW is still there - You could have done it neater knowing it would be there for 50 years :)) All the shops and the Heber Arms are now flats, the corner Post Office is gone. OK that's enough bad news...............
Eric - I know that interest in a subject, on a forum is not really a guide to interest from the general public, but I really think you should try to get your book(s) published. If nothing else, just to say you did it. Mick
Wardy - Bang on :) I'd forgotten about the motorbike and flying lessons - I actually hit a w.h.smith lorry, the bike got wedged in the side of it, when I picked myself the handlebars were bent back into the tank, engine on full throttle, petrol pouring everywhere and I cut off the engine. Not sure if I ever said thanks for telling mum and dad, but thanks - shortly after you told them, the story got back to them about the crash and the rider being dead with the fire brigade hosing the blood down the drain :)) Funny I can still remember the lorry drivers name but never knew the twins names, I only ever knew them as the twinnys. Their uncle ernie was a bit of a radio buff, used to also make crystal sets and have wire strung all over the place as an aerial I think one of the components af my car exhaust was a baked bean can - honest - I shall say no more....... Charlie and Jean sounds about right for Gillian Barnards parents. John Anderson started out with a small holding and kept pigs - his mum told me he named them all so he knew who he was taking to the slaughterhouse. You've gone a bit wonky with your reply to GSJ57, at no.14, my memories of the Farthings would only have started in the 50s - also 41 was the posh end - surprised she speaks to you ;-) Heading from you to the corner of Crystal Palace, the first one I can remember is Polish Stan, then it was the Scotts, daughter Jennifer who used to "babysit" me. For the benefit of our younger viewers, in the good old days any girl was considered suitable to babysit if they were a year older than said "baby" and didn't have a dirty neck. It wasn't called babysitting, it was called "watch xxxx and make sure he doesn't get into trouble" I still see Jenny, husband Ron and their son Lee quite regularly, they all now live around bromley after starting off married life in Pellatt. The last garden on your side I think with glass on the wall, house in crystal palace road was a bloke called morris I think, he used to do motorbike scrambling and would occasionally thrash up the road on his back wheel. For a short time he also drove around in a Cadillac. I think in some strange way we were related, sort of cousins wifes, husbands inlaws - very confusing. In the opposite direction from you towards Cyrena, skipping the Robinsons playing field - sorry, wall - there was Johnny Cutler, used to ride motorbike and sidecar, I think his wife was Mary. Then there was the Dodds, the only one I can remember was the son, who luckily didn't understand the abuse and ridicule that was aimed at him - feeling guilty now. Changing subject, did you have an older brother that was a teddyboy and used to wear the drape coat and stuff ? All for now, all this remembering is making me thirsty
True - jumping to conclusions I'm afraid, my apologies to >Location X
>money taken from my acct was from Grove Vale Petrol Station< I seem to remember this establishment getting mentioned a year or two ago regarding cloning after petrol purchases. Could it be happening again ?
wardy - I vaguely remember charlie and sis, but mary really sticks in my mind, she once told me she got into trouble with the police because she used to break the old fire alarm posts (that used to look like parking meters - never actually seen one myself) and she showed me a photo of her leaning on one. She said she actually broke them - not just set them off - big woman. Nex on my side of the road - Lynne Green is my cousin and her older sister pat, my unle pat used to manage the the carpet shop in peckham next to the pie and mash shop - it was the only shop to get burnt down during the "riots" ;-). Next to them was an old lady whose name escapes me but her son was an "artist" and lived in the aerie - painted the front of the house purple and gold - nice Once when playing cricket I put a ball through her window - everyone scarperred, but I did the "right thing" and went to own up. Dad was well pleased - he had to get the window fixed - apparently I should have scarperred Somewhere in the row of houses I remember an Irish family, youngest son patrick (hughes I think)was in my class at heber and his brother donald who was cat stevens road manager, he used to drive around in a mk 10 jag. Was there a gillian barnard ? Vanessa Watts certainly remember her and her dad Cyril who I beleive was a Judo instructor. At no.20 there was another bunch of robinsons, david with identical twin daughters and a son david, who married pat green Me at 16, my dad painted all the brickwork on the front of the house - seemed a good idea at the time. At 14 was Lily and Bert Farthing and their 2 sons, roy and derek - derek had a club foot and bert used to drive tipper lorries for cox's plant hire. 12 was Vi and Jack anderson and 2 sons john and barry, john was our age and had a blond spot on top of his head like a bleach bottle had dripped on him. At no 10 was my nan flo green A couple of houses along was the first black man I had ever seen, he used to live in the aerie and I used to chat with him for ages, don't think I ever got his name, but being about 6 years old I don't think it would have taken me long to forget it anyway. There was a strange old man who used to live in the aerie of the last house that used to wrap up his rubbish and rather than use a dustbin, he'd dump it somewhere - usually behind the wall in cyrena. I'll have a think about the people I can remember from your side of the road
wardy - I forgot dolly, was it mother and daughter ? Great place to get 1 "shrimp" for a farthing - Aah the good old days ;-) Suname - Welham
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